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General : ***The Castle Personality Test******
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePolly163  (Original Message)Sent: 07/11/2008 22:33
The Castle Personality Test

You have no problem diving into new experiences. You're so brave that you don't even notice how courageous you are.

You like to think that people see you as intellectual and wise. You consider yourself to be very smart.

You are a very romantic person. You can't help but see the world as it should be.

Right now, stress occasionally makes you feel trapped in your life. You usually have a clear perspective on things though!

Overall, your life is very peaceful - if not a little solitary. Much of what goes on goes on in your head.

You feel like the fate of the future partially rests in your hands. You believe you need to help make the world a better place.

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemandyvj10Sent: 07/11/2008 22:43
The Castle Personality Test
You are a bit tentative when it comes to new experiences. You have to push yourself to try new things, but once you do, you love the adventure.

You don't spend a lot of time thinking about how people see you. You're kind of scared to know what they think.

You are a very romantic person. You can't help but see the world as it should be.

Right now, stress occasionally makes you feel trapped in your life. You usually have a clear perspective on things though!

Overall, your life is well managed and fulfilling. You enjoy every day, even if nothing out of the ordinary happens.

You feel like the fate of the future partially rests in your hands. You believe you need to help make the world a better place.

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNova_JeanSent: 07/11/2008 23:09
The Castle Personality Test
You are a bit tentative when it comes to new experiences. You have to push yourself to try new things, but once you do, you love the adventure.

You like to think that people see you as dramatic and fascinating. You do your best to seem mysterious.

You are a very realistic person. You see the world as it is, flaws and all.

Right now, you feel very trapped in your life. You often feel like there is no way out of your rut.

Overall, your life is well managed and fulfilling. You enjoy every day, even if nothing out of the ordinary happens.

You aren't optimistic about the future. You worry about what will happen to the world and if we'll be able to clean up the messes we've made.

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTameNana55Sent: 08/11/2008 16:38
The Castle Personality Test
You are a bit tentative when it comes to new experiences. You have to push yourself to try new things, but once you do, you love the adventure.

You like to think that people see you as dramatic and fascinating. You do your best to seem mysterious.

You are a very realistic person. You see the world as it is, flaws and all.

Right now, stress occasionally makes you feel trapped in your life. You usually have a clear perspective on things though!

Overall, your life is well managed and fulfilling. You enjoy every day, even if nothing out of the ordinary happens.

You aren't optimistic about the future. You worry about what will happen to the world and if we'll be able to clean up the messes we've made.

 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: angel_eyesSent: 08/11/2008 17:28
The Castle Personality Test
You have no problem diving into new experiences. You're so brave that you don't even notice how courageous you are.

You like to think that people are impressed by you. You know that you have a lot to offer.

You are a very realistic person. You see the world as it is, flaws and all.

Right now, you feel very trapped in your life. You often feel like there is no way out of your rut.

Overall, your life is very peaceful - if not a little solitary. Much of what goes on goes on in your head.

You feel like the fate of the future partially rests in your hands. You believe you need to help make the world a better place.

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
Sent: 09/11/2008 13:03
This message has been deleted by the author.

 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameminnieminnesotaSent: 09/11/2008 13:10
The Castle Personality Test
You are a bit tentative when it comes to new experiences. You have to push yourself to try new things, but once you do, you love the adventure.

You like to think that people see you as dramatic and fascinating. You do your best to seem mysterious.

You are a very realistic person. You see the world as it is, flaws and all.

Right now, you feel like the whole world is open to you. You see lots of possibilities.

Overall, your life is very peaceful - if not a little solitary. Much of what goes on goes on in your head.

You are extremely optimistic about the future. You feel like things are always getting better.

 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSilverlightsSent: 09/11/2008 21:35
The Castle Personality Test
You have no problem diving into new experiences. You're so brave that you don't even notice how courageous you are.

You like to think that people see you as intellectual and wise. You consider yourself to be very smart.

You are a very realistic person. You see the world as it is, flaws and all.

Right now, you feel like the whole world is open to you. You see lots of possibilities.

Overall, your life is dramatic and unpredictable. You life in interesting times.

You feel like the fate of the future partially rests in your hands. You believe you need to help make the world a better place.

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