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Psychic Ability : Palmistry Part 1-2-3-4-5
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/21/2007 9:55 PM

Discovering More About Your Psychic and Intuitive Talents as They are Recorded in Your Hands

QUESTION # 1. What is the meaning of having just one line traveling horizontally across my palm? Mary E. of Conn.USA  When there is one line instead of two lines marking the palm horizontally, this is called the line of  Simian. Usually there are at least three lines in a palm. The head line, heart line and the life line. But when the Simian line is present there are no separate head and heart line markings. When you read palmistry books you will find that the Simian line can receive a lot of "bad press", plus there is much conflicting data as to its meaning. Most of the people who have asked this question were very concerned about this line being a "bad sign." I practice observing the people I read for my own data collection about hands. Those who have this line that I know personally and as clients have helped me form my  ideas of what this line represents.

Remember  when determining the influence of this line it is important to check to see if it is in both hands. Often it is only in one hand. As usual, I will repeat myself telling you that you have to see at least two other marks to back up what any one line or mark demonstrates. So with that in mind here are some traits of the Simian lined personality:
1. They are usually very energetic about anything they do.
2. They tend to see things as either black or white, no shades of gray in their perception.
3. Since the line is a combination of the heart and head lines they will approach their goals totally  mentally or be all emotional in a situation. It seems they do not blend mind and emotion easily. This creates a single mindedness in their personality which I have found allows for tremendous focus and ability to follow through on promises and goals. I see them as devoted and persevering .
4. They are creative and often driven to do their creative thing. It is reported Stienbeck had two lines of Simian.

More interesting marks that show your talents of intuition.

All humans are Intuitive. However, each individual has different abilities and ways of "tuning in."

More of the psychic areas of the hand are shown in Figure # 6. All markings to be studied are done in black with black notations. In the Ring of Solomon area there can be several curved rays or rings. These Marks are noted with a (A), these marks show an intuitive bond with all of nature and children. I had one respected teacher tell me that these marks told that the bearer had past lives in tribal cultures that revered the land and worked within the balance of nature. She said that these marks gave the person a deep intuitive sense of communication with nature. A great sign for gardeners, farming, those in animal husbandry or training  and veterinarians.

Marks at ( B ) show dream lines. Many times I have seen these lines in the palm of a person who says, "I don't have dreams." We all dream every night, and can have up to five dreams in a sleep period. We just don't remember these dreams when we wake up. When the dream lines are present it tells of an ability to use dreaming time  to get answers to the day's problems. These lines also show that you have inherited or  worked to develop special dream abilities in past lives. If the dream lines are deep or have marks on them, the dreams can be precognitive in nature. A clairvoyant dreamer will have dream lines with an eye shape on them. Usually persons with dream lines experience dejavu  events. If you have these lines and don't remember your dreams it would be important to start a dream journal and to read books about how to seed a dream, recall your dreams  and how to work within the dream state.

Mark (C)- Dream lines with a forked ending or a forked beginning are signs of the ability to travel "out-of body". This "soul traveling" experience can be either by accident or  through the practice of willing yourself to do such travel. I  find people with these lines will often tell me that they had a "flying"  experience as a child. They would find themselves up near the ceiling of their bedroom hovering over their own bed looking down at their resting sleeping body. Some say they had fun and flew around. Others say it frightened them and they went right back into their physical body to wake up determined to never allow this to happen again. People with these marks tend to have very real dreams that enable them to experience color, smells, and feelings as if they were physically there. They will have dreams of flying, falling, or driving a fast vehicle and still be safe. I have several of these marks.  In dream, I often speed through space in a white glowing jelly bean-like vehicle to meet other beings on different planets or just to meet spiritual teachers out in space. Some of my dreams can be so real that they impress my consciousness more deeply than my waking life events.

(D) marks an area of the palm called the "Psychic Triangle."  This triangular space created by the meeting of the lines of Fate, Head, and Mercury or Apollo is very interesting to study.  Just having a triangle means you have psychic talents. You may have visions or see mental pictures and pick up precognitive feelings about events and people. The symbols in this area can explain much about your past life studies in mystical areas and your present abilities you might want to understand and develop in this lifetime.

