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 Message 1 of 27 in Discussion 
From: moochie  (Original Message)Sent: 2/22/2002 3:23 PM
I suppose you all know how much I like to laugh, and thought it might be kind of fun to post some of the really funny things that happen in every day life.  Not the jokes, etc., those can go on the main message board.  Let's just use this one for 'real life' stuff.  The room is a great place to get some of the material for this board.  We have such fun people, and something funny is always going on.  Sometimes not everyone hears about the hilarity, and this might be a way to share some of that.
One thing that comes to mind was the night a roomie got caught in comic mode.  (and hasn't this happened to all of us?)  She was SOOOO incensed, and was so angry she couldn't pay attention to the people trying to help her.  She kept popping in and out of the room, saying "I'm stuck, and you aren't helping me!!".  This went on and on until everyone was screaming and howling.  Luckily, the roomie finally did get out of that awful comic chat and joined us.  A personal friend of mine came into the room for the first time and had the same thing happen.  The funniest part is when someone says "Where on earth am I?", and you KNOW what has happened.
We could also post some of the funniest typos in here.  Maybe we should ask Teach about this one.  She was trying to say 'shut'  the other day and missed the 'u'.  I'm going to leave it up to your imagination to figure out what letter was in there.  (Oh Teach!!)
Let's have fun with this one, and share some of our stories.  When Cat and I were talking about this, I said I could probably fill a message board all by myself, so keep watching!
Love y'all

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 Message 13 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJust_SeptemberSent: 2/26/2002 8:23 PM
Many years ago, when I was about 13, my folks were renovating the old summer cottage we lived in to make it suitable for winter. Well dad was putting these floor registers for the heat to come up from  the basment to the main part of the house.  One day I was dusting for my mother, totally forgetting the open hole, in the floor way in the corner. All of a sudden I felt myself drop up to my waist, into the hole.  Dad was in the basement and came running over to a pair of legs kicking from the hole up above, I was hollering my head off,while hanging onto the edge of the hole.  He came up, took one look at me and burst out laffing.  I was unhurt and he pulled me out of the hole.  He said next time young lady, look where you're stepping. I seem to have a habit of doing things like that, but that's another story.

 Message 14 of 27 in Discussion 
From: Teacher943Sent: 2/26/2002 9:25 PM
Don't know if I can write this down to sound as funny as the doctor involved thought it was........... I was a very young bride, and a teenage mother.  When I grew up, raising my kids, they either had to go tinkle or potty.  I had not yet learned the technical terms for either. My son was 15 months old, and for Christmas I gave him an early American rocking chair (child sized) The next month, he got very sick, and I took him to the dr. His symptoms were fever, he was red and his tummy was very hard!  Dr. Culpepper examined him and said..."Marilyn, has he had any hard stools?"   And I replied, " No, but I got him a rocking chair for Christmas, but it has a cushion on it".  He stared at me for a while, then busted out laughing, and called his nurse in and told her what I said...........they just stood there cracking up.  I can look back at that and laugh now.......but at the time, had no idea what was so funny!

 Message 15 of 27 in Discussion 
From: moochieSent: 2/27/2002 12:15 AM
PJ's story about Booboo in the motel made me think of when Cat and I went to visit Cloud Walker.  I was sleeping on the couch, and woke one morning to find my nightie was bunched up around my neck - and CW's SON was in the living room!  I wrapped up in my blanket, kind of like a burrito, and just sat there.  No way I could get up.  Cat and CW got up, both of them got coffee, and there I sat.  I didn't think CW's son would EVER leave that room, and I couldn't figure out how to tell anyone the predicament I was in.  I'm still annoyed that neither Cat nor CW brought me some coffee.
That was the same trip, by the way, that Cat locked herself in the rest room in a truck stop.  I had pumped gas while she went to the rest room, and when I went in to pay, Cat was nowhere to be seen.  I looked at every little item in the truck stop, and still no Cat.  I was really beginning to think she had run off with a trucker, when she kind of hobbled down the hall, her hair all askew, and she said "Oh Mooch!!".  It turned out she had locked herself in the rest room, and was pounding on the door when finally another woman came in.  The woman told her to stand back, and WHAM, she pushed the door open.  Cat was flattened against the side wall!!  I wanted to tell everyone she crawled out from under the door, but she threatened me if I said that.  Cat now refuses to drink anything when she is in the car with me.  I'm not sure how this got to be my fault, but I guess that's par for  the course.

