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All Message Boards : Choosing a New Group Site
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 Message 1 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdog  (Original Message)Sent: 11/3/2008 12:14 PM
I have been looking around the various options for setting up this comm on another networking site ... and believe me there's a lot of places out there!!
We have been invited by MSN, to "migrate" the group pages to Multiply, , and this is my page there if you care to looksee what you can do on the site ... . However, a lot aren't keen on that site, mainly, I think, because it's different to what we're used to. But, other sites are now beginning to offer migration software, so I personally don't wish to rush moving the group until all the options are available!
Anyway, please look around the choices available at the moment, some of which I list below, with links, and let me know how you feel about them.
Aimoo, , is a site now offering migration tools,
Yuku, , seems to be popular with people I've spoken to
Ning is another that's been mooted.
I found this As it says on the box, it's Windows Live Groups, but don't expect it to look like our current group site, cos it won't!
Oh and what have we here? my, my, MS World Groups!!
I've also found Proboards, a forum-based site -, which we could link to another group site if wanted.
Anyway, please feel free to look around and let me know what you like/don't like and maybe we can select one that everyone will be happy with (and that'd be a first in world history eh ? ) There's no panic, we don't have to move until February, so please give some thought to where we'd like our new home to be.
Sheepie (aka phoebe - felt like a name-change heh)

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 Message 13 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWhyCantIBeJimbobSent: 12/2/2008 6:07 PM
Hi Sheepie.  It looks better than the Indian Restaurant, but I'm a bit concerned as it seems that they've flooded the Broads! Navigation seems ok, particularly around Wroxham. Best so far in my 'umble, ever so 'umble opinion. (Free literary allusion) 

 Message 14 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdogSent: 12/3/2008 4:52 PM
LOL Jim ta .... have also set up a test group on Aimoo, so you can choose, sort of! The Aimoo one is called "General" and can be found here give it a go :)

 Message 15 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdogSent: 12/3/2008 5:28 PM
I've also just created a group page in Windows Live Groups - at first glance it looks pretty basic, butit does allow for groups of up to 20 members the opportunity to have groups chats in Live Messenger, up to 20 chatters! (I wonder if we ever had that many back in the days of MSN Chat!!!)
Here's the link -

 Message 16 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWhyCantIBeJimbobSent: 12/3/2008 9:09 PM
Hiya. Aimoo seems to have aproblem registering me, whether it's me or them I don't know.  Windows live needs you to accept me as a visitor.  Is anyone else trying these sites?

 Message 17 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdogSent: 12/4/2008 4:19 PM
Hi Jim - I've got you as a member of the spaces group, not sure what your problem is with Aimoo ... can you explain exactly?
Yep, both badger and Krys have joined the live group and badger is also trying all sorts of others!

 Message 18 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameβonzer_€lfSent: 12/5/2008 1:21 PM
I can't access the sites from work as it makes our firewall grumpy  - I'll give it a go from home when I've replaced the wonky video card in the home PC...
Anyone want a very very cheap vid card?

 Message 19 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdogSent: 12/15/2008 4:41 PM
Wow 10 members now on the Live Group!
Looking around and having created test groups on various sites, I have to say that I'm liking Aimoo more and more ... although this group can only be migrated as an archive ... nevertheless it would be saved for posterity! We can also still migrate it to Multiply or Yuku as a live saving .... BUT I am still waiting for feedback from you lot!!!!
Time is getting shorter if we are to decide before we lost this site ... maybe you would let me know very soon after Christmas, so we can be set up and running ?
The links are on the first message in this thread .. please have a look, everyone, and give me feedback!
Jim, you can take a look round the sites without signing in, as I've made them all public viewing for the time being .... when a site is chosen it will be closed, so it will be for members only, and the others deleted .... <sob> all that work!!