You must look carefully either in the sunlight or with a magnifying glass to find some of the symbols. There may be a "T" for telepathic abilities,  a cross for times when you were martyred for being mystical. Sometimes there are many crosses in this area. When you have several of them they are called "witches crosses," because you may have been burned or drowned for being a "witch" just because you knew of alternative ways to heal with herbs, roots etc.or knew some thing about an event ahead of time. Also when you have these crosses you may find yourself unable to be comfortable with being psychic because at a subconscious level you know that being psychic and helping others with those abilities got you killed in past lives. Thus there can be a deep fear of being hurt again, which blocks your psychic input. You may find a pyramid shape in this area  that tells of Egyptian past lives where you developed mystical ways and talents. A small triangle in this area can mean there are other souls you will meet and work with in a metaphysical way for group meditations, earth healing, or creating a healing center to work together within, etc. A five-pointed star right side up means you practiced white magic and can do so again. If the five-pointed star is upside down you might have practiced "black magic" in a past life of which I hope you don't do in this life. Wavy lines in this area tells you have healing  and energy moving abilities. A delta shape tells you are on St. Michael's team and work with him when you sleep at least. A flower or butterfly shape tells you have worked with the fairy kingdom in past lives and can again. Many herbalists and healers have worked with the fairies and the elementals of the earth. You can also check  area (E) to find the same symbols and meanings.

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 9/21/2007 10:04 PM

The following information is a brief guide to palmistry and is intended as an introduction to the subject. You will learn the basic concepts and ideas but ultimately they are pieces of the larger jigsaw of the hand. So, for example, you might see something negative in your palm but that could be offset by a positive feature elsewhere-and vice versa. Or a marking is not clear cut or obvious and is not easily assessed. So it is useful to to consult an experienced handreader for any deductions or judgements.

Palmistry is the art of reading character and destiny from the shape of the hand and the lines of the palm. It is not fortune-telling but about knowing yourself and where you are going. The palm gives us a map of our life and it is up to us to make the most of it: through self-awareness we can shape our fate and effect our future.

If you imagine that we all possess different energies and the palm shows us the way they flow. So, for example, you could be a very creative person but you are doing a very monotonous job. You are bored because you are not in tune with your true nature. But this changes when you have a job that uses that creative side. There is no right or wrong answer: just finding the things in life that make you happy and contented.

It is important to note that the lines of the hand can change, for better or for worse. Nothing is set in stone and we have free will to change our future. Life is what we make it and it is important to note that things are not going to fall into your lap: you have to go for it! You are the master of your destiny.


The hand you use is called the major, or outer hand. This indicates any future events, as well as what you are like on the outside.

The other hand is the minor, or inner hand. This shows your potential, as well as what you are like on the inside.

Right-handed people tend to be more logical because that part of the anatomy is connected to the logical, left side of the brain.

Left-handed people tend to be more creative because that part of the anatomy is connected to the intuitive, right side of the brain.


The texture and feel of the hand is important in an initial assessment. Is it soft? Or hard? Does it bend easily under pressure or is it very rigid? The job has no relevance to the feel of the hand: manual workers can have soft hands and office workers can have hard hands. (Callouses, arthritis or skin conditions, like eczema, are not relevant to palmistry.)

People with really soft hands are refined, sensitive and prefer genteel activities. Hard-skinned people are tough and prefer plenty of activity and concrete matters.

Some people’s hands are really pliable and bendy: this indicates an easy going and flexible nature. If you have really stiff hands this shows a determined/stubborn nature. You tend to hold your ground!


The length of the fingers supplies various information about the character. A long-fingered person is analytical and academic, liking to study things in detail. A person with markedly short fingers is very practical and intuitive, liking to go with their gut instinct. When the hands are in proportion it shows a balanced personality.

The proportion of the fingers in relation to each other is very important. They each stand for a character marking and indicate the strength of that quality.

Forefinger: Confidence, ego, ambition, drive.
Middle finger: Discipline, balance.
Ring finger: Emotional expression, creativity.
Little finger: Communication.

A balanced ego is indicated when the forefinger reaches the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.

Balanced emotions are indicated when the ring finger reaches the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.

Great confidence is indicated when the fore finger reaches past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.

Very emotional and creative impulses are indicated when the ring finger reaches past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.

A lack of confidence is indicated when the fore finger doesn’t reach past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger. 

Blocked emotions are indicated when the ring finger doesn’t reach past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger. 

When the middle finger is prominent, standing out from the rest, it shows a serious and intense nature.

When the little finger stands out naturally from your hand it shows an independent and outspoken nature. 

The thumb, nails and fingerprints are very important in hand analysis. This guide is too brief for a detailed explanation.