 Message 16 of 27 in Discussion 
From: moochieSent: 2/27/2002 12:22 AM
PJ, don't know if you remember this one, but I wanted to DIE!!!!!!!  I was a bit annoyed with one of our roomies, and PJ asked me what was wrong.  I went into a lot of detail, sent this really loooooooong whisper - but instead of PJ, I sent it to the person I was annoyed with!!!!!!!  I think that was one time I just clicked out of the room and blamed it on Moofie.
Hope I don't get kicked for this one, but since I'm on the subject of whispers gone astray - one of the gals in the room likes to play that "jungle wav", and I think it sounds like the puter ate too much sauerkraut.  She did that one night, and I whispered to Booboo "My puter just f***ed".  The wav played again, and I whispered "Well, this time it didn't just F***, it S*** too", but instead of Booboo, I sent it INTO THE ROOM.  Moofie time again.  Sobble.

 Message 17 of 27 in Discussion 
From: Teacher943Sent: 2/28/2002 10:57 PM
In case you all don't have a clear picture of just how stupid I am by now, let me tell you another Young Mother story.  When my firstborn started to school, he came home the first day with a little flat tin can.  On the lid was a piece of masking tape that said "Worms"  I dug up two worms for him and put them in the can, and sent them back to school the next day.  That afternoon, he came home with another little flat tin can...........same thing on the lid, "worms".  I asked him what happened to the two we sent the day before, and he said they must have died. morning, I waited til I saw the school bus coming down the street, and I dug up two fresh worms and put them in the tin, and covered them with a little dirt.  Got a note from the school that afternoon, carefully explaining to me that the tin was for a specimen from my son, so he could be tested for pinworms.   (I told them they should have talked to Dr. Culpepper about me!)

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 18 of 27 in Discussion 
Sent: 3/1/2002 1:34 PM
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 Message 19 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKada©Sent: 3/5/2002 1:37 PM
Believe me, at this point, we have really appreciated the stories. Thanks so much for this thread. I have printed it to take it to Lem for his enjoyment. Hugs, Kada

 Message 20 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJeriTX1Sent: 3/6/2002 5:26 PM
I, like Teach, married young and was a teenage mom.  I had never been around any babies, (except for my 7 yrs younger brother, and I tried to avoid him much as possible).  When I was expecting my first child, I was so afraid something would be wrong with him.  Then the day came when my son was born by C-section.  I awoke late that day to my husband standing beside my bed, telling me all about the beautiful child we had just had.    Then he said, now I have to tell you something....."there is a problem with the baby, he has no teeth."  I started crying and screaming, MY BABY HAS NO TEETH, all the nurses ran into my room trying to explain to me, but it didnt soak in.  They gave me a hypo shot and kicked Otis out of the hospital and called my Mother.  They finally had to show me several other babies that didnt have teeth to convince me my baby was normal......and Otis got to come back and visit.....but I was soooooo mad at him....LOL

 Message 21 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJeriTX1Sent: 3/6/2002 5:36 PM
I forgot to add that my son, Charlie, got his first tooth at 6 months old, and I was so proud. And forgave Otis......

 Message 22 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJust_SeptemberSent: 3/12/2002 12:35 PM
One day Hubby decided I needed to have a driving lesson.  We had a big ole Chrysler Newport, so I felt safe.  He took me down this very narrow country lane, only one car can fit on this road mind you.  Well to the right was a gulley, caused by heavy rains and we were coming to a curve in the road, he said be careful of the gulley. Well of course you, can guess, with those words, I slipped right into the gulley. Then he tells me step on the gas, to get you out, and steer to the left.  So I did just that. Before he could say another word, I felt the car fly through the air, then stop abruptly.  I noticed this huge tree just inches from the front of the car and felt the car rocking ever so slight ly back and forth. Well when hubby uncovered his head, he said, " now sit very still don't move." I didn't dare ask why.  He slowly got out and didnt even close the door.  I noticed he, kind of jumped out.  He walked all around the car, came over to my side and said.  Honey sit still, I have to find a way to get you and the car down from there. I gulped, and thought "Oh my God", down from where,and why was he standing in a hole?  In actuality, he wasn't standin in a hole.  When I had stepped on the gas, it made the car catapult up out of the gulley and across the road and up over a 3ft. stone wall. The car was hanging very precariously by the front left wheel.  We were across the road blocking anything from coming through and at that point here comes a pickup truck.  The man stopped, got out, shook his head, laughed, said something to hubby and backed down the road 3 miles and came in where we had and helped tow us down from the wall. Miraculousy, there was no damage to the car, only my spirit to let hubby give me any more lessons for a long time. To this day, I have never heard the end of that driving lesson. I never did ask hubby what the man in the pickup had said, and I don't think  want to know. I did learn how to drive folks, but have never had the courage to go for my license.

