Vera: I am so, so sorry for what you are going through. I too have spent the last 3 years on the psychopath site trying to make sense of a 4 year abusive relationship with a NP. The one year we all lived together was a nightmare. jShe made the call to CPS without telling me. I don't blame her for this since this was the first night I'd witnessed him unmask. He was keeping me all night on a week night to have me gaze adoringly at his acting ability. Like a true N, he was trying on all of his collection of hats and acting roles. He got into the bad jDetroit city guy role and it took over his personality! He woke the kids up by turning on every appliance in the house...waher, dryer, coffee bean grinder, tv etc...???Then he turned on me and cornered me, pulling my hair back and pointing his finger in my face calling me terrible things. Later, he pinned me on the bed and threw a marble at my eye. Sorry, didn't mean to go into so much detail, but she did have a right to call them.
My other child told me she was interviewed at school. When they mjad a home visit, I innocently invited them in thnking there was some mistake. When I got rid of him they went away. When I reunited with him for a short stint, they were back in my life.
I think that with incredible determination and perseverence, you will fight for your son until you see the light at the end of this long dark tunnel you are in. Get some old calendars out, or get some on line, and begin documenting a narrative of you and your daughters life. Find or keep a therapist that you can tell all so that she can create her own documentation of the abuse. Have your lawyer supeona it for court.
I spent hours researching CPS on line. While all this is going on, my NP, who I still love, is demanding I have his criminal restraining order lifted. Generally, the victim can't lift a criminal protective order anyway. I refused to do so in fear of getting CPS involved again.
I don't have that much experience or wisdom in this area. I do believe that you must give this every thing you have. Write, write, write. For me, things like the serenity prayer while walking into work really helped.