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PPV : No Mercy 7/25/04
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/3/2006 10:55 PM

Results 7/26/04 Live From Toronto, Canada

Dark Matches Before PPV:

Match 1: Kelli Helmsley defeated Lana Star

Match 2: Mark Jindrak defeated Bret Hart

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!!

Tony: Welcome to WCW No Mercy!!!

Madden: What a great night this should be

Tenay: We have Eight Title Matches scheduled for you tonight in this WCW Only Pay Per View

Madden: You could be watching SCWE Vengeance right now but who wants to see Coach T wrestle for the Tag Team Title's when you can see a House of Horror's Match

Tony: That structure hangs before us and we have learned Eric Bischoff has a shocking announcement for us all tonight

Tenay: Let's not waste anymore time though and send things down to the ring

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW No Mercy is for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship(Crowd Cheers)

Tenay: This title has been retired since April 5th when Shaniqua left the company but tonight it returns and some past title holders have been ShayDawg, Cynthia Diamond, Kristin Styles, and Shaniqua and over at Vengeance you can see Cynthia Diamond battle Kristin Styles for the SCWE Women's Championship

Madden: But we have the former SCWE Women's Champion

Penser:(She's the blade hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the ring, From Charlotte, North Carolina, The #2 Freak Shayn Flair!!!

Madden: Scott Steiner's #2 Freak has a chance to prove how Hardcore she can get

Penser:(Hotel hits, Crowd Cheers) Her opponent, From Knoxville, Tennessee Brish Ness

Tenay: Brish Ness was apart of the big Women's Elimination Chamber Match at Curse of the Game

Penser:(My Immortal hits, Crowd Boo's) The Next participant, From Jacksonville, Florida, Sable!!!

Tony: Sable has a chance to capature the gold

Penser:(All Grown Up hits, Crowd Boo's Louder) The Next Entrant, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Representing Evolution X, Stephanie McMahon

Madden: Stephanie McMahon better win the title or else she could be leaving Evolution X

Penser:(Dip it low hits, Crowd Cheers) The Final Entrant from right here in Toronto, Canada, making her WCW Debut Shantell Angle!!!

Tony: The Hometown girl makes her debut fresh off a SCWE Women's Title Run

Tenay: This isnt SCWE Though and the Women's Division is alot harder

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Shantell Angle vs Stephanie McMahon vs Shayn Flair vs Sable vs Brish Ness
The match starts off with Stephanie McMahon attacking Brish Ness. She opens up on her with right hands and clotheslines her down to the ground. Sable comes up from behind Steph and hits a kick to the back of the head. She tries to make a fast cover but Brish takes her of and DDT's her. Meanwhile, Shantell Angle and Shayn Flair get into it as Shayn tries to roll Shantell up but Shantell battles out. She looks Shayn in a half crab but Stephanie comes up and kicks her off. Stephanie tries to turn Shayn over for a pin but Shantell clotheslines her down. Brish Ness pulls Sable up and connects with a big suplex. She makes a cover, 1..........2........Sable kicks out. Brish picks Sable up and smashes her head over the turnbuckle. She then sits on the turnbuckle and takes Sable with her. She tries for a powerbomb, but Sable turns it into a Head Scissors of her own. She covers Brish, 1...........2.........Shantell Angle breaks it up just in time. Shantell tries for her own powerbomb on Sable, but Sable backdrops her. She is about to pin Shantell when Shayn Flair comes up behind her and rolls her up, unnoticed. 1..........2..........Sable kicks out. Stephanie McMahon is back up now and she goes over to Brish and turns her around. She then hits a big superkick. She covers, 1........2........Brish kicks out. Stephanie is shocked as she goes to pin again but this time Brish counters into a Small Package, 1...........2.........Stephanie breaks free. At this point, Sable throws Shayn Flair over the top rope and goes back to work on Shantell. Shantell's knee seems to be hurting and Sable tries to work on the knee. She locks her in a painful submission, and Shantell almost taps but Sable is forced to let go. Sable picks her up backwards and nails a Reverse DDT. Then, Shayn Flair comes running to clothesline her but Sable ducks just in time and Shayn takes out Stephanie. Brish follows with a clothesline of her own on Shayn. Sable sets Shantell up and finally nails the Sable bomb. The ref counts, 1............2..........2.9.............Brish just breaks the pin up. Sable is pissed off and she grabs Brish by the hair and sets her up for the Sable Bomb but Stephanie comes up behind her and connects with a big german suplex. Brish turns around right into a Chick Kick from Shayn Flair. Stephanie then Spears Shayn. Sable gets up and Stephanie goes running at her but Sable ducks and sends Stephanie right over the top rope. As Sable turns around, Shantell catches her with the babewatch slam. She crawls over and covers, 1...........2.........3!
Winner: Shantell Angle (WCW Women's Hardcore)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Shantell Angle

Tenay: Shantell Angle just made a great debut here in WCW by winning the Women's Hardcore Title in her first match in WCW in her hometown!!!

Tony: Shantell Angle just made a huge impact

Madden: Well we are not going to waste any time here and lets show you how our next title match came about

:History between Victoria Helmsley & panCAKEman is shown:

Madden: panCAKEman should die for the streakface and streakbuster he gave Victoria about a month ago

Tenay: Well another one could be in Mrs. Helmsley's Future

Tony: This should be a good match

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship(panCAKEman hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st making his way to the ring, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 180 Pounds, panCAKEman!!!

