Genders, You know everyone wants to blame us the parents, but its not our fault, I have been blaming myself for years and just now after 20 years realize I did the best I could with what I had to deal with, everytime I turned around my NPD would accuse some else of molestation, it is only now that I truly bellieve that my daughter is the perpatrator not all these boys and men, I know it could happen to you maybe by a family member but when it just keeps happening it just don't add up. My NPD is 29 and in the courts she is telling them that we spoiled her daughter and that is why she wants us and not her, if providing a child there basic need is spoiling then I give up, she is just mad cause she is cut off. I know how you feel and what you must be going through, finding the right counsler is a start, get him tested with social securtiy and maybe if you could find a forensic physcologist that would help a lot. get him fully diagnosed and remember it was never your fault, we will keep you in our prayers that things start looking up. Keep asking questions and never stop, don't let them make you feel like the bad guy, your the victim. God bless you and your family. |