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Paranormal Board : A Strange Thing Happened on the Way To....
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 10/14/2006 11:05 PM


 A Strange Thing Happened on the Way To.... 

While researching the stories contained in this book, many unusual and sometimes frightening things happened to me. Since I couldn’t attribute these events to any one particular investigation, I decided to include them here, and have divided them into individual short sub-sections.

The Wolf;

When I first started the investigation into the house on the hill, I had the vision of a large gray wolf lying on the stairway landing of my house. This vision gave me quite a start, because I wasn’t sure if it was a friendly wolf, or not.

After a little research, I found that a wolf is a sign on protection, and is definitely a good thing to have hanging around the house.

This wolf, however, sometimes shows up other places when I least expect it. On several occasions he’s shown up either in the passenger seat or backseat of my car.

Sometimes he appears at the haunted locations Linda and I are investigating. He stands in front of me with teeth barred if a spirit or ghost is in the room. 

My own dog, a Golden Retriever named Sasha, even saw him a few times. When the wolf was in my house he either appeared under my desk at my feet, or on the landing of the staircase going upstairs. Sasha would bark a couple of times, then settle down and just watch him carefully. If the wolf got up and walked around the house, Sasha would track him with her eyes, but never approached him.

Recently I had to put Sasha to sleep due to an illness. When I returned from the veterinarian’s office, the gray wolf was sitting by the door when I walked in the house. It was almost as if he came to comfort me. He remained close to me for about an hour before taking his leave.

My cats are also aware of his presence and give him a very wide berth whenever he is here. The wolf has never made any attempt to attack any of my animals. To go one step further, he seems totally disinterested in them.  

I have to honestly say I have no rational explanation for his presence around me, but have to admit I feel considerably safe whenever the wolf is around, and hopes he continues to visit often.

The Man Who Smokes A Pipe;

Almost every time I’m on my way to or from Linda’s house, I smell pipe tobacco coming from the backseat of my car. There is no smoke visible, but the tobacco odor is unmistakable; it’s Cherry Blend tobacco.

The only reason I know the particular tobacco, is that I spent two hours in a tobacco store one day smelling all the different blends until I found the right one.

If I’m on my way to Linda’s house, which is about four miles away, I will first notice the aroma when I pass Oakwood Cemetery, located a mile away from my house. When I get about a mile away from Linda’s the smell disappears.

On my way home from Linda’s, I will smell it just as I pull out of her driveway, and it will disappear as I pass Oakwood Cemetery.

The obvious conclusion is that this occurrence is associated with Oakwood Cemetery, however it’s impossible to say for sure.

Could it be a spirit just out for a ride? I doubt it. Linda, and other people I know go by the cemetery every day and have never reported anything similar happening to them. So for some reason I’ve been singled out to give this unseen hitchhiker a lift to wherever he’s going.

At first I wanted to connect this pipe-smoking man to the paranormal phenomena at Linda’s house. The first time I noticed him was on my way back from her house.

Then when he started accompanying me to her house and back home again, that dispelled that theory.

I’ve tried several times to communicate with him, but so far he’s been unresponsive. He’s just content to sit in the backseat and smoke his pipe.

What strikes me as odd is that it is very rare for me not to sense the presence of a spirit or ghost as soon as it gets anywhere near me. Yet I’m unable to pick him up at all until I catch my first whiff of smoke, then I become acutely aware of his presence.

My impression of him is that he was a distinguished man in life, and quite a gentleman. I get the image of an older man, perhaps in his late fifty’s early sixties, in an expensive three piece suit. He always wears a matching vest, and an ascot. I also feel he carries a cane. Judging by the style of clothing, it would be fair to say he lived sometime in the early to mid 1900’s.

I also get the impression that his hair is mostly gray with a touch of black. His moustache is neatly waxed and his grooming is impeccable. He is somewhat portly, but definitely a man of class and breeding.

As it is with the wolf, he doesn’t show up all the time and the pattern is inconsistent. I’ve tried to take note of his comings and goings, and cannot associate them with any particular day or time.

Thinking his appearance might have something to do with the activity I’m undertaking that particular day, I’ve kept a journal. So far, there’s no correlation between my activities and his.

Recently he is showing up less frequently, and I miss him in a way. When he did ride with me, I’d talk to him and tell him about my day. Passing motorists must have thought I was nuts talking to myself, but I feel rather smug knowing I have a kindly man riding in my car, puffing contentedly on his pipe, and enjoying the scenery as we travel down the road.  

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 10/14/2006 11:07 PM


I’ve Just Been Disconnected;

It seems as though a certain spirit or ghost doesn’t want me talking on the telephone about this book. Every time I am on the phone discussing the book, the phone will disconnect. Sometimes the line becomes so filled with static you can’t hear. At other times a loud buzzing sound is heard.

Generally I’m “allowed�?a half-hour or forty-five minutes before something happens. Its gotten to the point that I warn whoever I’m talking to that its going to happen and I will call them back on my cell phone. My cell phone seems to be immune to this activity.

Thinking this was being caused by my telephone, I’ve tried putting in a fresh battery, but the problem persists.

Giving up on old telephone all together, I bought a new one, and am still having the same problem. Funny how experience is still a great teacher.

At first, people didn’t believe me and would scoff it off; until it happened when I was talking to them.

When the phone does disconnect or fill with static, any attempt to use the phone for up to an hour is futile. During that hour’s time, if I pick up the phone the static or buzzing sound will be there.

I think I’ve narrowed down the ghost causing this activity, but can’t be sure. It appears that every time this phenomenon occurs, I’m talking about James Hatheway, from the house on the hill, or the house itself.