Tenay: panCAKEman's older brother Matt Walker was a former Cruiserweight Champion and panCAKEman is trying to accomplish the same feat

Madden: Matt Walker did not have to beat Victoria Helmsley who is not only the best Female Wrestler in KSCWE History but I think she could be WCW World Heavyweight Champion if her husband was not champion

Penser:(All The Things She Said hits, Crowd Boo's) His opponent, From San Bernadino, California weighing in at 150 Pounds, Representing Evolution X, The WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Victoria Helmsley!!!!

Madden: I don't think panCAKEman on his best day could beat Victoria

Tenay: They wrestle the matches for a reason

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Victoria Helmsley(C) vs panCAKEman
Victoria seems disgusted at the thought of facing panCAKEman who starts the match off by offering to shake hands with Victoria but Victoria seems disgusted and procedes to deliver a right hand to panCAKEman knocking him down. panCAKEman gets back up and Victoria hits another right hand and then another as he tries to get up again. panCAKEman rolls out to the floor as Victoria is telling him to get back in the ring and take his ass kicking. panCAKEman gets back into the ring and Victoria meets him coming in the ring with a kick to the ribs. Victoria then puts panCAKEman in the corner and delivers several chick kicks to the ribs of panCAKEman and Victoria then flips him over and Victoria goes up top and waits for panCAKEman to get up and Victoria hits a missile dropkick taking down panCAKEman. Victoria goes over and covers him for a 1---2---2.6-shoulder up. Victoria then picks up panCAKEman but panCAKEman pushes Victoria through the ropes to the floor and panCAKEman then flips himself over the ropes onto Victoria which prompts Stevie Richards to make his way to the ring. panCAKEman picks up Victoria and rolls her back itno the ring and gets in after her and picks her up and goes to whip her off the ropes but Victoria reverses and Victoria catches panCAKEman with a powerslam. Victoria does not try and cover instead picks panCAKEman back up and Victoria whips panCAKEman into the corner and then charges but panCAKEman moves as Victoria hits the corner and panCAKEman knocks her down in the corner and panCAKEman then backs up with an idea for a streakbuster but Stevie Richards grabs his foot tripping him as Chad Patton saw it and then ejects Stevie Richards from ringside. However htis allows Victoria to get the upper hand back and Victoria slams panCAKEman near the ropes and goes on the apron and hits the slingshot leg drop on panCAKEman and hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. Victoria feeling the end is near picks up panCAKEman is about to go for the Widow's Peak when the lights start flashing and "Sting's Theme"  hits the PA as lighting hits around the arena and crows start flying around the entry way but suddenly stops and everything goes back to normal but panCAKEman then rolls up Victoria for a 1---2--3 as panCAKEman immeditaly takes off through the crowd with the title leaving Victoria stunned.
Winner: panCAKEman (WCW Cruiserweight)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW Cruiserweight Champion, panCAKEman

Tenay: We have a new Cruiserweight Champion and its panCAKEman!!!

Madden: This is not fair. Victoria had this wrapped up until Sting's music hit and crows were everywhere

Tony: We saw at the end of Curse of the Game, the weird Sting thing and the mind games continue here

Tenay: Triple H will not like this


:Triple H is shown destroying Evolution X's Locker Room after seeing Victoria lose:

Tony: Well Triple H is not happy about his wife losing her title

Tenay: Well Triple H better be careful himself because alot of people think Shane Douglas is the rightful WCW World Heavyweight Champion and Scott Steiner has proven he can hang with Triple H and is actually bigger in stature then Triple H

Madden: Triple H will not lose trust me

Tenay: Well we have another great Title Match up next so lets go to the ring

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Television Championship(Gold-Lust hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st making his way to the ring, From Hollywood, California weighing in at 250 Pounds, Goldust

Tenay: Goldust defeated Jonathan Tomcoat to earn this right

Penser:(Lance Storm's theme hits, Crowd Goes Nuts) His opponent, From Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Representing The Stratusfying Canadians, The WCW Televison Champion, Lance Storm

Tony: There cheering Lance Storm!!

Madden: He is a Canadian hero and we are in Canada

WCW Television Championship: Lance Storm(C) vs Goldust
Lance and Goldust begin the match exchanging a few words with each other. Goldust goes for a chop across Lance's chest, but Lance ducks and trips Goldust. Lance turns to the fans and laughs at the American Goldust. Goldust gets up and taps Lance on the shoulder, he turns around and Goldust connects with a swinging neckbreaker. Lance is on his back on the mat as Goldust pulls him up. He swings him in the corner turnbuckle. Goldust begins to chop Lance's chest as the crowd counts. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...Lance knees Goldust in the chest. Goldust is stunned and staggers back. Lance waits for Goldust to stand up. Goldust stands up and runs towards Lance, but Lance catches him with a dropkick. Goldust rolls out of the ring followed by Lance as the referee begins to count. 1... Lance grabs Goldust by his shirt 2... and throws him into the steel steps. 3... Goldust is in pain and tries to get up. 4... Lance rolls Goldust back into the ring. Goldust gets back up as Lance gets into the ring. Goldust begins to stomp away at Lance. Goldust stops and is looking for a USA chant. The crowd chants with him as Lance spears him from behind. Lance signals for the Maple Leaf and grabs Goldust's leg. Goldust is in major pain as the referee checks on him. Lance grabs on harder as Goldust reaches for the ropes. The referee makes Lance break the hold. Goldust is feeling the after effects of the Maple Leaf as Lance grabs him. Lance then DDTs Goldust. Lance taunts the crowd with his Canadian outfit. Goldust gets up as Lance turns back towards him. Goldust is looking Shattered Dreams but Lance catches him with a Superkick. Goldust is out cold as Lance goes for the pin.....1.....2......3!!!!!!!
Winner: Lance Storm

Penser: Your winner and still WCW TV Champion, Lance Storm

Tony: Lance Storm just scored an excellent victory

Madden: Lance Storm retains in his home country

Tenay: A great win for Lance Storm

Tony: Well coming up next we are going to have the Pay Per View Debut of John Bradshaw Layfield

:Footage of JBL's Debut on Nitro and confrontation with The Rock:

Tenay: Well JBL picked the wrong time to debut perhaps because he has to go one on one with The Rock as a result

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall(JBL's Theme hits, Crowd Boo's)

:A Limo pulls out with JBL getting out of it:

Penser: From New York, New York, weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield!!!

