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Weekly Whistle : The Whistle November Check IN!!!
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Recommend  Message 1 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNanmeister  (Original Message)Sent: 11/4/2004 3:23 AM
Some of you probably remeber the Weekly Whistle which was a check in place once  a week to find out how everybirdy was.
What I'd like to propose is to make the Whistle through out the month for those that can't post once a week or want to post more often. so starting out...
We've been doing a lot of fall cleaning and remodeling here at Che' Marsh and Peck. Tomorrows list includes putting plastic on the bird room windows as it is getting pretty chilly now, and our house is on a hill and we get lots of wind.
We're also working to sell my son Tom's house in town. He's not going to be moving back here so we're spiffing it up. The last renter we had in it destroyed the carpet so we're replacing that.
So how was everyone's Halloween?? Are all you moms eating candy from your kid's bags? We went to Omaha to see a movie and go to a haunted house.
Hope you all had a safe and sane holiday! Nan

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Recommend Delete    Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN Nicknameannieokie100</NOBR> Sent: 11/1/2004 10:47 PM
YooHoo,  Glad to see the Whistle back.  I missed seeing what everyone was up to.
Halloween here was a nothing night.  I live too far out for trick or treaters to come by and most of the kids go to the community center where there are lots of businesses who sponsor booths, contests and other fun stuff to do.
We have our first cold front on its way.  Snowing right now in the Oklahoma panhandle.  I am much further south so maybe I'll luck out and not get any.  We have had lots of rain and more coming. I feel all moldy.

Recommend Delete    Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN Nicknamejensbirds</NOBR> Sent: 11/1/2004 11:03 PM
Annie - you can keep the rain - it'll be a month before my yard dries out!
  We didn't have tons of trick or treaters here - maybe 20 or so. - my two youngest went out with their friends - I just got done buying back candy from them so they wouldn't eat it all - (10 cents a piece) - I think they made out pretty well - and I only ate two of the pieces I got from them - then quick tossed the rest!  Too much candy makes me tired!!!
  Of course they still have plenty left to send themselves into a frenzied hyper drive - so I still have that to deal with!

Recommend Delete    Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN Nicknametivabird</NOBR> Sent: 11/2/2004 8:20 AM
I knew a family once that allowed their children to eat as MUCH candy as they could on Halloween night, because that next morning it went into the trash!  I always thought that was a good idea.  My kids keep all their candy, and share with mom and dad of course.  They don't freak out over candy (thank goodness) so it hasn't been a problem yet.
My boys were two army soldiers and lemme tell ya, boy did I have to take the heat for that one.  I got many rude comments about the war.  Mmmmkay, so what should I do?  Tell my kids NO you can't be army guys because some people may feel it's politically incorrect at this stage in the election and war.  HAHAHAHA!  They're 10 and 5 people!  What is more inspiring to a young boy than soldiers?  Geez.  Other then that, we had a great Halloween.  We spent it with my dad at his place.  He lives in town and it's nice and flat there, the hills here are too much for Dokker's five year old little legs.  Plus, in my dad's area, all the old lady's give out full size chocolate bars mmmmmmmmm.
Well next is Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday.  Is everyone ready for Christmas yet?  Or do you wanna hurt me for reminding you?

Recommend Delete    Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN Nicknametivabird</NOBR> Sent: 11/2/2004 8:21 AM
Oh yeah, and the birds are doing well too.  Especially that escape artist Koi!

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Recommend  Message 18 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 11/15/2004 8:36 PM
Temps here were a bit cooler -- in the low 70's--- so mine all had to stay inside for the first part of the morning..... I had a "farm" back there but did find out rather than the cartoon channel they like it better when there are kids talking so changed to Disney......
I have stepped on one of mine Annie and it scares me to death. Mine deliberately cling on to my socks and expect a free ride through the house..... or maybe they think I don't have feeling inside those socks and this is a new escape route.
I tried the "recipe" (not the Walton Mtn one but Tivia's) and it's good but I had to cut down on the selection of beans and ended up only cooking the ones they'll eat....  Chards are a dime a dozen here and like you the smell of Kale turns me off.... did I see somewhere that spinach is questionable to feed to birds. I give mine spinach with romaine and other veggies as their salad.....
I did end up freezing bags of cranberries although I know I'll be able to find them till Christmas at least. I love cranberry bread, not as sweet as pumpkin bread and here in the South it's Sweet Potato Pie, some of the best I've tasted. I had never seen or heard of pumpkin pie or okra for that matter till I came stateside....... I thought it was a daily staple!!................. Too2

Recommend  Message 19 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNanmeisterSent: 11/18/2004 7:00 PM
Ugh! It's a cold drizzly day and while I try really hard not to let weather effect my moods today weather won. I'm just sort of dragging through the day. the weather has been so odd here, one day cold and the next in the 70's. Weather changes play havoc with my migraines. I'm going to hide out in my room til Mother Nature makes up her mind

Recommend  Message 20 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 11/18/2004 9:04 PM
We're having terrific sunshine and warm days.... birds are out and out early again as a couple of days it was mid morning before they could go out....... I seem to figure if I'm cold they are too and they much prefer when it is a bit least I believe they do since they alert the neighborhood to their appreciation........
Wish Sandy was online......I got an email from a friend........ OK this friend passed away on April 3, 2002 and I guarantee her husband has no conception as to how to use a computer..... I have no idea what to think and so far am a bit leary about opening it up....... Joan had a very unusual email addy....... not run of the mill....... could someone else just happen to be able to use it?...... I used to send out emails to all in my addy book.... and Joan's naturally came back.... could not deliver........
da da da da......    Too2

Recommend  Message 21 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 11/19/2004 2:10 PM
Got to the bottom of the weird email with help from Annie and DD.... it was spam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... seems strange that they'd use my deceased friend's email addy.
We have a couple of neighbors from out of state and they already have all the Christmas decorations in the yard and lights on the houses....Christmas tree's up and all rooms in the houses decorated.............. so!!  maybe I'll get in the mood and plan Thanksgiving..... it's a bit too soon for me and twinkling lights....... the turkey is still in the freezer..... Too2

Recommend  Message 22 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNanmeisterSent: 11/23/2004 6:40 AM
Hi Everybirdy!
We went to Omaha yesterday and saw a dog show. I've seen several obedance trials but never the "glamour" side of it. It was a lot of fun and the pug we were rooting for won.
Did a buch of birdy food shopping and checking out the various pet stores for Xmas goodies lol.
I had tio take the truck into the dealer to have the cover and the bed liner put on. that's going to help a lot for traveling.
I hope you all had a good weekend! Nan

Recommend  Message 23 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 11/23/2004 1:48 PM
I spent most of yesterday baking and need to do more shopping as so many things I forgot to get....there goes another day!! and there's still the housework to do.......
But I did get most of the christmas cards written last night.. so I'm finally on the ball.
Glad you had a good time Nan and that's going to be one sharp looking truck...Too2  

Recommend  Message 24 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 11/23/2004 7:21 PM
The stores are jammed packed and what a time just to get a few forgotten items...... I think when I worked I was more organized than I am now........ and pushy people!! geez!!....  I had a cart with a few items, packages of nuts and some fresh fruit and rather than go get her own cart..........she took mine.......... someone pointed it out to me as I was reaching down for the canned milk.... anyway she scoffed the cart and I ended up getting my five items from the shelf where she'd laid them... at least I didn't have to backtrack and start again........Too2

Recommend  Message 25 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametivabirdSent: 11/24/2004 4:48 PM
GASP!!!!!  Nice lady, geesh, hope she sleeps well.
Where are you?  Do you have  Where I am I just go grocery shopping online and they deliver it to my door.  To my kitchen table actually, they guy brings them in for me.  It's great, it's only $9.95 delivery fee or if you spend $150 or more (who doesn't) it's only $4.95.  All you do is put them away.  I really appreciate it this time of year.

