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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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Atlantis Memory : What do you rememeber
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 Message 1 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11  (Original Message)Sent: 10/22/2006 6:14 PM
What do you guys remember of Atlantis?

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 Message 2 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameM_StGermainSent: 2/28/2007 10:27 AM
Blessings  Judea 11 ............
A few years ago a good friend of mine Dr Anna.R.Tate ( hypnotherapist ) tried several past life regression sessions . The sessions were recorded on digital audio and vidio , i was some what amazed at the results that she / we got from the sessions . During the first session my subconscious memory was very fragmented and the time lines were very staggered . A week later the second session was alot clearer and had a better continious time line and a clearer memory . Dr Tate believed that the time period was near or at the time of Atlantis due to the discriptions of buildings , people and some of the technology described . Each session lasted two ( 2 ) hours and was witnessed by  three ( 3 ) students of Dr Tate and documented through digital audio and vidio recording .
The following are excerpts from the sessions with Dr Tate , of myself discribing events , places and names during the first ( 1st ) and second ( 2nd ) sessions :
D.T. .... Dr Tate
M.S. .... Meryl St Germain
: D.T.  : What do you recall about your family ?
: M.S.  : My wife Iris and my daughter Nadine and my son August , we got seperated when the ships came to get us ....
: D.T.  : What do you remember about the ships ?
: M.S.  : They were taking the women and children first along with the sacred books and scrolls to the land of San ....
: D.T.  : Where is the land of San ?
: M.S.  : The ley lines go there , it is safe there . Even my people were going there , it is safe there because it is too dry for elecrical discharges ....
end pt 1

 Message 3 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameM_StGermainSent: 3/2/2007 6:55 AM
Pt 2 #
:  D.T.  :  Who were your people ?
:  M.S.  : We lived and worked in the temples and the others lived along the great coasts and some on the islands near the temples .
: D.T.  : Did you make it to your family and the ships ?
: M.S. : I couldn't find my family , a man at the pad said the  ships were going to the new land . I only found my family after in another land far off  . We landed where the Mu's landed when the electrical storm hit our ship .
: D.T. : Where was this land the Mu's were going ?
: M.S. : It was a land close to thier home land , A place called " tuskum " The land in between .
: D.T. : Where or when did you find your family ?
: M.S. : I took a crystal becon with me and set it in the waters . the guardians came and found me and the others and took us to the dry lands where my family was .
: D.T. : Did you live at the dry lands ?
: M.S. : Yes , It was a strange land . The people there were scared of us at first because we came from the clouds .
: D.T. : Did you live there long ?
: M.S. : No , we only stayed there for two cycles because they were like barbarians , they use what we taught them for war . We left there to go find the rest of our people that left in the other ships .
End of session ............
The session ended when i got emotional while describing the remains of our home lands which is now where present day Cuba is located . Dr Tate revived me when i started weeping .
The recordings of the sessions are currently with doctor Tate for her libuary on past life regressions .

 Message 4 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 5/13/2007 9:07 AM
=D That's AMAZING!!! I want a past life regression! =D

 Message 5 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname▒░ΤГΟУ░▒Sent: 10/22/2007 1:04 PM
Oh, that's fascinating! Did you learn if you're own tendancies are related to any of these memories? 
I would love to try past life regression but my insurance doesn't cover it.

 Message 6 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemorrivannSent: 1/27/2008 9:59 PM
What I know is the following- Mother and Father are known as Arrealla and Posiden.  I was/am married to the daughter of Posiden.  Daughter was/is my First Wife and I am her First Husband.  We both had other wives and husbands.  Names of my other wives-Isis and Aphrodite definately but there were others.  Destruction caused by misuse of Crystal and also natural events coincided.  Right now the Temples are active.  The Mer people are gaurdians.  Only the Royal Family allowed multiple spouses.  Emerald tablets are real and exist.  Been to the Halls of Amenti in this life time.  Those of the Blood are known to the Gov..  Simple blood test shows who we are descended from.  Only those of the Blood will return Home.  The Chosen Ones will lead the rest Home.  All will awaken at same time, the Chosen Ones will awaken earlier to prepare the way.  When you approach the cities along the path, in your excitement dont rush off the path to reach the gate.  To do so is at your own risk.  Stay in line/procession.  Be patient and calm.  Ancient Egypt is a child of Atlantis but not the only child.  Oceanus is my Uncle.  The following is from Oceanus-- "I am Oceanus.  The earth must be refertilized with sediment.  What I do is done out of Love for you.  Even though at first it will not appear so."  All of the proceding is what I know mixed with a lil bit of prophecy given to me, not from a book.  Knowledge is a gift.  Use it wisely.