Madden: Here is a real American

Tenay: Well JBL is cocky but can he back it up?

Penser:(If Ya Smell hits, Crowd Cheers) His opponent, From Miami, Florida weighing in at 260 Pounds, The Rock!!!

Tony: The Rock vs JBL and this should be a great match

Tenay: JBL has a lot of hype but I have a feeling The Rock may take that hype and stick it where the sun does not shine

The Rock vs JBL
The Rock and JBL circle each other and JBL goes for a clothesline which is ducked by the rock. Rock answers back with a few right hands and sends JBL into the ropes. Rock ducks to early and JBL nails a swinging neckbreaker on the rock followed by the pin...1...kickout by the rock. JBL picks the rock up and delivers a club shot to his back  and suplexes him back down. JBL follws the rock as he backs up into the corner and begins to choke him with hiss boot and the ref begins a count...1...2...3...4.....4.9999999 JBL breaks the hold. JBL picks The rock up and sends him into the opposite turnbuckle and charges him and the rock moves and JBL bounces off the turnbuckle chest first a stumbles right into a flying clothesline by the rock. JBL gets to his feet and walsk right into a samoan drop by the rock then underhooks the leg for the pin...1......2.....JBL gets his shoulder up. Rock begins to put the boots to JBL when JBL grabs the Rock by the trunks and throws him outside. JBL slides out of the ring and makes pursuit of the Rock as he leans against the ring barrier. JBL clotheslines the Rock and sends him back into the ring. JBL sizes up the Rock and delivers an elbow Drop into the pin....1.....2.....the Rock gets his foot on the rope. JBL argues with the ref as the rock gets up and turns around and gets met with a few right hands by the Rock. The rock sends JBl into the ropes and nails the spinebuster. The crowd begins to go nuts because they know whats getting ready to happen next. The Rock stand over JBL and tosses his elbow pad into the crowd and begins the one rope and jumps over the second and drops the elbow....and JBL somehow moves out of the way just in time. JBL gets to his feet as the rock gets to his holding his elbow and JBL nails the clothesline from hell and pins the rock....1.......2......2.99999...The Rock kicksout!!!!!!! JBL cant believe this and is grabbing the ref by his shirt arguing with him again as the rock slowly gets to his feet. JBL turns around and goes for another clothesline from hell and the rock counters it into a rock bottom and the pin.......1.........2...........2.999999999999. JBL gets his shoulder up. The rock and JBL both slowly get to their feet and the rock sends JBL into the turnbuckle. The Rock comes over and mounts JBL and begins a 10 punch...1...2...3...4...5...6...6.5......JBL snakeyes the rock on the top turnbuckle. The rock begins to hold his jaw and stumbles right into another clothesline from hell and JBL goes for the pin.....1.....2......3!!!!!!!
Winner: JBL

Penser: Your winner, John Bradshaw Layfield!!

Madden: JBL wins

Tenay: I guess JBL can back up his hype but The Rock did not just lay down and take the loss there

Tony: Great job to both men and The Rock will get his revenge I am sure

Tenay: Up next we have another great Title Match and it will be for the WCW Hardcore Championship between Eugene and Stevie Richards

:Footage of Eugene's Winning Streak is shown:

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:56 PM

Tony: Well it is time for Eric Bischoff's niephew Eugene to make his Pay Per View Debut and also get his first ever Title Shot

Tenay: Eugene has never been beaten and tonight has a chance to dethrone the 14x Hardcore Champion

Madden: I don't think Eugene can do it

Tony: I wouldn't put it past Eugene and upsets can happen as we saw earlier with panCAKEman

Madden: That was because of Sting

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Hardcore Championship

"I'm Back" hits as the Crowd is mixed

Tony: We are being joined by our GM right now for some reason

Madden: I wonder why

:Eric pulls out a microphone on the top of the entry way and prepares to speak:

Eric Bischoff: Well I hope you all have enjoyed No Mercy so far(Crowd Cheers). Thats great because I have some even better news

Madden: This should be good

Eric Bischoff: You see I never really liked the Nitro Reaction Annihilator so that structure is here by Dead but I am bringing something to WCW that I love and that is my very own creation....The RAWDOME!!!(Crowd Goes Nuts)

Tenay: The RAWDome is coming to Nitro!!!

Eric Bischoff: Now I know I can not call The RAWDome the RAWDome on WCW so from this moment on it will be known as the BischDome(Crowd Goes Nuts)

Tony: That is a huge announcement

Eric Bischoff: And....The BischDome will make its WCW Debut tomarrow night on Nitro!!

Tenay: There has not been a RAWDome/BischDome match since Febuary 5th of this year when Matt Walker defeated DDP

Eric Bischoff: That was the good news but I do have some bad news as well and that is my niephew Eugene is not feeling well and is not here(Crowd Boo's) but....I have some good news and that is the WCW Hardcore Championship will be defended tonight and Stevie Richards's opponent will come out right now

"You Think You Know Me" hits as the Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Right here in Toronto weighing in at 240 Pounds, Representing The Stratusfying Canadians, Edge

Tenay: Toronto's own Edge is going to challenge Stevie Richards tonight

Madden: This is not fair for Stevie Richards who prepared for Eugene

Penser:(You'll See hits, Crowd Boo's) His opponent, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, Representing Evolution X, The WCW Hardcore Champion, Stevie Richards!!!

