the eagles are spirit messengers - in your dream seieing them over and over and at every turn is just so you remember and try to find out the meaning of the dream. In the animal speak world of the native americans eagle bring many many messages, the main one being that of spiritual illumination, healing and creation - and so as well as being a confirmation that spiritually you are in the right direction, and on a path that is bringing you deep inner healing at the moment, also maybe it is a confirmition of the spiritual link you have with all your children, but specifically with Lily as you are working with her on all levels at the moment - the quietening her through your telepahtic link with her etc...keep it up, do it with your other children too...it will help them on all levels with what is goin go naround you all at the moment.
The illness dreams could just be a sign/reminder for you to take care of yourself and not get drawn into what is goin on with hubby babes....stay in your own space, look after your own well being, and let the other stuff go. Also confirmation that you know hwat is right for you, regardless of who says what around you - you are healthy, and can remain so, even if folks around you dont do things to help keep themselves healthy and well.
They symbolism of the eagles undelines this too because they also bring messsges to keep a healthy diet, eagles very rarely go hungry and don't have to forage or scavenge for food; so the message is a reminder to eat plentiful healthy food, and stay away from convenience foods that fill you up but aren't good for your system. Get plenty of fresh air keep your face to the heavens and look for messages and confimrations.
Neat dream, if a little odd LOL
Love Erika xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx