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 | OOC: Put what you want here | Aurora was walking around a bit, she was the cleaning lady pretty much of the stuido she worked at night so no one really saw her or even knew she was there, she didn't mind, this way she advoid people teasing and picking on her, so it was all good. {Aurora Sweet} There almost done. She smiled a bit as he was working in the last room now, getting it ready for tomorrow. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | She nodded as she had never been in anyone elses room but her own, unless she was cleaning she hears him tell her his name, and knew taht he knew hers already. {Aurora} How long have you been here? | |  | |
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 | Title | Players | OOC | TBCB | Here | Here | Here | Here | | He shrugged thinking about it. Dominic: A few days but it feels like years. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | She looked at him thinking about it. {Aurora} I've been here since the day this place opened, but no one has ever talked to me before, you're the first. She said as she looked at him honestly {Aurora} Why does it feel like years? | |  | |
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 | Title | Players | OOC | TBCB | Here | Here | Here | Here | | He looked at her and shook his head. Dominic: nobody has talked to me since I got here either. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | She looked at him feeling bad. {Aurroa} I've been stayikng hidden , mainly because of what has been going on , with that cult guy and his wife taking over this place, and well no one has ever bothered me anyways. | |  | |
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 | Title | Players | OOC | TBCB | Here | Here | Here | Here | | He nodded and sighed. Dominic: I've been kinda hoping one of them would bother me. At least then I'd have someone to talk to. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | She looked at him feeling bad. {Aurora} I'm sorry. She said as she was looking at him thinking about it. {Aurroa} I'm sure soon you'll have someoe, they make sure of it, they have been drugging a lot of people... thats why a lot of the porn stars are pregnant or married or getting other women pregnant. | |  | |
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 | Title | Players | OOC | TBCB | Here | Here | Here | Here | | He frowned hearing that. Dominic: I don't want to be with another woman. I like you. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | She blushed as she looked at him. {Aurroa} You like me? He nodded as she smiled shyly, {Aurroa} I like you, as well, You are very nice. | |  | |
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 | Title | Players | OOC | TBCB | Here | Here | Here | Here | | He shook his head. Dominic: I wasn't always nice. I used to do mean things to people. But I don't anymore. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | Aurora looked at him when he said that. {Aurora} I'm glad that you aren't mean any longer. | |  | |
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 | Title | Players | OOC | TBCB | Here | Here | Here | Here | | He smiled softly. Dominic: My shrink told me after I was shot the third time that it was bad for my health. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | She gasped looking at him as she didn't like hearing that he had been shot three times. {Aurora} I hope you don't have to ever worry about getting shot again. | |  | |
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 | Title | Players | OOC | TBCB | Here | Here | Here | Here | | He nodded and looked at her. Dominic: I hope so too. Between you and me. It really hurts. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | She nodded agreeing. {Aurora} I know, I've been shot, but only once. She said as she thought about it, she had spent a long time trying to forget about it. | |  | |