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The X-Files : Crop Circle Energy Dynamics
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From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6  (Original Message)Sent: 4/30/2006 10:02 PM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCrystalChick11_11</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 11/10/2004 8:17 AM
Crop Circle Energy Dynamics.
Published by: Enygma , On: Aug-19-2003

The energy used to form crop circles and animate the rest of the universe is an electromagnetic 'music scale'.

All forms of energy are just different wavelengths and frequencies played out in different geometries. This is exhibited by cymatics, the study of wave phenomena where vibrations are transformed into a visible form.

This music scale is the machinery by which water distills 7 colors (tones) from white light. Dr. Beneviste ( has discovered "... that water is capable of carrying molecular information (biological messages); and that it is possible to transmit and amplify this information, as can be done for sounds and music". Plant cells are laden with water. The taller, dense, uniform nature of crops makes them an ideal 'impression medium'.

The underlying laws of physics are based on the mathematical mechanics of water and sound. A single experiment published in the journal Nature defines them all. Sound induced, spherical bubbles in water (sonoluminescence) expanded and contracted over a set range before forming a plasma and bursting into light.

The music scale is composed of 7 time-notes: breve, semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver, semiquaver and demi-semiquaver. Time is the inverse of frequency ( t = 1/f ).

One or more of these energies are typically linked with crop circle formation: plasma, light, sound, microwave and whirlwinds. The latter vortices are the most efficient form of energy transfer.

Many insects and the hummingbird will use their wings to trail the leading edge of one vortex into another for maximum lift and maneuvering control. Space-time is a harmony of vortices.

Modern Science

The right sound frequency will cause a pivot-balanced object to rotate.

There are 17 possible symmetry groups (pattern regularities) in a 360 degree rotation.

A physicist unknowingly discovered that all energy (includes mass) rotates according to it's root value to the 1.7 power.

Tiny iron spheres that have the scattering pattern of a whirlwind can sometimes be found in crop circles. Iron responds to magnetism and is the 4th most abundant element by weight. It's a vital component of plant and animal life. "The iron nucleus provides the most energy-efficient way to pack nucleons together, and because of this the successive stages of nuclear fusion inside stars build all the elements from hydrogen and helium to iron."

Ancient Science

"Music" is derived from the 9 Muse daughters of Zeus "who presided over poetry and the arts of music".

The man usually considered the father of modern chemistry, Jabir, said that 17 composes all things. 8 + 9 =17
The ancient Egyptians recognized that all Creation was the function of 'sonic', dynamic geometry. 8/9 was the energetic essence of 8 primordial gods that gave the Great Heliopolitan Ennead (9). The gods themselves encoded all the underlying physics of nature in the Great Pyramid. Most notable of these are the Nature experiment parameters cited earlier.

The Pythagoreans taught that "all nature consists of harmony arising out of number".

In the book "Pyramid Truth Gateway Universe" a unique number is presented that was channeled from a god. It has a captivating relationship to the music whole tone and rotation constant cited earlier : 54.277^1.7 = 888.888
54.277 "The Reality Number, R, is the unique angle between 2 swirling energy vortex systems that yields the maximum transfer of energy." This applies to travel from the 3rd dimension to other dimensions.


8 = do re mi fa so la ti do; 8/9 = .888... = music whole tone string ratio
118 elements / 17 = 7 (almost); the Periodic Table spans 7 music octaves.

Black hole energy / 1 million = active galaxy variations (often rotate) (10^6) (black holes are galaxy axes)

Square root of 10^12 = 10^6 (sound energy decreases with the square of the span from the source) 10^12 times sound energy = light energy.

Just as a Greek philosopher once said, all things are full of gods.
Apparently they're trying to tell us something in the universal script of crop circles.

David Millo

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From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 5/1/2006 12:02 AM
 for moving this over here hon