Rings on the fingers can indicate your inner character.

Forefinger: ambition, need to enhance your ego.

Middle finger: Materialistic nature.

Ring finger: This is conventional and is only noted if there are multiple or large rings adorning it. If this is the case then emotional or creative frustration could be present.

Little finger: It is common to see this in the gay community.

 Otherwise it could indicate difficulties in sexual expression.

Many rings on the hand shows somebody who is wearing emotional armour and is relying on outer things for their wellbeing.

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 9/21/2007 10:10 PM


The life line travels around the thumb. This tells us about the subject’s physical health: the stronger the line the better the physical constitution. If the line looks weak and frayed then it could be a sign of delicate health. Again it is worth noting that we can’t make a deduction from one line alone as other markings might compensate the weakness.

The line also tells us about particular events in the subject’s life, especially big changes and the effects of other people.





The Head line has the same starting point as the life line (near the thumb) and then goes across the palm. It shows the the way you think. The longer it is the more potential you have. And the clearer it is the more strong-minded / focused you are.

A straight head line shows a practical and logical person. They can be over-analytical, especially when it comes to love.

A gently curving head line shows a balance between the practical and the creative. They have their feet on the ground and are flexible enough to adapt.
A steeply curving head line shows a very imaginative and creative person. They have plenty of ideas and inspiration but can find it difficult to keep their feet on the ground.

A short head line that doesn’t go past the middle finger shows a materialistic nature. They can find it difficult to see past their needs.
A head line with a fork at the end of it (underneath the ring finger) is called a writer’s fork. Even if you don’t write it shows a versatile and adaptable nature. A fork underneath the little finger shows acumen in business or science.




The heart line stands for your emotions. It starts from the edge of the hand (from the little finger side) and travels across the top of the palm. It is especially important when it comes to relationships.
When the heart line ends between the forefinger and the middle finger it means you are emotional and passionate.

When the heart line ends underneath the middle finger it means that you can be self-centered in relationships and need to consider your partner more.
When the heart line travels across the top of the hand it means you are more interested in the mental side of the relationship. You don't like great displays of emotion.

When the heart line is short and doesn't go past the middle finger it means you are very cool with your emotions and the physical side is the most important thing in relationships.
When the heart line ends in a fork it shows a balance with your emotions: you are very adaptable in that sphere.

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 9/21/2007 10:13 PM

Individual Markings on the Hand (Discrete Dermatoglphys)

Transverse Markings

A transverse marking is an evil sign that serves to drain the positive qualities of any mount it is found upon. Though a person may have the markings of a heroic mount, these qualities can be reduced to depravity if bespoiled with a score of transverse lines. An example of such a misfortune are transverse lines across the Mount of Mercury, which indicate that the bearer will use their talents of diplomacy and tact for deceit and guile for ill gains.

Vertical Markings

Vertical markings are not to be confused with sister lines, which accompany a major line on the palm. They are, however, still a beneficent sign. If found on the mount, they heighten its positive qualities and assist in annulling any poor signs also located on the mount. They are the antithesis of the aforementioned transverse markings. To use the case of the Mount of Mercury as expressed above, vertical markings upon this mount will bring a great deal of tact and loquaciousness to serve for pleasant communication and camaraderie. It will emphasize science and business skills. In fact, two vertical lines on the Mount of Mercury are often the symbol of a doctor or biologist.

The Grille

The grille is a point at which the energies of the hand dissipate. If grilles enmesh the entirety of the hand, the power of its bearer is constantly drained by vexations and imagined slights. If a grille appears on the mount, it saps or thwarts the qualities of the mount, e.g. such a mar on the Mount of Apollo will forever dash the attainment of any true success in life.

The Cross

Crosses denote troubles, disappointment, danger, and when found on lines, the harm to the bearer may be aggravated. Occasionally it can refer to a dramatic change in one's life due to a crisis or hardship. They should always be considered an ill omen save for two cases: when found on the Mount of Jupiter and when located between the head and heart lines, known as the "Croix Mystique". The bearer of such a symbol is purported to possess a greater degree of mysticism, occultism, and superstition. The length of the head line in conjunction with the Croix Mystique is quite important; should the bearer demonstrate a short (hence, unimaginative and uncreative) Line of Head, they will tend to be quite superstitious, bordering on paranoia. One with a longer Line will have a greater affinity and comfort with the occult.