 Message 20 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWhyCantIBeJimbobSent: 12/17/2008 6:34 PM
Well Sheepie, I've had alook round most of the sites, I think.  I'm about as confused as ever.  I'll be glad to get back to work tomorrow for a rest.  The Crysanths look better than the Indian restaurant wallpaper.  The other lot seem to have alleviated the floods in the Broads. The Ning one seems ok and is probably worth it just for the name. "I'm going to post on Ning" very Milliganesque. Not much help am I? It would be so much easier if we had the choice of 1!!!

 Message 21 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameβonzer_€lfSent: 12/17/2008 9:19 PM
Apologies for the home PC (just a pile of bits) and I can't access groups from work 'cos of our web filter...but I'm here now
Now then, these groups....I've had a look at all the one's Sheepie's found (Many thanks to Sheepie - you've been very busy ). Here's my thoughts from first impressions....
Windows Live - Looks OK, but maybe a bit limited (Kinda sums up Microsoft doesn't it?)
Yuku - Oh dear, I didn't like it...maybe just me but I wasn't keen - found it tricky to get around the site.
Ning - I liked it!...My second favourite at the moment.
Aimoo - The best of the bunch in my opinion.
I've only browsed through these sites, so I don't know in-depth of course, but I think it's either Aimoo or Ning at the moment.....
Very many thanks to the testers so far! Especially that hard working sheep dog

 Message 22 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdogSent: 12/19/2008 6:07 PM
Thank you very much for your time €lf, especially when it's in such short supply! And a hearty laff at Jim! However, I do feel that Ning is more for business usage and we may well get fed up with it ere long.
I have to say that comparison of my thoughts with those of the little pointy-eared fellow closely tally, in that Yuku is difficult to navigate. Also Ning doesn't have a migration option, nor does it have smileys (oh dear me!!)
Windows Live Groups: membership 10 already !!! But you will have noticed that it is limited in what we can do, and MSN have stated categorically that they will not be offering migration!
Multiply: I'm not keen on Multiply for Group use either, in that, although it offers migration, I have found that it looks messy, to say the least (though it has a little time left to improve)! Plus, it's not what you'd call good-looking!
Aimoo: And I am getting used to Aimoo in that I belong to another group that's already migrated over there ... the migrated MSN Group stuff may be archived, or Read-Only, but it's been faithfully stored and very readable, and I like the way Aimoo works, more than I like the others. 
Now, not many people have responded so far, and I would really like you all to have the option of a say-so! I know Christmas is just round the corner, and maybe also some just want a decision made on their behalf  but time is getting short now ... other groups have already migrated, yet others are migrating on New Year's Day.
Lack of response so far has led me to decide we'll make our move on January 31st, shortly before the MSN Groups are closed for good. When that happens you will be receiving invites from the chosen site to join the group ... so please check in your junk mail folders! And at the moment, it's likely that Aimoo will be the chosen site unless there are objections!!!

 Message 23 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdogSent: 12/19/2008 6:22 PM

 Message 24 of 27 in Discussion 
From: HilliSent: 12/22/2008 1:53 PM
Sheepie,  thanks so much for researching this for all of us.  I will go wherever the rest of you go.  Just remember I am an old lady!!!  Need to be led by the hand...... lol
Just send me a link and I'll get there.
thanks for all your work.

 Message 25 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdogSent: 12/30/2008 1:13 PM
Thank you Hilli ... be sure you will be informed of the intended move .. but don't forget, if you need more information, or you haven't received an invite, please email me at [email protected]

 Message 26 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameHuggableCappsSent: 12/30/2008 3:20 PM

Either Yuku or Aimoo seem the best to me.  I did try to sign up to Aimoo but it wouldn't take, so I couldn't reply on the site. 

(1 recommendation so far) Message 27 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdogSent: 1/15/2009 1:29 PM
Okay ... decision made ... we are moving to Aimoo, who are currently migrating these pages for us. Please, therefore, do not post to this site, as posts made now will not be included in the migration!
Instead, please click this link to take you straight to our new group site!

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