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Coping with the Psychopath/Narcissist Child[email protected] 
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by Nancy Verrier, M.A.


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Thanks to Ms. Verrier for allowing us to share this paper with you!
"There is no such thing as a baby...." When Donald Winnicott said those words, what he meant was that there is instead a mother/baby--an emotional, psychological, spiritual unit--where knowing comes from intuition and where energy is exchanged. The baby and the mother, although separated physiologically, are still psychologically one. Needless to say, for the child separated from his mother at birth or soon after, such an idea has tremendous importance. But has anyone been paying attention to this?
If anyone had told me, when we brought home our three-day-old daughter on Christmas Eve, 1969, that rearing an adopted child would be different from rearing one's biological child, I, like many new and enthusiastic adoptive parents, would have laughed at them and said, "Of course it won't be different! What can a tiny baby know? We will love her and give her a wonderful home." My belief was that love would conquer all. What I was not prepared for was that it was easier for us to give her love than it was for her to accept it.
Order the Book
To order her book "The Primal Wound: Understanding the Adopted Child," write Nancy Verrier, 919 Village Center, Lafayette, CA 94549. The cost is $14.95 plus $2.50 mailing & handling (CA residence add 7.25% state tax). Her phone is (925) 284-5813.

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does not establish a client-therapist relationship.
Copyright 1998-2003
Terry Larimore 
All rights reserved
Last updated May 16, 2003

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