Recommend  Message 26 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameannieokie100Sent: 11/24/2004 5:21 PM
Oh my goodness, I am so cold. It has rained and rained and rained here. Highest total rainfall recorded in Nov in 115 years  and it ain't over yet. But the sun is out right now. Still lots of clouds for it to hide behind. Hallelujah!!
Maxi bird finally got the last of her eggs taken away on Nov 7 (no mate) and she's back into the tail up, chirpy, breedy actions.  I had just taken her back to the birdroom from her isolation room yesterday. Man, I don't need to worry about her thru the holidays.
I tried to look into grocery shopping online but we are so dinky that we have no major chain stores here except WalMart and I betcha they won't deliver.
Prices seemed awfully high on the couple of sites I visited. I looked into an all organic foods site based in Oklahoma City.  They deliver a couple of days a week to a local lady, then the customer goes to her house to pick it up.  But a loaf of bread was over $3. Other things were very expensive, too.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

Recommend  Message 27 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 11/24/2004 7:00 PM
We had some severe thunderstorms roll in this morning an no electricity for about 5 hours......same thing yesterday for around two hours and even Pensacola was out from 315am.  My son called yesterday and said he'd be over as about 2pm the job decided it wasn't coming back on anytime soon......He's a jinx as mine went out when he pulled into the driveway........ Put a damper on baking as I thought I'd get to it bright and early.....
Annie must be sending us all the rain....... so now enough is enough..... Too2

Recommend  Message 28 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 11/24/2004 7:04 PM
No Safeway in this town but I'm sure there are in Pensacola......We had a Piggly Wiggly, a Pic"N Save before Ivan but they are gone, so either we run over to Wallmart Super Centre or go to Winn Dixie........... I remember in Oklahoma getting my dairy delivered and then the Charlie Chip man brought the "goodies" for the kids...Too2

Recommend  Message 29 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 11/25/2004 1:54 PM
Grrrrrrrrrrr electricity went off again last night about 620pm and I finally gave up waiting for it to come back on... so another batch of pumpkin bread lost.......If did come on in the middle of the night though so here I am trying to reprogramme TV's and set the clocks one more time......
Couldn't remember where I'd put the plug in phone....... those portables don't work when the power is out...... and I just remembered.. with the hurricane stuff..... 
Hope everyone has the best Thanksgiving with friends and family and stay safe....Too2

Recommend  Message 30 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNanmeisterSent: 11/26/2004 4:30 AM
Well here I sit bleary eyed and bloated after yet another Thanksgiving. ~whew~ GB's cranberry salad was a big hit here,and I think it's maybe all gone by now. ( they raid the frig around this time) We only had 5 deviled eggs left at last look and Grandma's mashed potatos were devored by the masses or put on plates to take home. We still have quite a bit of turkey left so it's sandwiches tomorrow and casserole or soup the day after.
The birds got some holiday goodies,as did all the furries. Even the hedgies got some turkey and we still have a bunch. I think it expands in the frig sort of like the loaves and the fishes.
I'm so tired I can barely see, and I hope everone had a great Thanksgiving!!! Nan

Recommend  Message 31 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 11/26/2004 5:58 PM
I dragged out all the Christmas decorations last night when the lights came on and stayed up most of the night putting up the tree.......Yeahhhhhhhhhh that part is over with............ and crossed fingers that no lights go out...... on the tree that is!.....
The birds saw it this morning but not lit up and they desperately wanted to get to the bulbs.......Magnolia managed to get close enough to the string of beads and Augusta already knew to say "stop it"........ Maybe Augusta could get hung on the top as watchdog...........
Hope everyone is staying warm and safe.............Too2

Recommend  Message 32 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 11/29/2004 8:34 PM
I went twice last week to the PO trying to buy Christmas stamps.. ....stood in long lines and no stamps.....Friday they assured all of us who wanted strictly the "Season" ones that Monday was to be the day!!......... OK,  went back today and still no stamps..... assured that tomorrow they'll be in......I remember this happening one other year and I decided to buy in advance for the following year but that didn't work as the postage was increased and I still needed the additional two cent stamps........ Too2

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