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The X-Files : Dr.Salla Post / Scientists Proposes Telepathic Communications / ETs
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From: MSN NicknameJewels_Ascend2012  (Original Message)Sent: 5/6/2007 12:31 AM
Scientist Proposes Telepathic Communications in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Exopolitics Comment #48
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
A recently released scientific study, "A New Empirical Approach to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence," proposes a series of experiments for testing the feasibility of communications with extraterrestrials through a form of telepathy termed "Controlled Superluminal Communications". First published on the prestigious physics database at Cornell University and available on the Los Alamos National Laboratory database, the study's author, Fred Thaheld, suggests that extraterrestrial communications may be located within a specific frequency band in the human brain (0.1 - 70 Hz) that can be easily monitored using EEG machines. Thaheld, a quantum physicist and author of a number of widely cited physics papers, proposes that 'quantum entanglement', what Albert Einstein described as "spooky action at a distance," makes possible a direct measurable influence between living organisms. He proposes that all life is connected at the quantum level despite the great macroscopic distances separating biological organisms. Thaheld argues that the quantum influence occuring between all biological life can be directly measured in human brain waves that can host instantenous communications from extraterrestrials anywhere in the universe.
Thaheld argues that the Big Bang, the hypothesized starting point for the universe 14 billion years ago, created the conditions for quantum entanglement to exist throughout the universe. This is due to the observation by Erwin Schrödinger, a Nobel Prize winning physicist, that a pre-condition for quantum entanglement is previous contact between objects: "When two systems ... Enter into temporary physical interaction due to known forces between them �?they can no longer be described in the same manner as before �?by the interaction the two representatives (or wave functions) have become entangled" (p. 18). Since Big Bang theorists argue that the universe began as a concentrated point of energy, then according to Thaheld, the necessary condition exists for quantum entanglement to exist for all physical particles in the universe.
He argues that while quantum entanglement between non-living organisms demonstrates a 'wave collapse' making superluminal (greater than light speed) communication impossible, this does not occur for living organisms. He proposes that living organisms separated by great distances possess "a massive number of living entangled particles at the macroscopic level (p. 21).
Thaheld argues that the form of communication made possible by quantum entanglement and "non-local effects" (widely separated systems that appear independent but in fact effect each other) of biological systems is greatly superior to empirical methods currently used by SETI researchers. SETI monitors radio frequency bands for possible extraterrestrial communications. Radio waves travel at the speed of light, making this form of communications for macroscopic distances unlikely for advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. If extraterrestrials did use radio waves for communications across macroscopic distances, millennia could elapse before transmitted communications are received by radio receivers on Earth from more distant parts of the galaxy. This makes two way communications impractical and highly unlikely to be attempted by all but less developed extraterrestrial intelligences who have only reached the initial stages of radio communications, and are relatively close to our solar system. Therefore, another form of communication is most likely the preferred method used by advanced extraterrestrial intelligence that are widely dispersed throughout the galaxy and universe. Advanced extraterrestrials would understand the principle of quantum entanglement existing between biological life forms thereby making possible instantaneous influences no matter the distances separating them.
To help substantiate his arguments, Thaheld refers to a series of laboratory studies conducted over several decades that demonstrate quantum entanglement and non-local influences between neural stem cells and human subjects separated by significant distances. He argues that quantum physics pioneers first observed non-local effects with inanimate particles, and never considered that non-local effects would also occur with biological organisms. Thaheld claims in his study that "their reasoning appears to have been incorrect" (p. 11).
He points to a long series of experiments verifying the non-local effects of biological systems. For example, he cites scientists at the University of Freiburg who conclude: "no biophysical mechanism is presently known that could be responsible for the observed correlations between EEGs of two separated subjects" (p. 22). Similarly, scientists at the University of Milan conclude that "experimental data seem to strongly suggest that biological systems present nonlocal properties not explainable by classical modes" (p. 22).
Significantly, Thaheld argues that individuals may be bombarded daily by extraterrestrial communications but filter this out: "most of the nonlocal communications is probably lost within the normal brain wave or EEG noise, otherwise we would be incapable of functioning normally and would overload when confronted with such an influx of data (p. 33). He proposes a series of experiments involving human subjects to test for possible extraterrestrial communications occurring in the subjects' brain which occurs without their awareness.
In conclusion, the implications of Thaheld's study are enormous for those advocating empirical methods for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. His study suggests individuals can receive within their brains, frequencies that are very likely used by extraterrestrials for communication purposes. While most individuals filter these out in order to function normally, it is very possible to access and interpret these brain frequencies. This makes it feasible for individuals to be trained to access these frequency bands in ways that makes communication with extraterrestrial intelligences possible. This would enable the development of a scientific protocol for "Controlled Superluminal Communications." There is also the possibility that such ability may develop spontaneously as claimed by a growing number of individuals who claim to be in regular telepathic communication with extraterrestrials. Telepathy is widely disparaged by researchers in the SETI community and ridiculed by scientists and society in general. Thaheld's study suggests the inadvisability of such a dismissive attitude due to the quantum entanglement that exists between biological organisms throughout the universe and the non-local influences that are occurring. The scientific data and theory presented by Thaheld points to one or more forms of telepathy as a feasible form of communication. Most importantly, Thaheld opens the door to a hitherto unrecognized form of communication with advanced extraterrestrial intelligence being tested and developed through appropriate empirical methods and scientific protocols.
[Note: Fred Thaheld's study "A New Empirical Approach to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Astrobiological nonlocality at the Cosmological Level," is available online at: ]
Copyright © Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
May 5, 2007
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