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. . . what did you want/need from your Director that you did NOT get? (Training, calls, etc) Post it here . . . I like many other are getting ready to promote to Director ~ I think this topic would not just help me ~ but many others out there! Thanks for responding ~ and being brutally honest! Like I've said before, I want to be a GREAT Director, not mediocre ~ learn from you what not to do! Ginny |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 9 of 23 in Discussion |
re: hospitality directors...I don't rely on my personal director to send my hospitality director my monthly stats. I do that myself. She does recognize me with ribbons, etc. I get NOTHING from my personal director. That really bums me out, she gets a lot out of me! jody |
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I have asked my hospitality director if I can just print off a copy of my Individual Perfomance Tracker Page from CC, but she told me it had to come from either my director, or my SIL since she was a future director. It is nice to know that I am not the only one who feels like I am getting the shaft from my director. But as I said in my earlier post, I am not a stellar sales person. I hope someday I can be, but that time is not right now. |
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I'm a Director and I have some consultants who attend my meetings and I'm their Hospitality Director. One of the consultant, emailed her Director (who is my upline) and got her to reminburse me for what I give out at my meetings. Not all Directors will do that, because I give out a lot. I don't stand in front of the meeting the whole time, I give assignments and whoever helps me with the meetings gets to take things out of a basket (stickers, flyers, pins, postcards,etc). I have doorprize, on time drawing, etc. Plus, next meeting there will be a game, someone teaching - hands on the UM, theres always a recipe(mystery dessert).. I recommend you email your Director and let her know how you feel. Your director gets a percentage of your sales, plus production bonus for having a team. That why I use the production bonus for my team and some of the percent for other events. So, do email your Director. Sorry, so long, Jane |
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There are two things I wish my director did for me or that would, I feel have made a difference. 1) Give me two sample host packets one for catalog shows and one for cooking shows so you know what one looks like from someone who's been doing it a while. (I have 3 two sided pages with info in mine along with the 40 in 4 and guest lists and show planners and catalogs and the recycle letter that would have been really nice to see.) 2) Call me and role play host coaching calls. Call me like three times and act as if I were your host and do a fake host call than call and have you new consultant have you be the fake host. I think that would have been very helpful to my business. These are things I will do if when I get a recruit. Jen |
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Thanks everyone for your input... Keep the comments coming!!! Hope you're having a FANTASTIC weekend! Ginny |
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My director has no clue that people have a life
other than Pampered Chef. It is her income and she pushes everyone who
signs under her to make it their life too. If you do not, she will have
nothing to do with you. Many of the ladies who signed under her that just
wanted to do this for fun have quit. Our director's attitude and
unwillingness to help has left a bad taste in their mouth for Pampered
She has even driven away other consultant's
recruits by going directly to them and being brutal about how they are running
THEIR business. The woman has no children or
grandchildren. Therefore has no idea how life can go from calm to
frenzy in two seconds. Without the knowledge of how this happens, there is
no compassion.
We do not have meetings because she's not wasting
her time (money) for only two people. Do we not count??? She is
livid that EVERY ONE of the consultants in the cluster doesn't attend the
meetings. Life Happens! We even had one lady who was one
recruit away from becoming director who quit because our director just kept
hounding her recruits to do better and all they wanted to be were
hobbyists. We get no recognation for anything.
Right after she signed one girl, her sister
was received serious head injuries in a car accident. Our
director was mad because she didn't put her Pampered Chef before her
sister. The girls feelings were so hurt because of the lack of support on
our directors' part that she quit. And even one of my recruits has had
some family problems arise (mother with surgery and two sick
brothers). When I made this known to my director, she made the comment
that it was a shame that people couldn't sort out the things they had committed
to and make sure to do them. I do believe family is a commitment. I
let that comment go, but I don't know how many I will let go if she keeps this
stuff up.
I found a hospitality director about 45 minutes
from me. When the hospitality director e-mailed her and asked her for
reimbursement for me being at her meeting, she blew a gasket - so to speak -
e-mailed me letting me know that she wasn't going to reimburse the other
director. I then chose not to return to the hospitality director's
meetings. I made an excuse that I was going to have my own meetings
with my recruit. I was really too embarrassed to return knowing my
director didn't want to part with her money. Gotta spend money to make
money ........ my motto.
The only thing on her agenda was promoting from
director to the next level. At this time, I would hesitate to promote to
director because of her pushing so hard for it.
