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General : Obsession with dreams
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11  (Original Message)Sent: 11/11/2008 5:31 AM

10/29/2008 6:51:52 PM Jujube Just dreams I've been having.

10/29/2008 6:52:10 PM Jujube: I've been having dreams lately that really bother me. One dream is still with m e. About a girl named charolette.

10/29/2008 6:52:20 PM Jujube: And another Jujube about hatred. What bothered me is how how REAL it was.

10/29/2008 6:52:27 PM Jujube: How much these two people HATED one another. There were two dreams. The first took place up north from me. between a black family and a white one. Or partially white.

10/29/2008 6:52:35 PM Jujube: It just I twas so it was so I don't know how to explain it. It bothers me because I don't know where the dreams came from. I've NEVER dreamed like that before.

10/29/2008 6:52:43 PM Jujube: It was awful. A nightmare. Except the monsters were humans. There were these two families. I got glimpses

10/29/2008 6:52:53 PM Jujube: I've never dreamed like that. Not like that. I thought I think I may have picked it up from someone. it wasn't like anything I could do.

10/29/2008 6:53:01 PM Jujube: There was such hatred There were two families one black family. Although, I wasn't sure if they were african. Another family was white. Jujube says They had a black daughter..adopted I suppose.

10/29/2008 6:53:09 PM Jujube: But the black family had a son who fell in love. Jujube says I'm not sure how that came into anything but I suppose the son of the white family needed an excuse to attack him Jujube says so they said he made a pass at their girl.

10/29/2008 6:53:16 PM Jujube: and beat him to death. The girlfriend was enraged. the parents of the black guy tried to sooth her. the mother did anyway. The father was enraged by the entire event. the girlfriend took a bomb and tossed it through the window of the white family's house.

10/29/2008 6:53:23 PM Jujube: It exploded. It wasn't the bomb that bothered me though. After the incident. the white family hung the girl they adopted. the black chlid. In rage.

10/29/2008 6:53:32 PM Jujube: She was five to six years old. I remember her in my dream hanging from the window by a telephone chord. I remember how angry they were. how much hatred was between them.

10/29/2008 6:53:39 PM Jujube: I think it may have been gang related.something. I don't know. but It was a nightmare.

10/29/2008 6:53:46 PM Jujube: I stood by and watched them. I watched how much they loved each other. how they laughed. how much joy they knew. how bright their futures where. I don' tknow how it happened

10/29/2008 6:53:55 PM Jujube: I just remember seeing her eyes. that black girl..the adopted one. Her eyes were wide like huge plates and she was scared. she was c-rying and I could FEEL her. I think they adopted her. I don't know what relation she had.

10/29/2008 6:54:06 PM Jujube: but at the end of the dream one of the girls from teh white family took a rock and crushed the top of her skull. Coldly.

10/29/2008 6:54:22 PM Jujube: Gleefully. In the beginning of the dream there was a group of teenagers. mexican and a few asians.

10/29/2008 6:54:32 PM Jujube: they were in a circle. a loose one. as if it was a party. there was a guy on the ground. I thought he was white. he was bleeding.

10/29/2008 6:54:39 PM Jujube: he was alive, but I think it was just the body. I think he, the person, was dead already. there was so much blood. and there was another standing over him. everyone was standing around them. watching.

10/29/2008 6:54:46 PM Jujube: like it didn't matter. the black teenager, female, was staring in shock. frozen mid move back. I remember watching the person on the ground curled up. Then there was flashes. like you would get from people.

10/29/2008 6:54:53 PM Jujube: if you had a psychic talent. I could see them laughing. kissing. telling each other forever.

10/29/2008 6:55:01 PM Jujube: I could see them. their much they loved each other, and cherished each other. The love I felt from them was shocking and touching. Yet, I saw them there I don't know what was happening, but the violence, hatred and murderous resolve was it was awful. It was like a spiral down into an endless hole.

10/29/2008 6:55:08 PM Jujube: I think it was a gang war. I have no idea, but I woke up and the dream didn't leave me. I've never felt that way before. I've never dreamed like that. It stayed with me and I couldn't shake it. I felt him die in my dream. I felt his last moments. I felt what they did and could hear what they thought.

10/29/2008 6:55:19 PM Jujube: It was horrifying. The next night, I dreamed about Charolette and 21.Charolette traveled with a boy. I'm not sure what was happeing. but she was trying to figure out who and what she was. but who she was was evil. People kept telling her 'You're the demon 21.'

10/29/2008 6:55:33 PM Jujube: I watched her struggle with it. I watched people persecute her. I watched her as she awoke into her power and legacy. The demon 21 was supposedly the strongest demon that ever managed to cross over. He killed 21 people before they sent him back.

10/29/2008 6:55:41 PM Jujube: They called him 21, because he never got past that number, but ruined so many lifes.