Madden: Stevie will find a way to retain. The man is a 14 Time Champion

Tenay: Well this should be tough since Edge is no Eugene

WCW Hardcore Championship: Stevie Richards(C) vs Edge
Edge stands out in the ring as Richards slowly walks down the ramp way making his way to the ring. Edge slides out of the ring onto the ring siding floor and goes and attacks Steven. Steven tosses his title out of the way and hits an upper cut on Edge as the ref inside the ring sounds for the bell. Edge and Steven share left and rights outside the ring on the lower half of the ramp way. Steven then knees Edge in the gut and then grabs him by the back of the hair and drags him to ringside and then slams his head into the apron. Edge is heard yelling from the hit but manages to still stand. Edge then comes back and hits a left hand but Steven ducks and then shoulder slams Edge into the apron siding. Edge grabbing his stomach in pain as Steven takes Edge by the hair and the back of the pants and rolls him into the ring. Ref keeps a look out as Steven reaches underneath the ring for something to use. Edge is seen inside the ring catching his breath as he slowly begins to get to his feet. By now Steven pulls out a steel chair and throws it into the ring followed by a trash can and lid. Steven then climbs in the ring underneath the ropes only to get a back full of kicks from Edge. Edge grabs the ropes for more strength as he kicks away at Steven. Ref then counts to four as Edge lets go of the ropes and lays off Richards for a second or two. Edge then grabs Richards by the hair and helps him to his feet as he shoulder thrust him in the chest and then whips him into the turnbuckle on the other side of the ring. Edge comes in and singling for an early finisher of the spear. Steven begins to come threw and notice Edge charging at him. Steven moves out of the way and grabs Edge by the back of the head and ramps him shoulder first into the turnbuckle steel pole. Edge heard riving in pain as Richards smiles and tells him how does he like this now? Edge slowly climbs out of the turnbuckle ropes as Richards grabs the trash can. Edge turns around and a loud slam is heard as the trashcan goes crashing into Edge's head. Edge falls to his knees as Richards places the trash can over Edge's head and chest area. Steven then runs around mocking the crowds cheers and boos as he comes in with a jump double kick to the trash can. Edge and the can fall back as the trash can rolls off of Edge who is seen bleeding just a bit in the forehead. Steven then jumps on top of Edge and begins to hammer away with left hands over and over till the ref gets involved and tells Steven to lay off. Richards gets up and begins to corner the ref but then turns and gets a kick to the gut and a DDT right on top of the trash can lip. Steven then looks to be out cold as Edge makes the first pin. 1……………�?…�?and Richard kicks out. Edge looks over to the ref as he holds up the two fingers. Edge gets to his feet first as he helps Steven up as well. Edge then hits a back elbow on Steven and then grabs him by the neck area and flips him over his shoulder as he locks in a chokehold. Steven reaching for Edge's hands to help free himself but no use as Edge still hangs on as the ref asking repeatedly to Steven if he gives up or not. Steven continuously refuses to give up as he begins to try and get on his feet. As he does it helps Edge raise to his feet as well so Steven turns around and then elbow hits Edge twice in the stomach area and then whips him to the ropes and as Edge comes back Steven hits him with a hardcore back body drop. Steven then hits the mat and covers Edge by hooking the leg. 1………………�?…�?. and Edge kicks out. Steven grabs his hair and gets up and grabs the steel chair. He grabs it and as Edge tries to get up Steven slams the chair across Edge's back several times as Edge is laid out. Steven then takes Edge by the back of the hair and sets him up for the Stevie kick and nails it nice and hard across the back of Edge's head. Edge hits face first into the mat causing his forehead to bust open even more. Steven then signals it's over as he turns Edge over and covers him. 1…………�? 2………�?.5 and ref notice Edge has his foot on the bottom rope. Ref tells Steven the match is still on as Richards looks over at Edge's foot. Steven's mouth opens wide as Edge is seen smiling and then kicks Richards in the head area as Steven falls back. Edge jumps to his feet and grabs Richards and whips him to the ropes. As Richards comes back Steven kicks Edge in the chest area and then goes back to the ropes and hits Edge with a clothesline. Edge falls backwards as Steven looks around to find the steel chair. Steven finds it and walks over to it and kneels down to pick it up. As he does he slams the chair down on the mat a few times yelling to the crowd. Steven then turns around and out of nowhere a Spear from Edge that hits the chair that hits Steven into the turnbuckle's corner. Steven's head hits the turnbuckle padding pretty hard and looks to be out cold. Edge pulls Steven out of the corner but leaves Steven to stand. Richards stands there trying to shake of the pain. Steven then comes threw as he hears the crowd roar and stomping heard. Richards then slowly turns around and gets knocked with another spear from Edge as this time Edge covers Richards. 1………………�?FONT color=#00ff33>2…………�?3!
Winner: Edge (WCW Hardcore)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW Hardcore Champion, Edge

Tenay: Edge is the new Hardcore Champion

Tony: Evolution X is now 0-3 on the night

Madden: Triple H is not going to be happy not at all

Tenay: On another note the Stratusfying Canadians are 2-0 tonight

:Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room:

:Matt Hardy is shown yelling at Stephanie McMahon for losing as Randy Orton and The Love Machine are just standing there shaking there heads at Stephanie who is trying to appologize:

