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General : MsJanipani is NOW ON THE HOT SEAT!!
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 Message 1 of 123 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname®niceguy�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 9/17/2004 8:03 AM

Posted by MsJanipani on 8/12/2004, 24KB
An up-to-date picture of moi!!! UGHHHH!!
MsJanipani (Jan) is now in the HOT SEAT from Thursday, September16th, 9:25 a.m. Eastern time until 9:25 a.m. Eastern time  on Thursday, September 23rd.
While she is in the HOT SEAT you may ask her any question, within guidelines of MSN and Friends of 40s5.  You may ask as many questions as you wish, but only one question per post/reply.  If she considers any question too personal, she may pass on the question.
Remember if you are the one in the HOT SEAT to copy and paste the question you are answering so that all will know which question your answer goes to. 
Also remember to make a separate post to each question/reply you are making.
When your turn is through you will then pick who is next for the 'hot seat'.
Good luck and have fun !  I know I'll have fun ... lol.

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 Message 109 of 123 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname®johnjohn�?/nobr>Sent: 9/23/2004 3:50 AM
285........jani , are you ready to kill the person who put you in this spot ?

 Message 110 of 123 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametama®a_Sent: 9/23/2004 6:03 AM




 Message 111 of 123 in Discussion 
From: janipaniSent: 9/23/2004 6:05 AM
249)  Jani, what is your personal goal for 2004 ?
My personal goal?  I want to loose a little more weight, be fitter, healthier and most of all happier
250)  Jani, what are your views on the death penalty ?
I am a little undecided on this, I think it is wrong to take anyone's life in any way - I know there are some really evil people in this world who have done and do some terrible things, whether it is our "right" to take their lives is undecided on my part, I believe that they don't belong in normal society but then there is the dilema of what to do about them - is death the answer - maybe, it's a difficult thing for me to decide upon.

251)  Jani, what are your views on abortion ?
Depends on the circumstances.  I feel in a lot of  cases "prevention would be better than the cure", for want of a better expression, but in certain instances I understand it is inevitable
252)  Jani, have you ever met someone who was reformed in the Prison system ?
Apart from myself ... lmaooooooooo j/k ... No, not that I know of
253)  Jani, what are your views on Assisted Suicide ?
In my work I see many sick people who will never be any better and who no longer want to suffer the pain and indignaties of their illnesses, but then I see many who are fighters and hold on till their last breath ... it's a very controversial subject and one not easily defined.
254)  Jani, do you have a Living Will ?
Yes, I do
255)  Jani, have you ever been sued, if so for what ?
No I haven't - not yet anyway ... LOL!
256)  Jani, what are your three biggest fears in life ?
I only really have one and that's being alone without someone to love for the rest of my life
257)  Jani, ;) did you know that I think you are a lovely & a very caring human being ?
Awwwwww Pam .... thank you so much  but you know "it takes one to know one"
258)  Jani, have you ever gotten sick due to food poisoning ?  :hangover
Oh my, yes I have a few times, one of the worst times was when I was about four months pregnant with Grace .... was pretty awful.
259)  Jani, what type of person do you not get along with ?
I'm pretty easy going and tend to get along with most people ... there are certain types of person who tend to rub me the wrong way like those who ask advice and when you give it they seem to dither or argue about what you say, I think why ask if you don't want to know.
260)  Jani, what type of person do you get along with best ?
As I said, I get along with most people
261)  Jani, what are your favorite hobbies ?
I've just started up one of my faves again and that's going to the gym.  I also like writing poety, walking, reading, listening to music and movies.
262)  Jani, do you own any tropical fish ? 
No, not anymore

263)  Jani, did you ever think that Batman & Robin were, you know, a little "funny" for living together and running around in tight spandex ?
Well, they were a little strange don't you think?

264)  Jani, where did you buy this sexy blouse ? 

Lmaoooooo Pam!!  I'll email the address to you

265)  Jani, what type of bra do you wear to make your breasts look so perky ?lol
A very good one Pam   
266)  Jani, would you adopt a child ?
Not if it's like that one .... LOL ... Honestly, I've never even thought about this Pam ... maybe

 Message 112 of 123 in Discussion 
From: janipaniSent: 9/23/2004 6:08 AM
267)Do you ever eat Vegemite?...................
No, Key I can honestly say I never eat Vegemite (can't stand the stuff)

 Message 113 of 123 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametama®a_Sent: 9/23/2004 6:12 AM
257)  Jani, ;) did you know that I think you are a lovely & a very caring human being ?
Awwwwww Pam .... thank you so much  but you know "it takes one to know one"