 Message 23 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKada©Sent: 3/12/2002 1:43 PM
OMG! I laughed at Jeri's tooth story until tears rolled down my cheeks! And was hysterical with all the rest. Thank goodness for this vivid imagination! hehe
I must tell you that my oldest daughter learned to talk rather early, and this happened when she was about two. One day, I was in the bathroom and the phone rang. I could hear her pick up the phone and say, Hello. Following that, she murmurred something like, 'She can't come to the phone - she's going potty.' Apparently, that didn't satisfy the caller, because she said, 'I said, she's going potty!' Still not being satisfied, she repeated it at a very high pitched yell! Of course, all this time, I'm struggling to get myself to the phone.... When I finally grabbed the phone out of her hand, I was laughing so hard, I couldn't talk to the caller, who happened to be a businessman, so I snickeringly asked him to call back a little later and hung up. Ah, children!!
Please, please don't let this wonderful thread die. The true stories are the funniest! Many Hugs, Kada 

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 24 of 27 in Discussion 
Sent: 3/25/2002 2:08 AM
This message has been deleted due to termination of membership.

 Message 25 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJust_SeptemberSent: 4/9/2002 3:50 AM
One of the worst mistakes you can ever make is using the wrong word , when describing a baby picture to a proud parent. Many years ago, early in our marriage, we lived in a trailer park. (real nice one) I was strolling down the street with  2 of my little ones, and a neighbor came out with her little one to walk with me. She had recently had some photos taken of her 2 little girls to send to her hubby who  was out to sea at the time. She was all excited , and couldn't wait to show me the photos. Well leave it to me. I took one look at the photo of her youngest, who had mischief written all over her face, and blurted out,"ohhhh she look's like a little monkey". I was horrified as she was at what I had just said.  I tried to explain that wasn't what I meant, and   needless to say the more I tried to explain, the deeper in I got. She grabbed the photos and stormed off.  She never spoke to me again.  To this day, I can't believe I said that. From that point on I was more careful with my choice of words when looking at some one else's baby's photos.

(1 recommendation so far) Message 26 of 27 in Discussion 
From: Teacher943Sent: 4/10/2002 5:04 AM
When I was a teenager, I was very skinny!! (yes, me)  I was asked to a school dance and was allowed to wear my first strapless dress.  I thought I was going to die date came up behind me and put his hands on my waist and twisted them to turn me around.........well, the only thing that turned around was my dress!!!  Think about it!

 Message 27 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJust_SeptemberSent: 5/14/2002 6:47 PM
Everyone knows, I have a Beta fish, well, this is the saga of how, not to clean a fish tank.  I had the Beta in a 3 gallon tank, and it got to be too much for me to clean all the time, as I couldn't carry it to the sink. I had devised a way to siphon most of the water out, so I could.
Well, wouldn't you just know, I misplaced the bulb to siphon with. I decided I would put poor fishy in a smaller tank, that I could handle. I bought this neat little one gallon tank that was light weight. At least, I thought it was a one gallon tank, but it must have been a one litre+ tank.  I filled it with water and put one drop of dechlorinator in the water, as it's one drop per gallon. I let the water set for 1/2 hour as per directions, then put my Beta in the tank.  Immediately my fish went to the bottom and stayed there for about 3 days.
I thought, darn fish is mad because I put him in a small tank.  Hubby lectured me that fishy was upset with me.  He was okay after a few days , and I figured he had got used to the tank.
The smaller tank needs to be cleaned more often, so  after 2 weeks I decided to go through the whole process again, only this time I filled my gallon water bottle and put the drop of dechlorinator in.  Well imagine my surprise when,
I cleaned the tank and proceeded to pour the water in from the bottle, and discovered, yikes the tank only holds little over half a gallon.  What I had done the last time was, literally poison my poor fish, because I thought the tank held a gallon of water, and had added the dechlorinator accordingly.
Well, I guess you know, how dumb I felt explaining that to Booboo when she asked me how my fish was doing.  Of course the rest of the chat knows too.

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