:Video Ad Promoting WCW Starrcade on August 29th is shown:

Tony: Well up next we will have the WCW Return of Maven in action

Tenay: It was a real steal for WCW to acquire the former SCWE World Heavyweight Champion in one of  Charisma Adams last actions as SCWE Co-GM

Madden: Yeah but Maven and Jackie don't have it easy as they have to face the former TV and Women's Champion

Tenay: This should be a great match

Penser: The Following Contest is a mixed Tag Match(Away From Me hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making there way to the ring, The Couple of  Dawn Marie and Jonathan Tomcoat

Madden: Maven and Jackie Gayda may have been big shots on SCWE but this is not SCWE and this is not Vengeance. This is WCW and No Mercy and more importantly the Major Leagues and tonight Maven and Jackie Gayda will be shown as the frauds they are

Tenay: You honestly think Maven and Jackie Gayda are not good.

Madden: Yes I do

Penser:(Tough Enough Theme hits, Crowd Cheers) There opponents, The Couple of Maven and Jackie Gayda

Tony: Jonathan Tomcoat and Dawn Marie have been a very impressive couple but Maven and Jackie Gayda have been in the past well so this should be a great contest

Maven & Jackie Gayda vs Jonathan Tomcoat & Dawn Marie
Jonathan stares down Maven while Dawn Marie stares down Jackie.  Dawn Marie slaps Jackie in the face to get things started.  Jackie mounts Dawn Marie and the divas roll out of the ring onto the mat.  Jonathan and Maven exchange punches in the ring, the referee goes outside of the ring to maintain order between the two divas.  Jonathan hits Maven with some hard chops to the chest knocking him down to the ground.  Dawn stands in her corner laughing at Maven as he is struggling to get up.  Jonathan begins to pick up Maven but Maven counters by punching him in his stomach.  Maven Irish whips Jonathan into the turnbuckle.  Maven climbs the turnbuckle, grabs JT's head and hits a Tornado DDT to Jonathan sending him crashing down into the canvas.  Maven climbs the turnbuckle again, looks down at a a motionless Jonathan and hits a shooting star press on Jonathan.  Maven covers Jonathan and the ref counts 1......2.....2.5.... Dawn runs in the ring and makes the save by kicking Maven in the back.  Maven grabs Dawn Marie by the hair.  Jackie Gayda is trying to enter the ring but the ref holds her back.  Jonathan regains some strength and low blows Maven while the referee isn't looking.  Dawn Marie quickly goes back to her corner.  Jonathan goes for the school boy roll up and holds the tights, ref counts 1...2. 2.3... Maven kicks out.  Jonathan stands up, picks up Maven and goes for a piledriver and connects.  The crowd starts to boo as its looking like its all over for Maven.  Jon covers Maven, ref counts 1....2... Jackie runs into the ring for the distraction.  Jackie slides off her pants midway down revealing that she has on a red thong.  Jonathan walks over to Jackie and likes what he sees.  Dawn Marie runs into the ring, and begins to argue with Jonathan.  Jackie taps Jonathan on the shoulder and as he turns around Jackie smacks him in his face.  As he turns back around Maven is standing and hits a move similar to the rock bottom on Jonathan.  Maven covers JT, ref counts 1...2... kickout by JT.  JT tries to get away from Maven but Maven grabs his legs.  JT kicks Maven off of him and makes the tag to Dawn Marie.  Dawn Marie looks pissed off at JT but enters the ring.  Maven smiles as Dawn enters the ring.  Maven makes his way over to Jackie but Dawn jumps on Maven's back and starts punching him in his head.  Maven flips Dawn Marie over his head sending her landing hard on her butt.  Maven tags in Jackie Gayda and the fans go absolutely nuts as Jackie gets in the ring.  Jackie delivers chops to Dawn's chest, Irish whips Dawn into the ropes and hits a crossbody on Dawn.  Jackie covers, 1...2... kickout by Dawn.  Jackie then picks up Dawn Marie, kicks her in the gut and hits the twist of fate on Dawn, Jackie covers again, 1...1.5... kickout by Dawn Marie.  Jackie gets upset and whips Dawn into the turnbuckle.  Jackie goes for a handspring but by the time Jackie goes for that last flip, Dawn elbows Jackie in the head and hits Jackie with a bulldog.  Dawn laughs at Jackie is she lands face first onto the canvas.  Jackie is rolling on the canvas in pain, Dawn picks her up, and hits knocks her back down to the mat with a clothesline.  Dawn picks her up again, kicks Jackie in the stomach and goes for the Devine Driver but Jackie counters the move and hits a modified RKO on Dawn.  Jackie goes for the cover but Jonathan pulls Jackie from outside of the ring.  Maven runs over to the aid of JT and knocks him down with a clothesline.  Jackie rolls back into the ring and covers Dawn again, 1..2...kickout by Dawn.  Both girls get up and start punching each other, Jackie runs towards the turnbuckle, Dawn runs at the turnbuckle and both girls go for a crossbody but end up hurting each other.  The ref counts 1---2----3---4---5---6-- Dawn begins to crawl over to JT and Jackie crawls over to Maven.  Both divas make tags to their men at the same time.  Jon runs in and goes for Maven but Maven ducks and delivers chops to his chest.  Maven grabs JT's head and DDT's him to the ground, Maven covers and is hot, ref counts 1-2 kickout by JT.  Maven then climbs the turnbuckle and waits for JT to slowly get up.  The crowd is going nuts as Maven taunts them.  A dazed Jonathan finally gets up and turns toward Maven but Maven connects a Missile Drop-kick knocking Jonathan out cold.  Maven holds his stomach rolls over for the cover.  Dawn tries to make the save but Jackie grabs her pants and Dawn's pants rip revealing that she has on Barbie panties.  Jackie laughs at Dawn, an embarrassed Dawn runs towards the back.  Inside the ring Maven covers Jonathan and the ref counts 1----------2-----------3.
Winner: Maven & Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winners, Maven and Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Maven and Jackie Gayda score the big win here

Tony: Look Mark, Maven won

Madden: It was pure luck

Tony: Luck or no luck, Maven and Jackie are victorious here tonight

:Backstage: Eric's Office

Eric Bischoff: How are you feeling?