 Message 114 of 123 in Discussion 
From: janipaniSent: 9/23/2004 6:26 AM
268)  Jan, what's the longest your hair has ever been?
Almost to my waist at one time (when I was a lot younger)
269)  Jan, are you the jealous type?
I think we all have a certain amount of jealousy in us ... I'm not as bad as I used to be, now I think "What's the point?"
270)  Jan, do you prefer clean-shaven guys or guys with beards and/or mustaches?
I don't mind either
271)  Jan, how much was your biggest phone bill ever and why was it so much?
I've had phone bills in the $400/$500 region for a month - certain long distance phone calls can account for most of that
272)  Jan, while I was visiting you in your home, what about me or my habits annoyed you the most?
Not enough room on here to list them all ... lmaooooooo j/k MrNiceguy ... you weren't here long enough to become annoying

273)  Jan, would you say I'm the same in person as I appear to be on the computer, and if not, how am I different?
Pretty much the same kind, considerate and a gentleman
274)  Jan, how surprised were you when, last April you learned that I was really going to fly to Australia to visit you?
I was shocked - you know that
275)  Jan, did you ever see the World Trade Center towers in New York City?
Yes I did - didn't you see the photos under my callendar in the kitchen?
276)  Jan, are you afraid of heights?
I'm afraid of climbing ladders but not particularly of heights

277)  Jan, do you know that tomorrow is the day you're off the hot seat, and will you be relieved?
Well, it's Thursday 23rd September at 3.20pm right now for me  I think I'm doing ok ... am I?
278)  Jan, any ideas who you might appoint to the hot seat next?
I don't know as yet
279)  Jan, what brand of anti-perspirant do you use?
Lady Speed Stick (Invisible) Summer Fresh fragrance a Colgate/Palmolive product
280)  Jan, do you ever get really aggravated at someone who comes in to give blood when they won't cooperate or if they insult you, or act rudely, and if so, what do you say/do?
Hey, I'm the one holding the needle!!!

281)  Jan, do you think of me when you pass by a place where you and I were?
Yes, I think of you quite a lot
282)  Jan, if you had the chance to change one thing that happened during my visit with you, what would it be?
I can't say here
283)  Jan, when you pull the plug on your bath water in the tub, has it ever frightened you with the ferocity of the water being sucked out?
Not as much as it frightened you MrNiceguy lmaoooooo
284)  Jan, are you laughing, and if so, how loud?

 Message 115 of 123 in Discussion 
From: janipaniSent: 9/23/2004 6:28 AM
285........jani , are you ready to kill the person who put you in this spot ?
Lmaoooooo ... not at all jj .... it's been fun

 Message 116 of 123 in Discussion 
From: janipaniSent: 9/23/2004 7:09 AM

 Message 117 of 123 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametama®a_Sent: 9/23/2004 8:24 PM
286)  Jani, ;) do you like museums and if you do, do you like art or history museums better ?
287)  Jani, ;) do you take time to watch the sunrise or sunset ?
288)  Jani, ;) where do you go to escape stress either mentallyh or physically ? 
289)  Jani, ;) what's the most romantic thing you have ever done for a man ?
290)  Jani, ;)  what do you do when you have a case of insomnia ?
291)  Jani, ;)  do you have a favorite piece of furniture in your home ?
292)  Jani, ;)  do you have any heirlooms that intend to pass along to your children ?
293)  Jani,  ;)  what is the weirdest dream you've ever had ?
294)  Jani, ;) are you a stuff person ?   Someone once coined the term 'shittery' for knick knacks, etc.  Do you have shittery in your home ?
295)  Jani, ;) do you chew gum ?
296)  Jani, ;) when was the last time you swung on a swing ?
297)  Jani, ;) where is your favorite place to go shopping ?
298)  Jani, ;)  do you ride roller coasters ?  Have you gotten ill whilst riding one ?
299)  Jani, ;)  someone very dear to you has gone through alot of trouble to make a meal for you, but you absolutely hate the thought of eating what they made, what do you do ?
300)  Jani, ;)  who would you trust to set you up on a blind date ?
301)  Jani, ;)  do you enjoy thunderstorms ?
302)  Jani, ;)  is your second toe longer than your big toe ?
303)  Jani,  ;)  do clothes really make a person ?
304)  Jani, ;) are you fanatic about buying shoes ?
305)  Jani, ;)  what do you usually order for take out food for you and your family ?
306)  Jani, ;)  the world is going to end tomorrow ... what`s the first thing you do ?
307)  Jani, ;)  describe your life in 3 words.
308)  Jani, ;)  if you could come back after death what would you want to be and why ?
309)  Jani,  ;) have you noticed the Bob has not really participated in questioning you ?
310)  Jani, ;)  do you suppose Bob is busy elsewhere ? 

 Message 118 of 123 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname®niceguy�?/nobr>Sent: 9/23/2004 8:33 PM
Jan, ;) do you realize that as of six hours ago you are OFF the hotseat and you don't have to answer Pam's last 25 questions? 
Jan, do you think Pam realized this before she asked you 25 more questions?
Jan, who's next on the hot seat?
Jan, I'm not numbering these questions because do you know you don't really have to answer them?