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Wow, am I lucky or what? My director ROCKS! She realizes that most of us aren't full-time, nor do we want to be. She makes a point of knowing exactly what we want from our businesses, then works with us to help us meet OUR goals. When we want more, we get more. We also do a recipe we make together at most of our cluster meetings. If they aren't doing that (one of her first line is also a direcotr, although most of her downline doesn't come to our meetings but she still does), then those of us who bring something always talk about it, if it would be a good demo, etc. I really like it when she has us all bring our phones and calendars and we have a mini-challenge to see how many people we can contact - for bookings, customer care, host coaching, whatever PC calling we need to do. We also have occasionally had someone review a video or audio we've heard, ideas we've picked up somewhere, etc. |
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Pampered Barb, I'm sorry about the Director you have. I didn't have help to promote from my Director(who was a Director here). I want to be better then how my Director treated me, better in the meetings because she did say that its the Consultants fault for not attending. I know we have a family, I do too. Thats the reason I give "Cold Stone" gift certificate or Pop corn with video certificates for the consultants to spend time with their family. So, if you do promote or have meetings with you team, I know you'll be better then your Director. Good luck with your business, Jane |
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Hi gals...I think one of the most effective, and important pieces of becoming a director is staying in direct contact with as many of your downline as is physically possible. They should be as much a priority to you as your cutomer care calls, and host coaching calls...call them consultant coaching calls. I also have an out of state...almost non-exhistent director, who makes promises to call and coach me and has NEVER done it...I'm almost at my 2 year aniversary. I have often wondered if we could change directors?! I know that it's not really possible based on how the higherarchy works, but it really sucks having a director that seems like she could care less weather you succeed or fail, but to think that I am helping her to succeed when maybe she doesn't deserve it....anyway...same story. Good luck as a new director!! The fact that you're researching, and asking outside opinions says TONS about your success as a director. chefjak |
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Chefjak, your correct. Staying in contact is important, even if they live out of state. I have team members living in different areas and we email, talk on the phone too. This board is the best!!! Everyone, helps each other, all the ideas helps us. Good luck with your business, Jane |
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I've been wanting to reply to this thread for a while now, and I finally have the chance (all is relatively quiet around here at the moment).
Whatever you do, as a director, KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOUR DOWNLINE!! I've never met her and I've talked maybe 3 times on the phone with my director and I've been selling PC for 2 1/2 years. I used to get her newsletter on a monthly basis, but that stopped shortly after I moved and started having trouble with my business. I was often in her newsletter before moving for having high sales or some such thing. I do still get training or update emails from her occasionally, but that's about it.
One of the most frustrating things is that she didn't follow through on some things. She found me my first hosp dir, who was great, and told her that she would send her info on my months - she never did. I had to learn to toot my own horn, and I'm not really a bragger. When I moved, it took her 7 months to find hosp, and even then, it was after I contacted HO several times to help before I got hosp (who, BTW, was wonderful!). She also took several months to send me my charms and when I got career sales, it took 6 months for her to send me my wisk. (BTW, I was lucky enough to find hospitality on my own with this past move without having to wait several months again).
I know life happens, and she's had some issues over the years to deal with (she would send out emails to her cluster about them occasionally), so I've always tried to give her the benefit of the doubt - I know I've had trouble following through on things, too - and after reading some posts about other directors, I wouldn't say she's a bad director, just absent (for me, anyway - she may be great for her cluster that's close to home).
Anyway, from a consultant who tries to not feel shafted from her actual director (I've had and currently have great hospitality), my biggest advice would be to not forget about anyone and follow through with your duties as a director and if life happens to you, be honest with your downline and keep them in the loop. Also, if you are lucky enough to be someone's hospitality, treat them as you would someone in your own downline. You never know when someone in your downline has to have hospitality for themselves.