10/29/2008 6:55:52 PM Jujube: He was supposedly evil, emotionless and an absolute murderer. Charolette was supposedly this demon, but she was kind, gentle and good. She never really hurt anyone, and was your everyday average teenager. People hated her and avoided her, sure, but she never really did anything to them.

10/29/2008 6:55:59 PM Jujube: I watched this girl fight this other half---21. I saw her struggle with it and struggle to accept who and what she was. She was 21 AND Charolette, but the two people were totally different. She was such a gentle creature, yet strong at the same time.

10/29/2008 6:56:13 PM Jujube: beyond their alien ones. They could be human and their natural came slowly. but they lost their human halves. They became what they once were.

10/29/2008 6:56:21 PM Jujube: The human emotions, experiences and knowledge was gone to their otherkin parts. All those years disappeared in a single thoughtless moment of embrace. They thought it would be joyful and happy, but it turned out to be horrific. They embraced their dream, that other form, and gave up everything else.

10/29/2008 6:56:27 PM Jujube: Whatever love they felt as a human was gone.Whatever ties they had disappeared, and whatever experiences they had or shared with others disappeared in the blink of an eye. It was like that human half never existed at all.

10/29/2008 6:56:34 PM Jujube: It was there, but the human and otherkin half couldn't co-exist. When the otherkin half was there, the human half was gone. Jujube says (6:49 PM): I saw people who had been mates their whole lives kill each other.

10/29/2008 6:56:43 PM Jujube: There was one otherkin who took his true form. his mate was human When he came back. his mate was dead. He killed her.

10/29/2008 6:57:04 PM Jujube huggles* There it is. I was telling levi. It's been really bothering me.

10/29/2008 6:57:47 PM Jujube: I've never dreamed like that before.

10/29/2008 6:57:47 PM Kitty Kat: and how long you've been having these dreams?

10/29/2008 6:57:51 PM Jujube:The past few days.

10/29/2008 6:58:09 PM Jujube: I've NEVER felt like tha.

10/29/2008 6:58:47 PM Jujube: Those have been my dreams.

10/29/2008 7:03:45 PM Jujube: They bother me alot.

10/29/2008 7:03:49 PM Jujube: I'm not sure why I'm having them.

10/29/2008 7:03:55 PM Jujube: I've NEVER felt like that toward ANYONE.

10/29/2008 7:04:00 PM Jujube: I've never felt that before

10/29/2008 7:04:02 PM Jujube: that hatred.

10/29/2008 7:05:17 PM Kitty Kat: what where you thinking about before you went to bed?

10/29/2008 7:05:35 PM Jujube: I had been talking to YOU.

10/29/2008 7:06:02 PM Jujube: I don't rember what I was tinking.

10/29/2008 7:06:08 PM Jujube: nothing that would cause that.

10/29/2008 7:08:40 PM Jujube: Read the dream, Kitty...

10/29/2008 7:09:01 PM Kitty Kat: I did.. and that isn't normal.

10/29/2008 7:09:04 PM Kitty Kat: AT ALL.

10/29/2008 7:09:11 PM Kitty Kat: where you upset before you slept?

10/29/2008 7:10:10 PM Jujube: no

10/29/2008 7:11:11 PM Kitty Kat: *sighs*

10/29/2008 7:11:30 PM Kitty Kat: Weird... very weird that you have these kinds of dreams out of the blue.

10/29/2008 7:18:01 PM Jujube: It's been over and over.

10/29/2008 7:18:07 PM Jujube: different dreams.

10/29/2008 7:18:11 PM Jujube: but still shocking.


My friend thought it may have been a precog of some kind. That I may have picked it up off of somone. I've been obsessing about 21, though...not the evil thing, but the girl. I don't know why. I'm not even sure if I'm obsessing about the girl or just the number. 21. It was such freaky dreams, and it ended abruptly...but it's still with me. I keep thinking about 21, and the significance of the other dreams...I can't get it out of my head. Please help me.

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 11/12/2008 11:56 PM
Should I talk about this in sunday chat or friday chat?

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 11/13/2008 2:45 AM
Hi Judea, you are  more then welcome to talk about this on either night.
It's a pretty twisted dream, like a Stephen King story.
as I am reading it I get lost in it several times... it maybe just because
I am tired

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesleepindeer6Sent: 11/13/2008 10:45 PM

I thought it was me that was getting lost in reading it a couple of night would be a good thing so we don't get lost ...Hun it sounds like a terrible dream.....and onfuseing too try putting some lavendar under your pillow at night might help will help with understnding it a little.....maybe at least give it a try...........


 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 11/13/2008 11:06 PM
I'll talk about it in Friday or Sunday Night chat. It was a really twisted dream. It was almost like a vision or something...*shakes head*...It was like...I couldn't leave the dream...I hope we sort this out. It's driving me nuts.

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 11/15/2008 8:19 PM
=\ I forgot to ask grizz if he's posting his take on this here or somewhere else...

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 11/15/2008 11:01 PM
Judia I am sure Grizz will be posting his take on this as soon as he has had the time
to sort it out

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