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Merkaba Meditation - 18 Breaths


Part Two
The Next 7 Breaths
To Recreate Spherical Breathing


Here an entirely new breathing pattern begins. You do not need to visualize the star tetrahedron at this time. You only need to see and work with the tube that runs through the star, from the apex of the Sun tetrahedron above your head, to the apex of the Earth tetrahedron below your feet. The diameter of your tube will be the size of the hole formed by touching your thumb and middle finger together. The tube is "like" a glass fluorescent tube running straight as an arrow with a crystalline tip at each end that fits into the apex of each tetrahedron. 


7th breath: Inhale

Heart: Love. There is another refinement here that can be used after you have perfected this meditation. It will be discussed in class.

Mind: Visualize or sense the tube running through your body. The instant you begin the 7th inhale, see the brilliant white light of prana moving up and down the tube at the same time. This movement is almost instantaneous. The point where these 2 light beams meet within your body is controlled by the mind and is a vast science known throughout the universe. In this teaching, however, you will only be shown what is necessary to take you from 3rd to 4th dimensional awareness.

In this case you will direct the two beams of prana to meet at your navel, or more correctly, within your body at the navel level, inside the tube. The movement of the 2 beams of prana meet, which is just as the inhale begins, a sphere of white light or prana about the size of a grapefruit, is formed at the meeting point centered on the tube. It all happens in an instant. As you continue to take the inhale of the 7th breath, the sphere of prana begins to concentrate and grow slowly.


Body: For the next 7 breaths, use the same mudra for both inhale and exhale; the thumb, 1st and 2nd fingers touching together, palms up.

Breath: Deep rhythmic yogic breathing, 7 seconds in and 7 seconds out. There is no holding of the breath from now on. The flow of prana from the 2 poles will not stop or change in any way when you go from inhale to exhale. It will be a continuous flow that will not stop for as long as you breathe in this manner, even after death, resurrection or ascension.

7th Breath: Exhale

Mind: the prana sphere centered at the navel continues to grow. By the time of the full exhale, the prana sphere will be approximately 8 or 9 inches in diameter.

Breath: Do not force the air out of your lungs. When your lungs empty naturally, immediately begin the next breath.

8th Breath: Inhale

Heart: Love

Mind: The prana sphere continues to concentrate life force energy and grow in size.

8th Breath: Exhale

Mind: The prana sphere continues to grow in size and will reach maximum size at the end of this breath. The maximum size is different for each person If you put your longest finger in the center of your navel, the line on your wrist defining your hand will show you the radius of the maximum size of this sphere for you. This sphere of prana cannot grow larger.

9th Breath: Inhale

Mind: The prana sphere cannot grow larger, so the prana begins to concentrate within the sphere. The visual appearance is that the sphere grows brighter.

Breath: The sphere grows brighter and brighter as you inhale.

9th Breath: Exhale

Breath: As you exhale, the sphere continues to grow brighter and brighter.

10th Breath: Inhale

Mind: As you breathe in the 10 breath, the sphere of light in your stomach area will reach maximum concentration. Approximately halfway into the inhalation of the 10th breath, at the moment of maximum possible concentration, the sphere will “ignite�?and change color and quality. The blue electric color of prana will turn into the golden color of the sun. The sphere will become a golden sun of “brilliant light�? As you complete the 10th breath inhale, this new golden sphere of light will rapidly reach a new and higher concentration. At the moment you reach full inhalation of the 10th breath, the golden sphere of light in your body is ready for a transformation.

10th Breath: Exhale

Mind: At the moment of exhale, the small sphere of golden light, 2 hand lengths in diameter, bulges to expand. In 1 second, combined with the breath talked about below, the sphere expands quickly to the sphere of Leonardo, to the finger tips of your extended arms. Your body is now completely enclosed within a huge sphere of brilliant golden light. You have returned to the ancient form of spherical breathing., However, at this point, the sphere is not stable. You must breathe 3 more times to stabilize the sphere.

Breath: At the moment of exhale, make a small hole with your lips and blow out your air with pressure. As you feel the sphere begin to bulge, all within the 1st second of this exhale, let all your air out rapidly. The sphere will expand at that moment.

11th, 12th & 13th Breaths: Inhale & Exhale

Mind: Relax and just feel the flow of the prana flowing from the two poles, meeting at the navel and expanding out to the large sphere.

Breath: Deep rhythmic yogic breathing. At the end of the 13th breath you have stabilized the large sphere and are ready for the important 14th breath.

It is important to note here that the original small sphere is still there inside the larger sphere. In fact, the small sphere is actually brighter and more concentrated than the larger one. It is from this inner sphere that prana is drawn for various purposes such as healing.

Merkaba Meditation Part 3

Merkaba Meditation Part 4


Merkaba Meditation Part 1