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Hi, my name is Michelle. My husband joined but I am doing the selling. He's not much of a sales person. I've been getting one sale a month since January, YTD is $99, Right now he (I) am inactive until I do $200 in sales. I just went to the document section of this group and WOW, is all I can say. I am so motivated. but still a bit shy. How do you do it when you run out of family and friends. I've been cold calling so far I have one person who wants to meet but I have no more catalogs for PC. Thank you Michelle |
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 | | From:  merf66 | Sent: 4/13/2007 8:18 PM |
Cold calling is no fun! All you really need is one show--so good luck on the one contact you did make. Then host coach her to get as many people there as possible. You can turn your whole business around with just one show. My hospitality director tells that she was ready to quit--she only had one show left on the books and she only got one booking from that show. But that show was a bridal shower and her business blossomed from that one show. $80,000 in sales later she is an advanced director and earned trips for every year since then. You could also try to find a fair or something around your area to set up a booth and generate leads that way. Just keep your chin up and keep looking. Have you checked your kid's teachers (if you have kids!), people at church, etc. Summer is coming--mention it at ball games! get a PC shirt for both you and your husband and people will ask you! Mention it when you check out at the grocery store. I know there are tons more tips in the files. Good luck and keep us posted! M.E. |
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Thank you very much. Someone times I need someone to talk to so I can keep my head up.  |
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Hey Michelle (MrsTupperware...too cute of an ID, btw!), that's what we're here for. Oh & hey, don't keep yourself a stranger to the board ok? We LOVE to help oldies-but-goodies & newbies alike! Consider us your Cyber Cluster Family. Welcome aboard, Marian |
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Thank you again, Well, as for the ID, I so have two other home businesses that I am trying to run. (TW and HGP). As well as being a mom and CNA. AS the bills pill up, I try to boost myself to do more. |
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Hang in there! I would ask family and friends for referrrals as well. They will know people that you don't, so they may know someone that would love to have a party and then you are getting into a group that you don't know. That is one of the key factors in continuing your bookings. I met a lady at a friend's show in February 2006 and she referred me to 3 hosts, I can attribute 75% of my business last year to meeting that woman in February, and I'm still getting shows that I can track back to her. I gave her $20 off one of her orders as a thank you for all her referrals, it has been a big boost to my business. You have to work to make sure your hosts invite people out of your immediate circle, and it sounds like you are busy with TW and HGP as well, so hang in there, and let us know how else we can help! |
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I went around my neighborhood and introduced myself as being new to the neighborhood and passed out previous season catalogs, just to spark their interest. i spoke to about 45 people in one day! Once my "neighbors" new knew that i was a PC consultant they were very excitied to talk to me! I had one neighbor book a show on the spot! and another 2-3 hesitate, but I'm in the process of turing them in to catalog shows. I even had a nieghbor call me up later (a couple days later) to place an order for his sister's birthday. Granted when i moved in to my neighborhood I left catalogs on their doorstep, so when i went around the second time and knocked on their door, if they mentioned that they got my catalogs last time, i kinda threw in the words along the lines, of great! I'm still a consultant and I still need their help with my business... this caught their attention, because they were trying to get rid of me by saying they got my catalog last time, everyone one got one. I was inactive at the time that I walked aorund last, and I got re-active in one month! For the people I didn't know and appeared to be "mature in years" I introduced myself as their neighborhood consultant, and then went on to tell them where I lived in the nighborhood, so I was being more friendly than pushing sales on them. I have a HWC show that I am doing next month, and i need to walk around again, I had quite a few people who wanted to come to my house for a show verse having one of their own. So now I can call their bluff and invite them to my house for a show. HTH Allison |
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Michelle, HWC stands for Help Whip Cancer! I tell you what, I'll bUmP uP a thread on the General board for you that'll explain all of our lingo here on the board. It'll take a little while to get used to all of it, but stick around here for a while longer & pretty soon you'll be using it too! LOL (Laughing Out Loud) PS Btw(By The Way), bumping up a thread just means that it puts it to the top of the list of current threads being discussed here on the board. It makes better sense when you view the discussions/threads via the web & not necessarily via Daily Digest or Individual Mail. Coming here via the web to read all the latest news & info is the preferred method for most of us. |
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