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November 18, 2008 Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition Tammy Bruce linked to an article on Gerald Celente's predictions about America's very near future. Celente who apparently has accurately predicted historic events in the past, including the market crash of 1987 and the fall of the Soviet Union, expects America to cease to be a developed nation. We will have food riots, tax rebellions, a depression worse than the one in the '30s and REVOLUTION in America. All this by 2012! A few months ago I would have dismissed this as paranoia and panic over the stock crash and credit crunch. But now I think Celente might be on to something. For one thing a few friends and I have been talking about what it would take to forcefully dismantle the government a week before I read this piece about Celente's forecasts. Also, I know one guy who has been stocking up on ammunition over the last year in case we run into trouble. This guy isn't a kook. He's an educated, responsible and stable citizen who is involved in the community. I've informally polled most of the people I've run across over the last few days on how they would feel about a non-violent take over of the government in the near future. All of them from the educated professionals to the behind the counter clerks express real worry over the current state we're in with the bail-outs, the war, the debt and the mortgage crisis. Interestingly, most were willing to explore the idea with me, not just crack a joke about it and move on. Most comments about the idea of revolution range from "let's give Obama a chance . . . ." to "it wouldn't break my heart . . . ." Some doubted it could be pulled off completely without violence but still were willing to contemplate the idea! I asked if them would be willing to participate in a government takeover and most said possibly, IF things get really bad. It's too early to tell if our situation deteriorates into a depression but it's not too early to start planning and organizing a government take-over if we get to that stage. The goal should be to non-violently take over all three branches of the government from the federal to the local level. We'll dismantle and then re-build with a government more in tune with the Constitution. And a smaller government. Much, much smaller. This is our chance to change things somewhat to answer to a few of the problems we have experienced in the last 200 years such as lack of long term planning associated with short term elected officials. Just a few ideas for to chew on: Continue reading "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" Even if a fraction of this comes true the entire West is in the perverbial sh*t!! America is in dire trouble and we who live in the Western sphere will probably follow suit if Obama and his team cannot salvage America's economy. |
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#1 All this by 2012! The long count calendar There was also a Long Count Calendar which started at [] (with Maya record) on August 11, 3114 BC according to the "Goodman, Martinez-Hernandez, and Thompson" correlation (nicknamed "GMT"), the most widely accepted correlation between the Maya and Gregorian calendar. This cycle is 1,872,000 days in length, terminates on the Winter Solstice of (December 21) AD 2012 and is designated [] or [], since the Maya believed that time is somehow periodical........................... According to the Popol Vuh, a sacred book of the Maya, they were living in the fourth world. The Popal Vuh describes the first three worlds that the gods failed in making and the creation of the successful fourth world were men were placed. They Maya believed that the fourth world would end in catastrophe and the fifth and final world would be created that would signal the end of mankind. So it is all true then! Thank goodness the Olympics 2012 will be completed without interruption. That is a relief! |
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Cat, We will have food riots, tax rebellions, a depression worse than the one in the '30s and REVOLUTION in America. All this by 2012! A few months ago I would have dismissed this as paranoia and panic over the stock crash and credit crunch. But now I think Celente might be on to something. For one thing a few friends and I have been talking about what it would take to forcefully dismantle the government a week before I read this piece about Celente's forecasts. Also, I know one guy who has been stocking up on ammunition over the last year in case we run into trouble. This guy isn't a kook. He's an educated, responsible and stable citizen who is involved in the community. This is happening across the entire USA. The guy who loads my ammo, and that of many police departments, can barely keep up with his production orders. I try to keep one thousand rounds for each caliber I own plus ten thousand rounds for my 10mm and 44 mag. I also keep twenty thousand rounds of 22, however, that will become the post revolution/civil war currency. Then we have a family evacuation plan, emergency food and medical supplies, and much more. The important thing is to allocate ALL supplies into various stashes that are seperated so the loss of a few does not affect you significantly. I live in a military town, and some of the current active duty people are deciding who among them will stay with the government if and and which equipment they will bring to their parents' cause. My oldest son processed his retirement plans the instant Obama was declared the winner, although when he gets out he will take his family to head one of our new offices in a foreign nation. Curm |
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Un-frigging-believable!!  |
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NR, Un-frigging-believable!! Yes, it is! The reason is partially caused by humans' lack of forsight, and partially by the government belief that people will take whatever punishment it pleases them to dish out. This may become a Case Study used for a century. Just remember that in these times, only Paranoids survive. The only question is wheather you are Paranoid ENOUGH to survive. Curm |
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...........not to the point of turning myself into an idiot .....that's for sure! |
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Don't panic!!! (just yet anyway!) |
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Both Iran and Chile were the best economies in their respective regions; yet both fell into evil because the government failed to recognize that their citizens were offended. Currently we have a system is so canted to an unethical oligarchars that grossly negligent people have the highest positions in the government. They are just unethical enough to hold on to power, but not bright enough to resolve the problems that will eventually throw them out of power. Having said that I seriously doubt that there will be a "Revolution". Just like in New York when the Dead Rabbits took control of the city, in the US people that are frustrated with the negligent incompetence of our self appointed representatives; they will be handily removed from power. The system will remain the same, just there will be different dynasties and the new oligarchy will look slightly different. JTvalle Praetorian Guard: thug. |
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NR, not to the point of turning myself into an idiot Yesterday's idiot is tomorrow's genius! All of us who moved our Commercial Ventures, funds, assets, technology, automation, and know how to foreign nations were once considered idiots for wasting the funds and time. Now, those who said that are racing to move everything of theirs to the same foreign nations. Foresight is zero, and hind sight is 20/20! Curm |
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In an insane society, a sane man must appear insane. |
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Curm: You put the "nut" into "gun-nut". Say....did you boys read the thread on "Tin foil hat days? You fellows could ride in the parade!  |
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NR, You put the "nut" into "gun-nut". Thank you! Coming from you that declares my sanity and stability! Curm |
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Tammy Bruce is an openly gay, pro-choice, gun owning, pro-death penalty, voted-for-President Bush authentic feminist. You know I could handle everything else but the... Ummm... Well... Waist of GP as we said in the military. |
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gloom and doom lady is back. Far off there in aussie land wanting America to fail. SOOORRY- you are writing the obit while the country is quite alive and well. Take a chill pill and worry about your own frigging country for a change. BTW - your link leads to a site that has muslim matrimonial ads on it. I seriously doubt that person is a prophet. News flash a prophet has to be right 100% of the time or he is a false prophet. Havd fun with your false prophet of doom and gloom. |