 Message 119 of 123 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametama®a_Sent: 9/23/2004 8:47 PM
Jan, ;) do you realize that I thought the time cut off was 9:25 p.m. ?  I'm sorry ... you don't have to answer these questions. 

 Message 120 of 123 in Discussion 
From: janipaniSent: 9/24/2004 11:13 AM
It's ok ... I'll answer these last "few" questions ... then say who's next on the HOT SEAT!!! 

 Message 121 of 123 in Discussion 
From: janipaniSent: 9/25/2004 4:11 AM
286)  Jani, ;) do you like museums and if you do, do you like art or history museums better ?
Yes I do like museums my favourite is the War Memorial in Canberra, I could spend hours and hours looking around there
287)  Jani, ;) do you take time to watch the sunrise or sunset ?
Yes I do, especially sunrise I love watching the sun come up it just looks as though it's coming right out of the ocean
288)  Jani, ;) where do you go to escape stress either mentallyh or physically ?
The beach, then I go off into my own little world 
289)  Jani, ;) what's the most romantic thing you have ever done for a man ?
 I'll get back to you with that one

290)  Jani, ;)  what do you do when you have a case of insomnia ?
It doesn't really happen to me much, but if I can't sleep I make myself a cup of herbal tea and see what's on tv
291)  Jani, ;)  do you have a favorite piece of furniture in your home ?
Not really - I do like my couch though
292)  Jani, ;)  do you have any heirlooms that intend to pass along to your children ?
Yes, I have a few diamond rings which I will pass on to my daughter (one belonged to my mum, another to a favourite Aunt)
293)  Jani,  ;)  what is the weirdest dream you've ever had ?
Weirdest dream???  I haven't had any really weird dreams that I can think of right now, had a few nightmares
294)  Jani, ;) are you a stuff person ?   Someone once coined the term 'shittery' for knick knacks, etc.  Do you have shittery in your home ?
I suppose I have a little - what a funny term!!

295)  Jani, ;) do you chew gum ?
Yes I do sometimes
296)  Jani, ;) when was the last time you swung on a swing ?
Last year some time
297)  Jani, ;) where is your favorite place to go shopping ?
Warringah Mall
298)  Jani, ;)  do you ride roller coasters ?  Have you gotten ill whilst riding one ?
I love roller coasters - never been ill whilst riding on them
299)  Jani, ;)  someone very dear to you has gone through alot of trouble to make a meal for you, but you absolutely hate the thought of eating what they made,
I would eat it

300)  Jani, ;)  who would you trust to set you up on a blind date ?
Anybody .. ... lmaoooooooooooooooooo
301)  Jani, ;)  do you enjoy thunderstorms ?
No they scare me
302)  Jani, ;)  is your second toe longer than your big toe ?
Nope, same size
303)  Jani,  ;)  do clothes really make a person ?
304)  Jani, ;) are you fanatic about buying shoes ?
I love buying shoes I'm not as fanatical as I used to be though
305)  Jani, ;)  what do you usually order for take out food for you and your family ?
Thai or Chinese
306)  Jani, ;)  the world is going to end tomorrow ... what`s the first thing you do ?
Hug my children and tell them how much I love them
307)  Jani, ;)  describe your life in 3 words.
Generally happy and content (I know that's 4 words)
308)  Jani, ;)  if you could come back after death what would you want to be and why ?
A tiger living with those monks in Thailand that I mentioned in a previous answer - why? because they are strong and beautiful creatures and they are really well looked after by the monks
309)  Jani,  ;) have you noticed the Bob has not really participated in questioning you ?
Yes I did - I wonder why  not many people participated really did they
310)  Jani, ;)  do you suppose Bob is busy elsewhere ?
He probably is LOL!!

 Message 122 of 123 in Discussion 
From: janipaniSent: 9/25/2004 4:15 AM
Jan, ;) do you realize that as of six hours ago you are OFF the hotseat and you don't have to answer Pam's last 25 questions? 
I answered them anyway ... LOL!  Once I start, you can't shut me up lmaooooooooooo
Jan, do you think Pam realized this before she asked you 25 more questions?
No, I don't think she did MrNiceguy
Jan, who's next on the hot seat?
I haven't decided as yet ... have a few names in mind though
Jan, I'm not numbering these questions because do you know you don't really have to answer them?

 Message 123 of 123 in Discussion 
From: janipaniSent: 9/25/2004 4:17 AM
Jan, ;) do you realize that I thought the time cut off was 9:25 p.m. ?  I'm sorry ... you don't have to answer these questions. 
Answered!!  Now I'm off the hook (so to speak!!)

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