Team: Blue Place: 3rd  Biography from website. It won't be hard for Taylor to adapt quickly to her rustic Endurance environment and a group of strangers. This outgoing teen has moved many times in her young life, and thus has a knack for quickly making new friends wherever she goes. Her winning strategy for Endurance is to befriend the other players and get them to look to her as a leader. Taylor's all-around athletic skills and strong sense of competition will be helpful too. | Name: Taylor Sico-McNulty Birthday: May 18 Location: Boxford, MA Eye Color: Greenish/Brownish Hair Color: Dark Brown Height: 5' 8"ish Heritage: Irish/Italian Right Handed or Left Handed: Righty Weakness: Hmm...prob sounds lame, but a cute guy haha Fears: I hate being alone..hate hate hate Perfect Pizza: Chicken brocoli =] Thoughts First Waking Up: I hate the bus. THIS OR THAT: Pepsi or Coke: Coke please MacDonald’s or Burger King: The BK lounge haha Single or Group Dates: Single Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I <3 iced tea so both Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate Cappuccino or Coffee: Blahhh neither! Do you Sing: In musicals and in the car Have you been in Love: Don't want to talk about it Do you want to go to College: NYU! Do you want to get Married: Of course Do you believe in yourself: Yes I do Do you get Motion Sickness: Mmm ocasionally Are you a Health Freak: Haha hell no IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU: Gone on a Date: Yes i have Gone to a Mall: Of course Eaten a box of Oreos: Haha no, but I do have a box of holiday oreos in the cabinet Eaten Sushi: GROSS No Been on Stage: I have =] Been Dumped: Nopppe Stolen Anything: I don't steal haha What do you want to be when you Grow Up: An actress What country would you most like to Visit: Hmm...probably Italy Number of CDs I own: Oh god i have no clue Number of Piercings: My ears Number of Tattoos: Nada Number of things in my Past I Regret: You can't live in the past |