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Psychic Ability : Oracles
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/21/2007 7:54 PM

Oracles are an ancient and valuable occult tool, blessed with the ability to provide mystery, wonder, and insight into our lives ... on many topics, at any time.

Oracles are everywhere ... if you know to look for them and remain aware enough to catch their meaning when they appear. The Tarot, is certainly a form of oracle. So is the time-honored I Ching. So are Runes. 

Oracles operate on the principle of synchronicity ... a term coined by Jung, which translates roughly into "a meaningful coincidence." Omens, for example, are occurrences of synchronicity that seem to forecast coming events.

A part of synchronicity mystics, spiritual seekers, and others through the ages have used to their advantage is the fact that "answers" to sincere questions seem to arrive in the outer world in forms that can range from an overheard or chance remark, the accidental discovery of pertinent written material such as a book, a line of information in an article, or even the terse and unintentionally informative message on a billboard, a particularly enlightening dream, an instructive meditative vision, lyrics in a song that appear to contain "a response" to a problem or puzzling dilemma.

The Oracle requires respect and judicious use in order to be meaningful. Oracles are to be used as advisors ... not infallible prophets. They are as good as your connection to your Higher Self.  That's is why you should first make the connection with your Higher Self through introspection before using the cards. 

Then the cards will provide food for thought ... and often eerily prescient counsel for the earnest seeker of their wisdom. Abuse of an oracle can dilute its value as a tool that offers insight and inspiration that might not have occurred without its prompting.

The advice of an oracle is best accepted reverently and pondered with care for whatever application its information suggests to the seeker. Sometimes the advice of an oracle can seem baffling and infuriatingly obscure.

Sometimes it strikes right to the heart of your dilemma. Often it gives "another point of view" that lends itself to fruitful exploration and thoughtful attention.

Oracles are not meant to "tell you what to do" or predict your fortune. Their purpose is to offer suggestions, ideas, outside comments, and help you find your own answers to
the questions you pose ... which in turn can help guide your choices in coping with the issues of your life.

An oracle's true value lies in its ability to trigger your own wisdom ... and you benefit best when you honor and treat it accordingly.  I invite you to explore the oracle I created using the crop circles.

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