Fire at 5 in woods near our house, I just thought he set it by curiousity with matches
Put butter on the wall in brothers room at 4.
Had a rope hanging around his head at 6 while he laid on the bunk beds asleep.
Harrassed brother and peed on him
Never had a smile or was ever happy with any gift
At 13 he was walking on bypass with his brother in go to see a girl
Threw eggs at the man scraping the road
Took gun to movies
snuck out of house alot of nights, finally caught him
Had a scrape with cars on road when his was on his bike and drove it into a car that caused the cops to come
Had a problem with some kid at school about a hat that resulted in a big school uphevel
Caught him smoking 13
Was very beligerant
Got in a fight with a smaller kid at school in 6th grade
At 14 had guns and was hiding in the yard cuz he thought someone was trying to get him
Wrote an awful letter to a x-friend(jason) with hard verbage and threats in 6th grade
cut school
Tore my audio tapes up because he didn't like the songs and threw away my business car sign
sought out and killed snakes
water gun incident-he had one of those big water guns and shot it at people out the window when we were riding down street.
arrested at 15 for vandalism
arrested at 15 for stealing
stole from me and terroized me
hit wayne (my new husband) and then ran
threw my cell phone in the lake
broke waynes car ornament off his car at 15
smashed his car lights out at 15
cut school
arrested for truancy at 16
attempted suicide at 15
trouble at school with teachers for throwing Pumpkin off teachers desk and at another child
stole road signs and had them in his room
arrested for DUI two or three different times
arrested for open container
thrown out of Country Club for disorderly
made and sold fake ID's
arrested for using a fake ID
wrecked his dads car
fought with his dad and hid in woods
arrested for DUS
ran from cops and abandoned car
gave his brother marijuana when he was 15
cops caught him tresspassing and throwing out beer cans
quit school
stole and burned friends guitar
went to live at beach- had to come back for hearing ???
wrote bad checks 2k or more
took a girl with her 107k and went on a trip cross country -spent it all in 4 months
beat that girl and got arrested
beat her again and destroyed her car
arrrested and put in hospital because of serious injury to himself
went to alcohol rehab
went to Marines
Lied to get in so discharged but only after fighting
went to work at car dealership and got laid off for misbehavior and then fired for not showing up
sold his dads firearms at pawn shop??
stole toilet tissue
spray painted the side of someones(neighbors) house cuz they wouldnt give him a ride