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Merkaba Meditation - 18 Breaths


Part One
The First Six Breaths


1st Breath: Inhale

Heart: Open your heart and feel love for all life. If you cannot do this completely you must at least open to this love as much as is possible for you. This is the most important instruction of all.

Mind: Become aware of the Sun (male) tetrahedron (the apex facing up to the sun, the point facing to the front for males, or the point facing to the back for females filled with brilliant white light surrounding your body. Visualize it the best you can. If you cannot visualize it, sense or feel it surrounding you.


Body: At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra with your thumb and first finger touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or any other object. Keep your palms facing up.

Breath: At this same moment, with your empty lungs, begin to breathe in a complete yogic manner. Breathe through your nostrils only, except at certain places which will be described. Simply put, breathe from your stomach first, then your diaphragm, and finally your chest. Do this in one movement, not 3 parts. The exhale is completed either by holding the chest firm and relaxing the stomach, slowly releasing your air, or by holding the stomach firm and relaxing the chest. The most important aspect is, that this breathing becomes rhythmic. Begin by using 7 seconds in and 7 seconds out. As you become familiar with this meditation, find your own rhythm.

 First Breath: Exhale

Heart: Love

Mind: Become aware of the Earth (female) tetrahedron (apex pointing to the earth, with the point facing to the back for males, and the point facing to the front for females), also filled with brilliant white light.

Body: Keep the same mudra.

Breath: Do not hesitate at the top of the inhalation to begin the exhalation. Exhale quite slowly for approximately seven seconds, in the yogic manner. When the air is out of the lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and hold the breath. When you feel pressure to breathe again, after five seconds or so, then do the following:

Mind: Be aware of the flat equilateral triangle at the top of the Earth tetrahedron located in the horizontal plane that passes through your chest at approximately 3 inches below the sternum. In a flash, and with a pulse-like energy, send that triangular plane down through the Earth tetrahedron. It gets smaller as it goes down and pushes all the negative energy of the mudra or electrical circuit out the tip or apex of the tetrahedron. A light will shoot out of the apex toward the center of the earth. The mind exercise is performed simultaneously with the following BODY movements.

Body: Move your eyes slightly toward each other, or in other words, slightly cross your eyes. Now bring them up to the top of their sockets, or, in other words, look up. This motion of looking up should not be extreme. You will feel a tingling sensation between your eyes in the area of your “third�?eye. Now look down to the lowest point you can, as fast as you can. You may feel an electrical sensation move down your spine. The MIND and BODY must coordinate the above mental exercise with the eye movements. The eyes look down from their uppermost position at the same time the mind sees the triangular horizontal plane of the Earth tetrahedron move down to the apex of the Earth tetrahedron.

This combined exercise will clean out the negative thoughts and feelings that have entered into your electrical system. Specifically, it will clean out the part of your electrical system that is associated with this particular mudra you are using. Immediately upon pulsing the energy down your spine, change mudras to the next one and begin the entire cycle over again.

The next 5 breaths are a repeat of the first breath with the following mudra changes:

2nd Breath
        Mudra: Thumb and 2nd finger together.

3rd Breath
        Mudra: Thumb and 3rd finger together.

4th Breath
        Mudra: Thumb and little finger together.

5th Breath
        Mudra: Thumb and first finger together (same as 1st breath).

6th Breath
        Mudra: Thumb and 2nd finger together (same as 2nd breath).

Part One, The First 6 Breaths—the balancing of the polarities and the cleansing of your electrical system—is now complete. You are now ready for Part 2, The Next 7 Breaths.

Merkaba Meditation Part 2

Merkaba Meditation Part 3

Merkaba Meditation Part 4
