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Shields : White Light Shields
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/2/2008 10:34 AM

White Light Shields

 by Robert Bruce

[On White Light & Purity As Defensive Measures]

Purity in an adult, however (an extremely rare thing indeed) does offer some measure of defense as it raises certain Belief System Shields that denies the existence of negative inorganic beings.

Purity also raises the vibrations of adults, making it even more difficult for the negatives to gain access to them. In a nutshell: purity of body, mind and spirit in individuals does not provide the negatives with any significant amount of raw material to work with, psychologically speaking.

Purity and spiritual development does not provide any internal 'shadows' that negatives can use to attach, hide and exist within a person's mind.

In a similar fashion, total ignorance and disbelief of all things metaphysical will offer a reasonable belief system type of defense, effectively working against (or unmaking) negative energies as they try and manifest.

This is why more scientific, skeptical types of people tend to experience far less by way of paranormal manifestations than do more open minded believers. Both the above types of defensive aspects (white light and purity), however, offer only limited defense against direct incursions by low order negatives and their manifestations, i.e., the more brutal and unsophisticated types of inorganic beings.

More intelligent negative types, however, get around these fairly easily if the intelligence and metaphysical knowledge of victims are not combined with at least some measure of spiritual purity; developed or natural.

Long-term psychological conditioning is the general method employed by negatives, although an experienced negative can make a great deal of headway (conditioning a new subject/victim) in a very short time indeed, by directly implanting control devices in their mind.

Controlled ego and purity (the very best you can do and can be) plus knowledge and intuition, when combined, offer formidable barriers.

This is, of course, as long as persons concerned were not previously conditioned by negatives during their childhood.

In a way, once persons have been cracked open and invaded by negatives, instructions on how to gain access to that person are tagged onto their aura; for any interested negative to read.

This last does not prohibit personal security nor the use of effective self-defense measures: it just makes things a little more difficult.

By large, if victims lack experience and knowledge, attacks by negatives must be weathered and endured until they run out of steam; which they usually do after a few weeks. Although with wisdom gained most attacks can be fought and their duration significantly shortened; until enough experience and knowledge is gained to offer more effective shielding.

There are some effective ways to defend yourself which are not commonly known today. And weathering attacks also causes forced bio-energetic development; which in a way grows etheric callouses around one.

Experience also promotes the development of wisdom, through necessity, which can lead you to the gleaning of inspirational occult knowledge from within.

All knowledge rests within us, not without. You only have to look within and ask the right questions and the answers will be given. This is providing that all things are equal, and that an aspirant's foundation belief system will allow the internal manifestation of the necessary occult knowledge.

Unfortunately, it is my observation that most people today blind themselves to this inner wisdom by constructing overly-elaborate foundation belief systems that are not based on personal experience, logic and reason.

Now, to the White Light question: by 'white light' you mean 'visualized white light' which is a popular visualization technique (visualization being more accurately described as imagination) used to visualize white light as surrounding yourself as a protective measure.

The end result of this is that you are in fact surrounding an imaginary version of yourself with imaginary white light within your mind's eye; with all the connotations implied by the word 'imaginary'.

You are not actually 'calling down' any kind of magical force or energy powerful enough to protect you from negative invasion.

If you believe you have succeeded at doing this, I suggest supposed results were coincidental with perceived outcomes; as hard experience tells me otherwise. To my way of thinking the visualized white light self-defense method is more placebo than anything else.

This is much like how children ease their fear of darkness by hiding under their bed covers: it doesn't make their room any lighter, but it makes them feel better anyway.

The white light you speak of most definitely does exist. But this is generally only perceived after long term spiritual development. And while this light does begin to surround you (in a sense) in the astral once you attain a certain level of development, it is not a force, per se, that can be 'called down' or used or manipulated in any direct way.

It can though, manifest more strongly (albeit temporarily) during mystical experiences, if you can connect strongly enough with your higher-self. This in effect raises your vibrations to a higher level, a level where the white light can be perceived as a tangible and visible force.

Under this circumstance White Light will most definitely offer an effective defensive shield: totally impenetrable. It can be said when the white light is perceived within your mind's eye as flooding down from above, that your vibrations have been raised to a level where negatives cannot directly affect you; with there being way too much positive energy surrounding and permeating your being to offer any exposed portion that can be taken advantage of by negative inorganic beings of any caliber.

The difficulty here, of course, is with holding a vibrational / mystical state of purity strongly enough, and for long enough, to be effective. In most cases once your guard drops the attack simply begins anew.

And if the negatives cannot get at you directly, they will try and get at you through all the people around you. They will use them to cause upset and disharmony in your life until they pull you down off your high horse (your vibrational level) to a point where you are once more exposed to the unkind ministrations of the negatives.

And to make matters even more difficult, the more pure and spiritually developed a person is (especially if they are actively working towards real spiritual advancement) the more attention they will attract from the negatives to pull them down.

In other words, the potential of any aspirant generates their level of negative opposition, plus their level of positive assistance, as set by karmic law.

This is the natural way of things, and is part of the reason why real long-term spiritual development is so difficult. And this is also why those that achieve any significant level of spiritual / psychic development usually live fairly difficult lives, or have a painful past.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 2/3/2008 5:54 PM

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/8/2008 2:55 PM
thank you for sharing