Marrisa: I am ok right now

Eric Bischoff: If you need anything at all just let me know

Marrisa: Alright but who is going to be in the BischDome tomarrow night?

Eric Bischoff: I havent made up my mind yet

Marrisa: Well I have some idea's in my head

Eric Bischoff: Oh really

Marrisa: Yes and great news

Eric Bischoff: Whats that?

Marrisa: A Certain Diva who has been out of action is back tonight

Eric Bischoff: Really?

Marrisa: Yes

:Eric & Marrisa shut the door:

:History of Kurt Angle/Charlie Haas vs Dudley's Fued is shown:


Tenay: Well its time for the WCW Tag Team Championships to be decided here

Tony: So far we have had Four Title Matches with Three Title Changes with panCAKEman winning the Cruiserweight Championship, Shantell Angle winning the Women's Hardcore, and Edge winning the Hardcore Championship

Madden: I think we are going to see another retained title right here

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Tag Team Championship(Bombshell hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st making there way to the ring, The Challengers, From New York, New York weighing in at a combined weight of 515 Pounds, Bubba Ray & D-Von..The Dudley Boys!!

Tenay: The only Triple Crown Tag Team Champions in KSCWE History look to regain the WCW Tag Team Title's here tonight

Madden: They won't because they couldn't get the job done at Curse of the Game and they won't get it done tonight either

Penser:(Medal hits, Crowd Chants You Suck) There opponents, Represetning Evolution X, weighing in at a combined weight of 462 Pounds, The WCW Tag Team Champions, Kurt Angle and the "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

Tony: Angle is a former Triple Crown World Champion and is no stranger to Tag Team Gold and Charlie Haas is an up and coming star

WCW Tag Team Championship: Kurt Angle & Charlie Haas(C) vs Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley
Bubba Ray starts the match off with Kurt Angle as both men lock up with Angle going behind Bubba and takes down Bubba with a take down. Angle then locks in a head lock but bubba escapes and both men get up and Angle goes to lock up again but Bubba jabs Angle in the face and hits him a few more times before grabbing his crotch and hitting a big elbow on Angle knocking him down as Angle rolls out to the floor. Bubba then tells Charlie Haas to come in but Haas shakes his head no and drops off the apron to talk to Kurt Angle. Angle & Haas are talking to each other until Referee Chad Patton's count reaches 5 and Kurt Angle gets back into the ring and Angle tells Bubba to back away which the ref makes Bubba do as Kurt Angle then goes to lock up with Bubba but Angle then kicks Bubba in the gut and delivers a few right hands to the side of the head of Bubba. Angle then delivers a belly 2 belly suplex on Bubba Ray Dudley. Kurt Angle then stomps away at Dudley and picks him up and goes for another Belly 2 belly but Bubba elbows Angle in the head and Bubba then gets Angle with a Bubba bomb. Bubba Ray then waits for Angle and slams him down and spreads his legs as D-Von goes up to as Charlie tries to stop it but the ref stops Haas as D-Von hits the Wazzzup headbutt into Angle's groan as D-Von rolls back out to the floor. Bubba then picks up Angle and whips him off the ropes and hits a big spinebuster and pins him for a 1---2--2.7-Charlie haas breaks up the pin. Charlie gets back on the apron as Bubba tags out to D-Von Dudley who comes into the ring and stomps away on Angle. D-Von then picks up Angle and whips him into the corner and delivers several chops to Angle. D-Von then brings Angle out and goes for Dudley Death Drop but Angle counters out and delivers a German Suplex to D-Von and holds on for another German Suplex and hangs on for yet a third German Suplex. Angle then stops and makes the tag to Charlie Haas who comes into the ring and waits for D-Von to start getting up and Haas catches D-Von with a German Suplex and Haas holds on for a second German Suplex and Haas is about to hit another German when Bubba Ray comes in and hits Haas as Chad Patton tells Bubba to get out of the ring as Kurt Angle comes in illegally and Angle attacks D-Von as Haas leaves the ring and Angle hits the Angle slam on D-Von and covers for the 1---2--2.9-Bubba pulls Kurt off as Charlie Haas comes in and knocks Bubba Ray through the ropes. The Lights Then go out as "Sting's Theme" hits and the lights flicker in the arena as a individual looking like Sting appears in the ring and can be seen hitting Kurt Angle with his bat and when the lights come back on Kurt Angle is out cold in the middle of the ring busted wide open as D-Von covers Angle for the 1---2--Haas tries to get back in but Bubba grabs his tights-3.
Winners: Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley (WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boys

Tenay: We have new Tag Team Champions

Madden: What the hell happened

Tony: Kurt Angle had this match won and the lights go out and Sting's music hits and we have an injured Kurt Angle in the ring

:Paramedics place Kurt on a stetcher and take him to the back:

Madden: Sting has to pay for this

:Ad for Starrcade is shown:

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:57 PM

Tony: Well we have learned that Kurt Angle is going to be heading to a local medical facility

