 | | From: mspibb (Original Message) | Sent: 10/15/2008 5:28 PM |
I have 2 recruits from May who both have only turned in 1 show. One has another scheduled and we talk/email/txt a lot. The other won't return my calls. She is a person I really like and had done a couple of shows prior to recruiting and we got along well. She does email me frequently. Liberal, check-it-on-snopes please before you send, horror stories and other issues dear to her heart about which I don't really care. Should I bless and release and say "please don't send me your world view junk mail?" reply and say I am not interested in this type of information but would you please call me so we can talk-I am not going to harrague you about your show schedule! Or just keep deleting the junk and leaving Voice Mail? Melanie |
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Bless and release, and just delete the junk. She may be a great host, but not consultant. She is probably avoiding you because she feels guilty. Let her know that if now turned into a bad time to start her biz then she has 12 months from her original start up date to try 9it again. I have had people who show up 6-9 months later and do great. Don't burn the bridge, but don't waist time on her either. Hope that helps :-) Misty |
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This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager. |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 10/24/2008 2:58 PM |
My other recruit gets a big WHOO-HOO! She text msged me Monday (she is THAT age where they seem to prefer txting...my co-worker sends me txts- of course that is easier than talking about the boss on the office phone LOL!!!) that her Saturday night show was almost $800! And I have already met my $1500 to get my override this month! So don't get too discouraged. It has ups and downs! Melanie |
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I have been very fortunate to be apart of a team that is ALL ABOUT training new consultants. Here is what I try to do. 1- Make your own raffle/customer care cards. My cards ask the same Name, Address, Phone, "Are your interested in Hosting?" etc. However, at the end, I ask all guests: "If your Host were to become a PC Consultant whould you be willing to host a show for her?" This way, if my host wants to join, I have leads right from her show. 2. Once a New Consultant signs, I ask them: "Name 4 people who you are friends with, who would NEVER host a COOKING show?" I then give them 4 Catalog Show Packets. I encourage them to encourage their friends to just pass the catalog. If they get 4 catty shows (even at $150 each) they qualify. If they can do 1 Cooking show and 3 cattys, they qualify. You get the point. Also, they may learn quickly not to pre-judge. They may ask their friend to do a catty show, and that friend might help them out by doing a CS!! 3. Each time I speak with a potential consultant, they ask me "what are the requirements?" or "what does PC expect me to do?" My response is " You are expected to do 4 shows when you first join. This way you will know by the end of your 1st month if this is for you." I stress that it's important to me that they don't waste their time. Give PC a good honest try, if after 4 shows you are unhappy they you will leave with tons of product and a great paycheck. I treat 4 shows as a requirement. I currently have a team of 10, and only 2 are yet to qualify. Both of them joined in August. 1 will qualify by the end of this month. The other is $50 away! Hope this helps! Melissa |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 10/28/2008 12:21 AM |
Once a New Consultant signs, I ask them: "Name 4 people who you are friends with, who would NEVER host a COOKING show?" I then give them 4 Catalog Show Packets. I encourage them to encourage their friends to just pass the catalog. If they get 4 catty shows (even at $150 each) they qualify. If they can do 1 Cooking show and 3 cattys, they qualify. You get the point. Also, they may learn quickly not to pre-judge. They may ask their friend to do a catty show, and that friend might help them out by doing a CS!! What a GREAT idea! How non-threatening and easy for someone to start a conversation! |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 11/1/2008 9:55 PM |
Recuit #2's 90 day date was October 6 and she has only turned in 1 show. I dropped out of FD status. Recruit #1 submitted an $800 show, boo-hoo, no override!!!! Melanie  |
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Melanie, Please ask your Director to help you with any new consultant who signs with you. Thats, our job, help people reach their dreams. Keep on doing more shows, I'm sure you'll meet more people to join PC. jane |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 11/3/2008 1:43 AM |
She doesn't respond to emails or calls from me or my director. She just sends me emails about non-PC stuff. I invited her to help me work a booth next Sat and put in the name of the wrong church. She replied to my email and corrected me and that was it! Oh, well as Misty said, "Bless and Release!" Melanie |
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Melanie, sounds like she is one to bless and release. She just be a customer for you.... Just keep on doing alot of shows and you'll meet people who are interested in the business. Oh, you have that booth at the Church, maybe you'll meet someone there! Jane |
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Reposting without the email addy... Reply
 | | I've been in the PC business for 3 yrs now, and almost every recruit i've had has been like this all except 2. I really hear your frustration. I pretty much decided to quit recruiting, its too much of a dissapointment, when they sign up and do nothing. In fact this whole business has been really dissaponting to me lately. <<MODERATOR DELETED EMAIL and Original reply message>> | | |
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