 | (2 recommendations so far) | Message 1 of 54 in Discussion |
Hey everybody I need your help!! I'm wanting to compile a list of our WLPCtoo Board abbreviations, whether it be just email shortcuts, like... WLPCtoo (easy one I know... We Love Pampered Chef too!!) KWIM (Know What I Mean) IYKWIM (If You Know What I Mean) TIA (Thanks In Advance) B4 (before) &/OR PC abbreviations like... PC (Pampered Chef) HO (Home Office) FC (Food Chopper) USG (Ultimate Slice & Grate) SA (Simple Additions) Things like that. After we've got a pretty good list going I'm wanting to add this thread to the HOT Topics! links so any newbies to the board can get up to speed in a flash. So got anymore to throw on this list?? KWIM? TIA!! C ya, Marian |
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Bumping back to the top...be sure to check out from the FIRST reply for even more of our silly acronyms and abreviations! Michelle |
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OK, bUmPiNg this one back up to the top since we've had a LOT of newbies joining us since the last time this thread has seen "daylight"!! Marian PS Btw, Di, check out message #19 of this thread to find out what LMBO means!!  Also, the previous message to this one (#40) will tell you HOW to get to the first of the messages in this thread. HTH!!! |
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Alrighty, I'm addin' another I've just spotted popping up around here on WLPCtoo today: COB - Change Over Box |
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what does TTA mean? I see it in messages and haven't quite figured it out yet. |
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TTA: Tool Turn About :) HTH :) Christina |
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Allison, You'll also find TTA explained back on message #7 of this thread. Remember you'll have to hit the FIRST or PREVIOUS buttons which will take you back to the first or previous set of replies to this thread, respectively. IOW (In Other Words), there are more of these replies than meets your eyes on a single page under this thread. (And yeah, I'm poet & I know it, too!!  LOL) HTH, Marian PS And PLEASE if you can't find the abbreviation of what you're looking for after you've scrolled through all the PREVIOUS messages, do what others have done before, & just ASK us & we'll be happy to assist you!!! I'm sure that amongst 1700+ members you'll be SURE to get an answer!!  |
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Ok, doin' dah bUmP uP one more time with yet ANOTHER abbreviation to add: ICS = Interactive Cooking Show/s Hey, if anyone else has any abbreviations to add, please do so!!  Marian
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After reading Allison's post we need to add another alternative to this new show format:
CSA = Cooking Show in Action Now the question is, which abbreviation will we end up using? ICS or CSA?? Marian |
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Giving this thread the old bUmPiTy bUmP bUmP for Kim (kimodchef3737), AND for any other recent newbies to our board.  |
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Thanks again, Marian. That explains a lot. I've spent the last several hours pouring over lots of the postings. WOW! What a lot of information and great ideas. I'm really excited to get to be a part of this.
Kim |
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It's been awhile for this, but below is a list of abbreviation: (BTW does anyone know why the word abbrevation is SO LONG?!! LOL) PamperedByDi
B/C or b/c Because BOGO Buy One Get One BTW By The Way CUL8R See You Later DH dear Husband DS Dear Son DD Dear Daughter DYLAB Do You Love A Bargin FIL Father In Law HTH Hope this Helps ISO In Search Of JMHO Just My Humble Opinion LMBO Laughing My Buns Off LOL Laugh Out Loud MIL Mother In Law OIC Oh I See OT Off Topic OMG. Oh my gosh! PTL Praise The Lord ROFLMBO Rolling on Floor laughing my but off SIL Sister In Law TIA Thanks in Advance TMI Too Much Info TTFN Ta Ta For Now TTYL Talk To You Later WTMI Way Too Much Info
BUSINESS SLANG MSN: MicroSoft Network HO: Home Office PC: Pampered Chef (unless the thread's about a personal computer) TPC: THE Pampered Chef -KITCHEN CONSULTANTS AND PRODUCTS SLANG- APCS Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer ALB All The Best Cookbook BB Batter Bowl Big MAC Morning After Calls (Follow-up with Show Guests and Potential Hosts) CBG CBB Classic Batter Bowl CC Consultants Corner (Resource pages at PC.com accessible once KC number/password issued CCC: Customer Care Calls CS Catalog Show DBG Double Burner Griddle DCG Deluxe Cheese Grater DDB Deep Dish Baker DMMP Deluxe Mini-Muffin Pan EAD: Easy Accent Decorator ERMC Easy Read Measuring Cups ESP Egg Slicer Plus Express: Quick & Easy Demo for Workplace Lunch/Afterhours Show or Social Gathering EXC Executive cookware FC: Future Consultant FF Flexible Funels F/W Fall/Winter GS: Guest Special HWC: Help Whip Cancer ICSM Ice Cream Sandwich Maker I-Slice: (Tool with non-sharp ceramic blade that works well as a coupon clipper and safety cutter for kids) ISO: in search of KC: (Independent) Kitchen Consultant for The Pampered Chef KCN: Kitchen Consultant News (available in PDF at CC) KITK: Kids in the Kitchen (PC Cookbook-discontinued) KS: Kitchen Show MFT MicroFiber Towel MH: Mystery Host MMP Measure Mix & Pour MSG: Monosodium glutamate (PC seasonings are MSG-free) OOBC: Out of Box Calls (Checking back w/ customer to ask if they've taken new products out of the box) OOF: Outside Order Form (for the Host to use outside of the show) P&P: "Policies and Procedures" section in RFS PB: Pampered Bride PP: Pampered Partner (Super Starter Kit software for submitting orders) PWS: Personal Web Site QSP Quick Stir Pitcher RFS: Recipe for Success (Super Starter Kit Guide) SA: Simple Additions SB Seasons Best Cookbook SBB Small Batter Bowl SDS SECO Smooth Edge Can Opener S/S Spring/Summer SSMB Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl STG Show to go TTA: Tool Turn About U&CC: Use & Care Card USG: Ultimate Slice & Grate WS Woven Selections
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TOHE = Taste of Home Entertaining
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Pst! Carolyn, you'll find the answer to your question in Message #47 of this thread!  |