Tenay: They are fearful Kurt could have a serious concussion because Kurt was unaware of where he was at or even who he was

Madden: Sting should be found and placed in prison

Tenay: Turn about is fair play though because Evoluion X nearly killed Sting last month at King of the Ring

Tony: This has not been a good night for Evolution X. They are 0-4 tonight

Tenay: There has also been Five Title Matches with Four Title Changes and we still have three more Title Matches to come

Penser: The Following Contest is a Grude Match(All Grown Up hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the ring, The Special Guest Referee, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Representing Evolution X, Stephanie McMahon

Tenay: This match should be ugly

Tony: At least Evolution X will have a win now even though another loss as well

Penser:(Play It Loud hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, Representing Evolution X, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 229 Pounds, The Love Machine

Madden: The Love Machine and Randy Orton just have to work through there problems here and once they do that everything will be fine

Penser:(Big Pimpin hits, Crowd Continues to Boo) His opponent, Also Representing  Evolution X, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Tony: This should be a good battle between two of the greatest US Champions in history

Tenay: How will Stephanie McMahon who most of there troubles have been over fair into this match?

Randy Orton vs The Love Machine; Special Referee: Stephanie McMahon
Orton and The Love Machine are both talking trash as Stephanie tries to keep them seperated while explaining the rules to each man and finally she calls for the bell as Orton and TLM get face to face talking trash to each other and Orton then smacks The Love Machine across the face and tells him he is the Legend Killer and The Love Machine comees back with a left hand knocking down Orton and The Love Machine tells Orton he is Mr. Monday Night. Orton gets back up and The Love Machine lets Orton get up and both men lock up with The Love Machine locking in a headlock but Orton sends him off the ropes and Orton puts his head down but The Love Machine stops and delivers a neckbreaker to Orton. The Love Machine then drops an elbow on Orton and covers but Stephanie is slow to cover and Orton gets up before a pin. The Love Machine delivers a few right hands to the side of Orton's head and The Love Machine delivers a stalling suplex on Orton. The Love Machine then goes for the Torture Lock but Orton kicks The Love Machine off and Orton gets back up as does TLM. Both men lock up with The Love Machine backing Orton in the corner and Steph gets in between and orders a break and Orton takes a cheap shot to The Love Machine. Randy Orton then delivers a few uppercuts to the Love Machine and Orton then knocks The Love Machine into the ropes and Orton puts the The Love Machine's between the ropes and puts his knee in the back of the head and starts choking him as Stephanie warns The Love Machine and Orton finally breaks and picks up The Love Machine and whips him off the ropes and Orton hits a big backdrop on The Love Machine. Orton then connects with a dropkick as The Love Machine. Randy Orton then goes over and picks up The Love Machine and delivers another uppercut knocking The Love Machine against the ropes and Orton then goes for the RKO but The Love Machine shoves Orton into Stephanie knocking her down and The Love Machine goes for the pepsi plunge but Orton kicks The Love Machine below the belt and Orton hits the RKO and pins but Stephanie is out cold. Orton gets off The Love Machine and goes over and helps up Stephanie is talking to her when The Love Machine comes up behind Orton and rolls up Orton and in the process ripping Stephanie's shirt off exposing her black bra as Stephanie is embarassed and covers herself up as The Love Machine has the pin but Stephanie rolls out to the floor and runs off to the back. The Love Machine breaks the pin and is screaming for Stephanie to come back and Orton low blows The Love Machine and Orton goes for another RKO but The Love Machine sends Orton away and Orton turns around and The Love Machine catches him with the Pepsi Plunge but yet again no referee. The Love Machine then rolls out to the floor and grabs a Steel Chair and brings it back into the ring and waits for Orton to get up but Orton then starts to get up but ducks down as The Love Machine went to hit him and drop toe holds him. Orton then grabs the chair and waits for The Love Machine to get up and hits him in the gut and then in the head. Orton then sets the chair up and picks up The Love Machine and lines him up and is going to try and RKO him on the chair but The Love Machine counters into a backdrop. Stephanie McMahon returns to the ring with a new referee shirt on. Stephanie gets in the ring and removes the chair from the ring as both The Love Machine and Orton get back up. The Love Machine and Orton start exchanging right and lefts and Orton knee's Orton in the gut and Orton goes for another RKO but The Love Machine shoves Orton in the corner and The Love Machine then hits a pounce on Orton. The Love Machine then goes up top and hits a Low Down on Orton for a 1------2----2.7-shoulder up.The Love Machine is not happy about Stephanie counting a little bit slower and gets in her face and Stephanie tells The Love Machine she did not count slow as Orton is starting to get back up and The Love Machine then grabs Stephanie right in front of Orton and kisses her pissing Orton off and Orton goes to hit TLM but he moves and TLM drop toe holds Orton down and The Love Machine then locks in a STF on ORton who is screaming in pain from the center of the ring and can not reach the ropes and Orton is about to tap out but Orton is reaching around and ends up pulling Stephanie into The Love Machine breaking the hold up. Orton is hurting as The Love Machine gets back up and Orton catches The Love Machine though with an RKO but then "Sting's Theme" hits as the Lights Go out and don't return on for about a minute but when they do return on Randy Orton is out cold in the center of the ring busted wide open and The Love Machine takes advantage and crawls on top of Orton as Stephanie has no choice and counts the 1---2--3.
Winner: The Love Machine

Penser: Your winner, The Love Machine

Tenay: The Love Machine scores the victory here thanks to Sting again

Tony: Stephanie McMahon did not want to count the 3 count but had no choice

"Bodies" hits as Triple H, Victoria Helmsley, Stevie Richards, Kelli Helmsley, & Charlie Haas make there way to the ring and get in the ring

