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Ancient Egypt : The World of Hotep - Hieroglyphics
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/12/2008 4:25 AM
The World of Hotep - Hieroglyphics

The Instruction of Ptahhotep

Transliteration Page 1
Last update: June 2, 1998
hieroglyphic version of this page nt imy-r niw.t TAty ptH-Htp Teachings of the Overseer of the City, the Vizier Ptahhotep
xr Hm n n-sw-bit issi anx Dt r nHH before the Majesty of the King Isesi, living forever and ever
imy-r TAty ptH-Htp Dd=f The Overseer of the City, Vizier Ptahhotep says:
iti nb=i Oh Sovereign, my Lord!
Tni xpr.(w) iAw hA.w Old age has occured, and Age has arrived
wgg iw iHw Hr mA.w Feebleness has come and weakness is renewed
sDr.n=f Xdr ra nb One sleeps in discomfort(?) every day
ir.ti nDs.w anH.wi imr.w The eyes are dim and the ears deaf
pHti Hr Aq n wrd ib=i Strength perishes, weary-hearted
r gr.(w) n mdw.n=f The mouth has become silent, and cannot speak.
ib tm.w n sxA.n=f sf The heart is finished, not (even) remembering yesterday
qs(n) mnn=f n Aww The Bones have been ill a long time
bw nfr xpr m bw bin and Good has turned into Evil
dp.t nb.t Sm.t(i) All taste is gone
irr.t iAw n rmT bin m xt nb.t What age does to people is evil in everything
fnd DbA.(w) n ssn.n=f The nose is stopped up and does not smell
qsn aHa Hms.t

Sitting and standing are difficult.

The Instruction of Ptahhotep
Page 1
Transliteration Page 1

I am sure many of you are familiar with the term
and with the origin
but in understanding
anything to do
with Egypt
we must have a fundamental understanding
of what all these symbols
I think you will find this
"most Interesting"



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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 10/12/2008 2:44 PM
thank you for sharing