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Other Animals : Neki the Rover
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameballetcatterrie  (Original Message)Sent: 6/10/2008 12:59 AM
Grrrrrrrrrr .... he did it again!  Not as long this time.  Saturday, could not find Maneki Neko.  No sign of him Sunday.  I was getting very sad .... by Monday, no sign.  BTW, i must add that the days have been getting up to 100+ degrees.  BUT, as i was approaching the stairs to go down and get the last of my good, come-when-they're-called cats in the house, there was Maneki Neko at the top of the stairs.  Looking hot (although not to the point of panting which, in cats, is a danger sign) and tired and a little dusty ....
I am getting tired of the roving trips of his!!!!   Do you think Prof. Tim might be willing to give me an old radio collar?

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekathyh3Sent: 6/10/2008 2:56 PM
maybe he was out looking for more critters to bring home for you to take care of?! I'm glad he's okay!