Sorry this is long, I could keep going, but the munchkins woke up. Shannon |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 20 of 23 in Discussion |
I started before we had any of the training we do now. It was prretty much "This is how I do it" and if that worked for me good, if not I had to figure it out on my own. Monthly meetings were at my upline director's house and she provided babysitting (her daughter) for $1 per child which made so much easier to attend meetings. We usually did a demo (a different consultant each month) and learned by watching what the other consultants were doing (which helped with figuring out what else I could try). I have been a hobbyist for almost all of my 8 years and I have gone from 4 recruits to 0 several times and my current director used to be my upline director. My director put down her business a couple of years ago and I continued but that was because I had a relationship with her director and her upline director, Naomi Z, who comes out here from Illinois just about every year or so. I also go to conference (really important to encourage all consultants to go) and have met Chris M. It is really important to help develop relationships between your upline and your downline, that way if you get into a situation like Pampered Barb, you can bypass someone who just doesn't get that not everyone wants to live and breathe PC (by the way, she may be out of the picture if you just hang in there). Upline directors are absolutely super sources of support and may not know everything that is going on in their downlines unless you contact them. Don't forget that they get a percent of your sales too! Remember that the hobbyists may not do as many shows as full-timers but they may be your most consistent producers because they are determined to do two or three or four shows EVERY MONTH because that is what they need to do for themselves. I am given the same respect that the $3000 per month consultants are given. When I have questions or concerns, they are never ignored. It may take time to find answers and help but as I said, I have been working for 8 years and plan to continue to have a business that I enjoy and can work around my personal life. I guess that what it boils down to is 1. Find out what your recruits/consultants want out of the business. 2. Accept that it is not your business you are their mentor, not their boss. 3. Support them with as many calls or e-mails as they want. How do you know how much they want? Ask them when you do goal planning with them after the first three months. We have the goal planner in the calendar, and new consultants have goal setting (when are your first four shows) and once they have established a routine, you can figure out what each one needs. Make sure you have a tickler system set up for contacting your consultants just like you do for hosts. This ensures that your consultant who needs to be contacted every week gets her phone call and your consultant who only wants you to call once a month gets her phone call. Of course, you need to ask if they need more or less frequent calls before you end the call. My director has used lots of different recognitions. When I first started, she gave out roses to everyone who attended the meeting, for every $1000 in sales you got a rose, for every 4 shows you held, you got a rose, for bookings you got a rose, then we went to chocolates. New future directors got a bead to add to their add-a-bead necklaces for each of their first 5 recruits. Now we are getting charm bracelets. When you qualify, you get the bracelet and you receive a bauble for achievements. Her out-of-area consultants have them sent to their hospitality directors. Monthly meeting are probable the only reason I've lasted this long. If you can't hold regular monthly meetings because you can't find a day that works for everyone, offer to hold a conference call. This means that your out-of-area consultants and their recruits can participate with your group and your local team can meet your other consultants. This helps at conference because the whole group is more excited about meeting the other team members who helped them on the conference call. Your whole team wins because all that terrific hospitality information is being shared which helps everyone's business and your out-of-area consultants can share some ideas they got from your "meeting" with their hospitality group. We've gotten some great info and new ideas for tool use (someone's customer uses the cooling rack to drain fried fish before serving), bookings, host coaching and recruiting on our conference calls. If your director is in the area, try to plan a multi-cluster meeting (we try to do that in July/August and January/February) to brainstorm new ideas for the new products, how to use the new products to generate bookings, etc. Wow! I've really gone on. |
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I have a great director and ED. My director lives 1.5 hours away and I have a husband who doesn't want me to drive that far (just for a Pampered Chef meeting). I went to a hospitality meeting, but I felt like I didn't belong there. Now that I have some recruits, I hold my own meetings. And I make them feel like they all are my own recruits. I also have 2 hospitality girls and my own recruits don't know that they are hospitality. I don't care that I am reimbursed for the things that they earn. Probably if I had 10 hospitality in the group and they were doing 4 shows a month it maybe different. Maybe. I just want them to feel encouraged to PC. In return they make me feel special. I do feel bad for one of my hospitality girls. Her director has called her once in 5yrs. Just because her ED had asked her how many times her director had called. I just want them to be encouraged. My director calls me every week and we see each other 3-4 times a year. My ED calls me once every other week. She is helping me promote to director. I finally get to meet her the first week in October. I am excited. Maleah |
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Ginny You are going to be an awesome director. My tip is, keep it personal! Email newsletters are awesome, but a postcard in the mail is like a hug with a stamp on it! Your first recruits will be personal ones so this will not be hard for you. Reconize EVERYONE for something, not having any shows is a bummer, going to a meeting and your not reconized is even worse! Find out their goals and award them accordingly. Like Full Time Pc'ers 4 or more shows a month an part timers, if someone is happy doing 2 shows a month they should be reconized, just on a smaller scale. Again Ginny you are going to be an awesome director |
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A postcard in the mail is like a hug with a stamp on it!!! I LOVE that! It's soooo true too! My Advanced Director sent out an invite to our next cluster meeting the other day via email and a postcard. I didn't get the postcard...not really a big deal since we got an email too, but it did feel like I'd been left out. Didn't get that hug! Michelle |