The position of the "Croix Mystique" is also quite important. If located high up, near the Mount of Jupiter, the bearer will exhibit belief in mysticism only for their own gain. When their future is divined, they care not for the means and the circumstance of their oracular prediction, but only for how it will relate to their life. Those with crosses further from the Mount of Jupiter will care more for the principles and methods by which the mystical experience was expressed rather than its immediate application to themselves.

If it be at the other extreme, near or on the Mount of Luna, the bearer ascribes great feeling to mystical experiences, and possesses a flair or affinity for sensationalism and miracles.

The Star

The star is a symbol of great and sudden brilliance in a person's life. This brilliance is often arbitrary and unexpected, and is always an event that the individual can exercise little control over. A line that ends in a star signifies the greatest accomplishments possible; however, the star often carries with it an unpleasant price. For example, put it the case that the Line of Apollo ends in a star: this denotes great fame, but this often results in the bearer suffering the loss of their private sphere to their successful public sphere. Though the bearer is now extremely famous (or perhaps infamous), they may find their accomplishments to announce a hollow victory.

A star on the mounts will naturally denote great proficiency with the mount's corresponding traits, yet these traits may consume some of the other bearer's qualities. It is no enigma that the star on the Line of Head may at times be the harbinger of blindness or damage to the eyes, for its brilliance is so great as to tumble the most virtuous of individuals. The star is certainly a sign to be viewed with great caution. Seek temperance and balance when marked with such a capricious blessing.

The Island

The Island is always a negative sign, save for some systems in determining an individual's fecundity. It is often a sign of some hereditary evil, such as a heart condition or intemperance with spirits, but it may just as easily represent non-congenital emotional stress or a dire pecuniary situation.

Unlike the star or the cross, the island is a gradual and prolonged, and oft times subtle period of strife in an individual's life. It could represent mounting stress on the line of the head, and manifest itself as headaches. Because of the gradual nature of this malady, the bearer may not have even noticed that they are in a darker period of their life. On the Line of Fate, It could be a period in which the individual finds themselves surrounded with mounting debts that peak at the widest point of the island.

In accordance with the interpretation above, it should come as no surprise that these misfortunes will last to the extent that the island is long.

The Square

The square is almost always a beneficent symbol. It denotes an especial significance when covering an area that is experiencing turmoil, such as chained, broken, or dotted lines. In this instance, difficulties will arise (whose nature are to be discerned from the line), but the bearer will persevere and the crisis will be averted. Damage may be reduced or prevented all together. A square after perturbations in a line signifies repair.
The one instance in which the square denotes negative influences is when it is found on the upper portion of the
Mount of Venus near the life line, where it portends detention or incarceration.

The Circle

The circle is a very rare marking in cheiromancy, and little is said about it. It is an evil mark unless it be on a mount, in which case it usually augments the powers and promise of a mount. If it touch any line, it brings inescapable misfortune importuning to the line it touches. "...In other words, he will, as it were, go round and round in a circle without being able to break through and get free."

The Triangle

The triangle is nearly always a positive sign, though strong significance should be ascribed to it only when it stands as an independent mark, not composed of intersecting lines. It denotes mental flourish and success corresponding to the location of the mark, i.e., if it were to be found upon the mount of Apollo, it would denote an artistic success, such as music or acting. If found alongside a line, it will naturally take on significance dependent upon the line, marking a point at which satisfaction and accomplishment is achieved through the exercise of mental powers. The triangle will never reach the great heights of success that its cousin, the star, but it possesses balance and will not carry with it the backlash that so often accompanies the star.

The Spot

The spot is a sign of a distinct event or malady, though it often comes in groups that betoken a chronic disorder. If found on a line, it typically signifies a temporary illness corresponding to the demense of the line, e.g., a spot on the Line of Head portends some violence to the head or brain fever.

If located on one of the mounts, it is the bearer of unique and possibly lasting meaning. Cf. the individual mounts for their specific meaning.

The Trident

The trident is a most propitious marking wherever it may lay. If it rise from a line, it will expound the qualities of that line and draw additional power from the mounts or lines that the branches on either side head towards. If found on a mount, the trident carries with it great flourish of the properties of that mount in conjunction with its neighboring mounts. The trident is such a powerful symbol that it eclipses the star in beneficence.

