LAYLA – California Layla is passionate about dance (she studies it for 15 hours every weekend), loves cats and enjoys her youth group. This straight-A student is very persistent and competitive, thanks to years of dance training. | 
JON – Illinois Jon loves football, hockey and snowboarding on the grass. Jon will take the message of fighting for what you believe (from his favorite movie, Gladiator) to every challenge on Endurance. |  |
MAX – California Max is ranked #1 on his JV tennis team and also likes to play Mozart on the bass for his school's orchestra. He is very excited about spending time on the beach with 10 cute girls! | 
LACEY – Texas Lacey is the queen of extracurricular activities. She's a cheerleader, plays volleyball, basketball, track, has a first-degree black belt in tae kwon do, plays piano and dances competitively. In her spare time, she helps raise an orphaned calf. | 
ALEJANDRO – Texas This young "Johnny Depp" look-alike is into theater and plays guitar. He views his participation on Endurance as a "rite of passage." | 
ASHLEY – Florida Ashley is a real mover and shaker at her school. She's captain of her soccer team and cheerleading squad and is student council president. She thinks of herself as a leader, loves adventure, and hates to be defeated. | 
BRANDON – Florida Basketball is Brandon's life. He places a high premium on winning and is worried about how he is going to survive on a remote island without his girlfriend. | 
CREE – Montana Cree is into soccer, cheerleading, track, trampoline and sewing. International travels to the outskirts of Peru, Mexico and Guatemala have prepared her for living on a remote island without modern conveniences. | 
HEATHER – New York Heather is a unique New Yorker who rides in rodeos and plays Bach concertos on the piano. She loves the thrill of competing. | |
JENNA – Illinois Jenna is into hip-hop, drama, Irish dancing and swimming. She has a wall in her bedroom covered with graffiti because she believes that anyone who enters her room should speak their mind freely and write down their thoughts. | 
CHRISTIAN – California This "surfer dude" is into competitive surfing, mountain biking and other extreme sports. He is the #1 surfer in his age category in the U.S. Surfing Federation. He hopes his attitude of "hang loose, no worries, life is good" will help him through the tough trials of Endurance. | 
SABRINA – Texas Sabrina enjoys modeling and acting. While she's not super athletic, she's extremely competitive and wants to prove wrong those who think she can't make it by winning it all. | 
JONNA – Arizona Jonna loves to dance and to play softball. She was also student council president at her school. She gets along well with everyone, which will be her strategy for succeeding on Endurance. | 
CHELSEA – Arizona Chelsea plays volleyball, basketball and soccer; she also loves to sing and dance. She thinks her fellow competitors will be surprised to find out that she is stronger than she looks. | 
LANA – Illinois Lana is a triplet and – to stand out from her two sisters – has become very athletic and competitive. She has a lot of energy and plays soccer, basketball, volleyball and jumps horses as a hobby. | 
RON – Illinois Ron plays bass in a punk rock band and he loves to make amateur movies. He describes himself as crazy, weird and funny, all rolled into one. He believes that his ability to think under pressure will help him on Endurance. | |
SHANE – Pennsylvania Shane will be the first to tell you that he was born in the wrong decade. He loves 1970s classic rock music, including Bob Dylan, The Grateful Dead and The Band. He says "his hair is a metaphor for his personality — unpredictable, wacky and crazy!" | |
SKYLER – Arizona Skyler is a very smart kid, having been in the Scientific Olympiad and a participant in the Scholastic Bowl at his school. He is also passionate about fencing and practices for eight hours a week. He believes his analytical skills will allow him to endure in this game. | 
AARON – Montana Aaron is the outdoorsy type, who loves fishing and hunting. (He once caught 300 snakes in two days!). He has his own business making Christmas ornaments out of fly-fishing hooks, and he can do some mean animal calls, including a bull elk mating call, a cow in heat and a gobbler turkey. | 
TREVOR – Illinois Trevor is the youngest competitor on Endurance. He is the middle linebacker for t he YMCA football team, and he hates losing! |  |