DROP OUT ; RIGHT TO STAY Contestants had to stand on the end of a platform raised high above the ocean. They were holding on to a metal bar, that if it was dropped too low would make the platform fall out from under you!
WASH OUT ; PARTNER MISSION Colored balls would be dropped out of tubes above their heads followed by a cascade of water. Whichever girl and boy caught the same color ball would become teammates. The twists, they couldnt see each other! |
TOWER OF POWER The teams race through a type of obstacle course picking up colored blocks as they go. The blocks they collect must be stacked on top of each other and if they topple the team has to stop and restack them before they can go on. The first team to cross the finish line wins! |
FIREBALL One member of each team stands on the beach with a giant slingshot. The other team member is standing on a platform in the middle of the water waiting to catch the balls. If they catch the ball they get to eliminate any team they want from the game. |
ROLLERBALL Teammates take the ends of a wooden plank with a maze on it. The teams take a ball and try and roll it through the maze to the other end where a basket waits. If the ball falls of the side of plank the team must start over from the beginning. The first team to get 2 balls into the basket wins. |
TIDE PULL Each team puts one member in a canoe while the other stays on the beach. The players in the boats will have 30 seconds to paddle out as far as they can, then after their time is up the other members can try to pull any team they want back to shore. Once a teams boat gets across a certain point they are out of the game, this goes on til one team is left. |
ON THE ROPES One player from each team has a rope. They must thread the rope through a serious of poles and the first team to do so wins. You think that sounds easy right? Well the player with the rope is blindfolded! Their partner has to shout out directions to them for them to know where the pole is! This games takes a lot of trust! |
FACE TO FACE The game goes like this, both teammates stand face to face on platforms int he middle of the water. they are straped to a trusse and then they are holding on to opposite ends of a rope. The trusse rises lifting the players from the platform and hanging them over the water. They have to endure the pain and hold on the the rope as long as they can. |
CHERRY PICKER For the game the teams have to place a ball into a basket and assemble a pole with the ball's holding cup at the very top. They must carry the pole across the beach to place the ball into the basket. The first team to get 3 balls in wins. |
AQUEDUCT The teams have to take pipes and connect them together from a pole to a bucket holding water. The trick is that the pipes are different lengths. The first team to connect the pipes and let the water flow all the way to the end wins. |
PLANK MAZE The teams walk from plank to plank collecting letters. If the come to a dead end they must go back and figure it out from there. When the reach the end they have to unscramble the letters to spell a word. |
PATHFINDER not available |
FINAL MISSION The two teams both have baskets with pieces in them, the teams must move from platform to platform and take pieces out of the other teams basket and put them into theirs. If you fall off the platform into the water are your flag gets ripped off you are out of the game. When only one team is left on the platform the game is over. |