It must be terrible to have no consience - those people have no rudder - no control - it would be a nightmare from which they wake up from time to time but return to
I had a couple of prescriptions drugs interact badly many years ago - and I knew something was wrong but not what it was
It is still clear in my mind and the person who stayed with me through this really evil trip told me I was rational - but for me I was falling about the universe without anyone to help me but God
I can't imagine what it would be like to swing around like that with no grappling hook or anchor to hold something in a mind that seems to go the same way - like time
Those of us born with an inner compass that helps us to be honest and not hurt people often do not know that there are other ways for people to live and I think those without a conscience sometimes do know what is happening is wrong - but they can never stay "sane" long enough to find their way home