The Tassel

The tassel one may liken to a frayed rope, whose tightly-coiled energy and structure has dissipated in the wake of stress, age, or a sudden calamity. A tasseled line can oft be found at the end of the lifeline; as the individual weakens and deteriorates with age, so too does the line. Such is the case with the Line of Head, where it denotes a weakening of mental clarity and approaching senility; the Line of Heart with a deteriorating heart condition or emotional trauma that has left the individual enfeebled and unstable, et cetera.

Drooping Offshoots

Lines that droop from any larger line each indicate a disappointment in life. Along the Line of Heart, it denotes disappointment in love or an unfortunate event in which the individual became too emotionally involved. Along the Line of Head, it may signify the thwarting of one's ideals or disillusionment.

Rising Offshoots

Rising offshoots are the inverse of drooping offshoots. They represent periods of sudden inspiration, fruition, and happiness. When determining the nature of the offshoot's properties, it is essential to observe in which direction the offshoot is headed. It will draw upon the qualities of the mount that it is directed to. For example, an offshoot springing from the Line of Head and nearing the Mount of Mercury is a sign of scientific prowess--perhaps an invention, or a discovery, or a synthesis of concepts that have long been drifting through the individual's mind, but had hitherto been dissociated.

Sister Lines

Sister lines bolster the line along which they follow. Some sister lines are quite common, such as the Line of Mars, which accompanies and strengthens the constitution denoted by the Line of Life; some cheiromancers feel that the Line of Apollo is a sister line for the Line of Fate, as it serves a similar function and accentuates the fulfillment one feels in the course of their career.

In a more generalized sense, however, sister lines protect and heal lines that are broken, crooked, frayed, or side-by-side. Lest a line exist with several negative markings, sister lines will be the guiding hand that shall shield the bearer from the brunt of life's assaults.

Below are depicted the mounts of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo (or mount of the sun), Mercury, Luna (or mount of the moon), the plain of mars, and the two mounts of Mars. Also shown is the mount of Pluto, whose long-standing origin is dubious.

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 9/21/2007 10:15 PM

Mounts of Palm

The raised portion of flesh are called Mounts in Palmistry. They indicate the activity of various centers of our brain. They are the megnetic centrers which delivers the message of the sub concious mind in the shape of lines. Each palm is divided into nine 9 parts known as MOUNTS. Each mount reveals mental as well as physical peculiarities of the individual.


At the base of the first finger adjacent to thumb i.e the index finger represents that part of the brain which speaks about the degree of egoistic tendency of a person. In Palmistry this is known as the "Mount of Jupiter". In the diagram this space has been shown in yellow colour.

The next finger adjacent to index finger is generally longer then the other fingers and it is called Middle finger. Small space below middle finger is connected to that center of the brain which controls soberness and introvercy. In Palmistry it is known as "the Mount of Saturn" .This space has been shown in the figure in dark blue colour
The third finger adjacent to middle finger is known as ‘ring finger�?.A small space below this finger represents that part of the brain which relates to extrovercy. This space is popularly known as the "Mount of Sun". This space has been shown in the figure in pink colour.
The basal space of the little finger adjacent to ring finger is related to that center of the brain which speaks about the degree of eloquence and controls the practical aspect of profit and loss .In the figure , this space has been shown in green colour. This space is popularly known as the "Mount of mercury".
The space between the base of the thumb and the wrist is related to that part of the brain which is responsible for the relationship between man to man . These relations include emotions of sex ,sympathy etc .This space is known as the "Mount of Venus". This space has been shown in the figure in orange colour.
The space opposite the mount of Venus above the wrist is concerned with the sixth sense of the brain i.e imagination power. This space has been shownn in the light blue colour. The popular name of this space is "Mount of Luna" or the Mount of Moon.
A small space between the �?B>Mount of Luna�?and below the ‘Mount of Mercury ‘represents that center of the brain which is responsible for patience and endurance. Based on the pecularities of space Prof Daya Nand has named this space in the books written by him as the "Mount of Defensive Mars".This space has been shown in the figure in light purple colour
A small space opposite ‘Defensive Mars�?and below the ‘Mount of Jupiter�?and above the ‘Mount of Venus�?is related to that centre of the brain which is responsible for the aggressive tendency of a person. Prof Daya Nand has named it as "Aggressive Mars". This space has been shown in the figure in dark red colour.
The middle portion in between all these mounts. e.g. The middle of palm ,which is usually hollow,is related to that part of the brain which makes a person enterprising. This space has been shown in the figure in the form of red coloured grill. This space is popularly known as the “Plain of Mars"

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