 Message 7 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemorrivannSent: 1/27/2008 10:04 PM

 Message 8 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 1/28/2008 3:14 PM
I use meditation to try to unlock past life memories but I have never been able to go back and see Atlantis or anything else really.
However there's an interesting Atlantis past life memory recall in Brian Weiss' book 'Same Soul Many Bodies'.
This guy remembered being a scientist on Atlantis and he was held in very high esteem.
However he said they were using science for evil purposes to dominate other countries if I recall.
He remembered that the buildings looked like they were made of glass.
I just received what sounds like an interesting book from Edgar Cayce's ARE foundation about this lady who remembers Atlantis.  I haven't read it yet though.
Shirley Andrews also has some Atlantis books out.  She says she can somehow remember being on Atlantis as a young girl during the destruction.
In her book 'Lemuria And Atlantis' this one guy remembered having strange hypnotic powers and using those powers for evil purposes to control others. 
Quite a few people in chat rooms on AOL have talked about past life memories on Atlantis.  They recall being teachers, healers, etc..
One girl told me she remembered using her psychic powers to kill someone in another 'tribe' who had betrayed her somehow.  Crystals were involved.
It is possible I think that while we are in this physical dimension the amount of past life recall we can experience is limited.  Trying to remember too much from other lives might bombard the mind with too much information. 
From what I have read and heard about Atlantis I don't think it was like our modern world today.  Atlantis may have existed in multiple dimensions.  Perhaps it is still there but we cannot perceive it I don't know.
I do believe that it was a real physical place.   
There is a theory that sorcery and the black arts were used on Atlantis and in ancient Egypt to corrupt and pervert the mysteries.  Edgar Cayce stated that it was in fact sorcery that caused the destruction of Atlantis.
Thus we see that the struggle between good and evil was raging even then as it is today.
                               Jeff Marzano

Lemuria & Atlantis: Studying the Past to Survive the Future
Lemuria & Atlantis: Studying the Past to Survive the Future by Shirley Andrews (Paperback - Jan 1, 2004)

 Message 9 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemorrivannSent: 1/28/2008 11:31 PM
Hi Jeff.  The amount of recall of past life is limitless.  Also as far as to much info, you are only shown what you can handle.  Some can handle a lot, others cant.  You are correct on Atalantis existing here in the physical and in other dimension as well.  As far as terminating some one psychiclly, that is a known fact done today.  Does anyone out there have Crystal Keys?  ( a crystal that is like a door key)

 Message 10 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamefareyes0Sent: 3/28/2008 7:02 PM
I am a decent of Atlantis. Not only am I a decent but 2 other people whom i clam as family are as well. We work together as spiritual partners. When I started on m spiritual path i've always felt like i've had siblings, then 1 day i found them. With in the 8 yrs of being together we've had dreams and compaired them. There were 3 main big crystals that that connected from the bermuda triagle to egyption pyramids to stone henge. me & my siblings(2day) were high preist & high priestess. Well when the people got out of hand & started to act like barbarians the crystals were pushed into the earth and atlantis sank. needless to say they are still in the ocean. my siblings and I went s. america and that is were my myan life started.

 Message 11 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNari723Sent: 7/26/2008 7:48 PM
I mostly remember water.clear and blue. Most of the memories are fragmented and I cant be sure all of them are from Alantis

 Message 12 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 7/27/2008 11:49 PM
I've never been able to actually see Atlantis itself during my meditation.
However people appear in my mind that I have known both on Atlantis and during other lives.
Actually sometimes those people appear to me in physical form.  I sometimes see them around town.
I guess they can project themselves into and then back out of this physical world who knows.
During meditation hopefully the subconscious mind releases information to us in a way that we can handle.  For me perhaps it's better to just see those people in my mind rather than specific visions.
I just finished that book called 'Initiation' where this lady had very detailed past life memories of her experiences on ancient Egypt.
I would like to find a similar book by somebody who can remember Atlantis in that much detail.
Atlantis and Egypt are closely related since I believe it was Ra Ta and other Atlanteans who went to Egypt after the destruction to create those mysterious monuments on the Giza plateau including the Great Pyramid machine and the still hidden 'Hall Of Records'. 
                                          Jeff Marzano                            

 Message 13 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNari723Sent: 8/5/2008 4:53 PM
I remember running the streets as a child. I grew up there after my first few yrs with my best friend Rumi.My name was either Angela or Aldrea. Rumi and I were kinda rejects with other kids since we were forkm the colonies of Atlantis. He became a Priest and I a Priestess.Rumi did alot of escapes and dangerous stunts.He was like the first Houdini.We later left with many others back to the jungle colony we first originated in.  We knew the future of Atlantis but no one would listen to us. I had forseen it and told Rumi. They wouldn't listen for they were powered by greed and hate.They thought themselves better then others not of Atlantean descent. We tried for wekks to stop them and get them to  change their ways. Finally, some of them listened.Those who di left with us. Afterwards, the flood waters came and engulfed our childhood playgrounds.Our home. The knowledge of Atlantis was spread throughout the world to those willing to listen.Later we'd hidden ourselves to keep from the destruction of those around us. Thats the basics. No true details yet. Just the main story. I just hope to remember more......

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