Aaron is the outdoorsy type, who loves fishing and hunting. ((he once caught over 300 snakes in two days!)) He has his own business making Christmas ornaments our of fly-fishing hooks, and he can do some mean animal calls, including a bull elk mating call, a cow in heat and a gobbler turkey.
Name: Aaron Daniel Thornburg
Age: 17
B~day: July 12, 1986
Location: Bozeman, Montana
School: Bozeman High 11th grade
Siblings:3 Brothers 1 Sister
Pets: Dog Charlott, Cat Gus
Sports: swimmer for the barracudas
What he misses most about the island: the ocean
Best friend when he was on the island: Christian
Best friend now: Jonna
Who he's visited: Christian and going to see Christian and Max on Spring Break
Who would he have wanted to win if he hadnt made it to the finals: Red b/c they are cool
see his views on how the show turned out http://familyscreenscene.allinfoabout.com/features/aaron_thornburg.html
Color: Blue, of course
Place: his room
Food: Chinese((egg rolls))
Tv Show: Alias Movie: Zoolander
Actor: Ben Stiller because he's the man. He's accomplished alot.
Subject: ceramics