Can it be he’s still trying to protect the family’s privacy after all these years? Considering the secrets that, in James�?mind at least, remain buried deep in the bowels of that house, it’s not only possible; it’s highly probable.

If indeed it is James Hatheway, his behavior, while disruptive, is probably one of his most endearing qualities. While not a pleasant man in life, it appears that in death he has found his sense of humor.

The Watcher;

Ever since I started working on this book, there’s been someone standing behind me reading over my shoulder.

As of this time, I haven’t been able to discern who it is, or why they are so interested in watching me write this book. Let’s face it, sitting and watching someone type is about as much fun as watching grass grow. Yet, he or she persists, and seems quite fascinated by my activity.

Is it possible that one of the ghosts or spirits has followed me home or is curious about what I’m going to write about it? The thought that a spirit has this ability is certainly intriguing and not out of the question.

When this first occurred, I thought it was the spirit of my father, but now I think it might be the ghost of James Hatheway, who resides in the house on the hill. For some strange reason, it appears that James and I have forged some type of bond. He’s always the first one to greet me when I visit the house, and I sense he’s glad to see me.

If you consider he’s had virtually no one to communicate with for over a hundred years until I came along, it’s not out of the question.

Most of the time it doesn’t bother me, but sometimes the presence becomes so overwhelming it seems to fill the entire room. When this happens I announce to no one in particular that it’s time for a break and go do something else around the house. Upon returning to my desk, I find the presence has abated, and continue my work, only to have it return a few minutes later. How does it know?

The only obvious solution is that it’s watching, waiting, always there, but elusive. Every once in a while I’ll catch a small movement out of the corner of my eye, but when I turn around, no one is there.

To make matters worse sometimes I find myself talking to it: asking its opinion, discussing critical points in the story, etc. Not that I ever get an answer, mind you, but I figure as long as they’re there, I might as well acknowledge their presence.

I’ve decided my only recourse is to accept that it’s just always going to be there and to make the best of the situation. 

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 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 10/14/2006 11:09 PM



I can honestly say that these two events which occurred in July of 2003 are the scariest I’ve ever experienced.

It all started around midnight. The sound of the dog barking woke me up. Since Sasha wasn’t a big barker, I got out of bed to see what the fuss was about. Sasha was lying in the foyer barking at the front door.

I peeked out the window by the door, but no one was on the front stoop. I went to the door that leads to the backyard and turned on the floodlight. There was nothing in the backyard. Satisfied that nothing was amiss, I went back to bed.

Not even two minutes later I heard the murmur of a man’s voice. I couldn’t make out what he was saying, except when he said my name.

At first I thought it was my husband telling me that the dog wanted to go out. I rolled over onto my stomach and was just about ready to tell him she didn’t when I felt a leg on the back of my legs, then I felt a body on top of me. It took me a second to realize that this wasn’t my husband.

My eyes flew open and I saw my husband peacefully sleeping to my left. Whatever was on top of me, virtually pinning me to the bed came from the right.

I tried to move, but couldn’t. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. The more I struggled against this unseen force, the tighter its grip became.

Having no other recourse, I began to recite the Lord’s Prayer and asking God to help me. Within seconds, the presence released me. Panicked, I leapt from the bed, raced into the den at the end of the hall, and collapsed into a chair.

My hands were shaking so badly, it took three attempts before I was able to light a cigarette. Just as I began to calm down, I heard footsteps coming down the hall from the direction of the bedroom. Assuming it was my husband checking to see if I was okay, I looked down the hallway, but saw no one, yet the steps were getting closer.

It was then that I sensed a very strong presence coming towards me. I could feel him standing there staring at me. My breath was coming in short gasps. How do you fight something you can only feel, but not see?

Sasha started to bark. Her ears were back and her teeth barred. I saw her watch him as he moved away from me and out the front door.

The next similar event came a mere three days later.

The alarm sounded as usual with the familiar voice of talk radio jarring me awake.

My husband got out of bed to get ready for work. I turned over to go back to sleep. A few minutes later, I heard a male and female voice talking. I caught bits of the conversation, but wasn’t paying much attention.

Since the alarm was on the other side of the bed, I was lying there with my eyes closed debating on whether it was worth the effort to turn it off.

A minute or so later, I felt someone breathing in my ear. It didn’t register at first, but when it did, I opened my eyes and realized two things. First, the radio wasn’t on, and second, I wasn’t alone in bed.

I jumped up and ran into the hallway. I yelled for my husband, but realized he’d already left for work. Reaching around the corner, I turned on the light in the bedroom. Naturally, no one was in the bed, but I still felt a lingering presence in the room.

Some people might say both events were just nightmares, but they’d be wrong. I was wide-awake when both attacks occurred.

Nothing like this ever took place before, or since, and I don’t have a rational explanation for what happened.

What bothers me most is that whoever, or whatever it was called me by name.

At first I thought it was the same being that watches over my shoulder while I write, but no. The entity that attacked me both times was a menacing presence. You could feel the anger and vindictiveness in the room.

The spirit or ghost that looks over my shoulder while I write is not threatening. He is more of a kindly soul.

When these attacks took place, I contemplated what could have triggered them.  There was nothing in my personal life that could have caused them, so that left me with what projects I was working on at the time. There were two: the Mills house and the house on the hill.

Since I’d been working on the hill house investigation for some time prior to the attacks I eliminated that. As for the Mills house, I’d felt nothing particularly threatening while in the home, but can’t eliminate it as a possibility.

It’s been well over a year since these attacks took place and I’m not any closer to knowing what caused them, and who, or what made them. But, I figure as long as they don’t happen again, I’m ahead of the game. 

Taken from the book "Ghosts of Anchor Bay"

Thank you for sharing this Ghostmist*