You may have been told that you have to avail him of your home and nurturing until he is 19 but " he may decide" that he doesn't want to live with you until he is 19. Be strong, your life can be refound. Make sure that valuables are locked up including the things that are of great sentimental value, my son loved to destroy these, make sure that you other children are never left at his mercy. I have found through experience that unless a behavior works they won't repeat it. As people who love them we excuse and tolerate too much. When they leave home and share with a friend or anybody else, their bad behaviour is NOT tolerated and there is a natural consequence.This tends to be a bit of a brick wall and seems to be the only thing that they learn by. He will move out and then life will mold his behaviour. Age and hormones will dictate this. Find a way to detach from your son, go and see a psychologist, you are a much better touchstone if you are unemotional. You are at the worst stage at the moment but it will change. His world will become bigger as he gets older and consequently you will not be such a big part of his. Good Luck! Hugs, Kisses and Understanding of what you are going through, love Gabe