Madden: I think Randy Orton's days in Evolution X are over

Tenay: You could be right

:Triple H gets a microphone and prepares to speak as Randy Orton is getting back up:

Triple H: I think its time we trim away some of the fat from Evolution X(Crowd Cheers). Now Tonight has not gone our way thanks to that freak Sting but things will turn around when Matt Hardy brings home the US Title and I retain my World Heavyweight Championship

Victoria Helmsley: Hold on sweetie. I want to address something. Congratulations Love Machine for winning

:The Love Machine smiles and goes to shake Victoria's hand when Stevie Richards & Charlie Haas attack The Love Machine from behind:

Triple H: See Love Machine you are trying to show up Evolution X now by winning when everyone else has lost you egotistical Son of a Bitch.

:Haas and Richards continue the assault on the Love Machine and hold him for Triple H who then delivers a Pedigree onto The Love Machine busting him open as Haas and Richards kick The Love Machine outside to the floor where medics come to tend to him:

Triple H: Now that the Love Machine is gone that means we are all done cutting the fat away

:Both Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon look happy when Randy Orton delivers an RKO out of nowhere on Stephanie McMahon:

Victoria Helmsley: Now the fat is cut away

:Victoria and Kelli then put the boots to Stephanie and Kelli and Stevie pick up Steph and hold her for Victoria who delivers her own Pedigree busting open Stephanie. Randy Orton then looks down at Stephanie and grabs her hand and takes the engagement ring off her hand before leaving:

"Bodies hits" as Evolution X leaves

Tenay: That was uncalled for

Tony: The Love Machine and Stephanie McMahon both got kicked out of Evolution X

Madden: Evolution X just left there mark on them

:Video Highlights of the Matt Walker/Test Fued are shown:

Tony: Well our next match is going to be a real fight

Tenay: It will feature two men who really hate each other

Tony: It all came about from Wrestlemania where Matt Walker defeated Test for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship with his SkyWalker and in the process injuring Test

Madden: I just hope these two men kill each other

Tenay: This match is going to take place in a House of Horror's and we hae only seen this structure two times in the past

Madden: Come on Mike and give us the history you know you want to

Tenay: Well in the very first House of Horror's Match which took place on August 17th, 2003 Matt Hardy V1 & Stephanie McMahon defeated Triple H & Victoria but in the second and last House of Horror's Match on October 26th, 2003, Triple H defeated Booker T

Madden: So this is only the third match in history?

Tony: That is correct

:House of Horror's Lowers from the top of the arena:

Penser: The Following Contest is the House of Horror's Match(Crowd Cheers)

Tenay: Well this should be great

Penser:(Hemorrhage hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 200 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Madden: They do not like Matt Walker here in Canada

Tenay: Matt Walker did put Toronto's own Test out of action so obviously Test will get the hometown reception

Penser:(This is a Test hits, Crowd Goes Nuts) His opponent, From Rigth here in Toronto weighing in at 280 Pounds, Representing The Stratusfying Canadians, Test

Tony: Test is getting a great reception here

Madden: Who the people like will have no effect on this match though

Tenay: The object is to retrieve the briefcase with the #1 Contender's Contract and exit the cage door with the briefcase

#1 Contender's House of Horror's: Matt Walker vs Test
Matt Walker and Test both look around the Cage and up at the Scaffling hanging above the ring and both men then start jawing to each other and lock up with Test backing Walker up against the ropes and Test goes to whip Walker off the ropes but Walker reverses and Walker then hits a dropkick knocking down Test. Matt Walker goes over and pulls a garbage can full of weapons down and grabs a kendo stick as Test gets up and grabs a steel chair that was hanging. Walker and Test both have there weapons and are staring at each other and Test throws down the chair as Walker drops the kendo stick and both men lock up again with Test locking in a headlock but Walker sends Test off the ropes and Walker puts his head down as Test stops and kicks Walker in the face and Test then clotheslines Walker down. Test then picks up Walker and whips him into the corner and Test charges but Walker gets his feet up in Test's face as Walker climbs up to the middle rope and jumps off hitting a tornado DDT on Test. Walker then grabs the kendo stick and hits Test several times in the ribs. Walker then starts to choke Test with it and ends up delivering a Russian Leg Sweep with the Kendo stick around Test's throat. Walker starts to climb the rope ladder but Test gets back up and Walker climbs back down and Walker goes to kick Test as he is getting up but Test catches Walker coming with a clothesline. Test and Walker both get back up and Test catches Walker with a right hand and then a kick to the gut and Test goes for the Pumphandle slam but Walker escapes and catches Test with a boot to the gut and Walker hits a Twist of Fate on Test. Matt Walker then goes over and picks up the garbage can and hits Test as he was getting up and knocks Test into the corner. Walker sets the garbage can up in Test's face and Walker climbs knocks the ladder out of the way and climbs up top and is about to go for Coast to Coast but Test is able to knock the garbage can away and get out of the corner as Walker climbs down. Test gets back up to his feet as Walker is coming at him and Test out of nowhere catches Walker with a Big Boot. Test then grabs the ladder and sets it up over Walker and goes over and climbs the rope ladder but Walker knocks the ladder off him and the real ladder falls into the rope ladder causing it to shake as Test has to stop climbing. Matt Walker then gets up and starts to shake it as Test is climbing back down and Walker then delivers a right hand to Test's nether regions once he came down far enough as Test falls off after that. Matt Walker then picks up Test and starts to pound away on him and Walker picks him up and rams him into the side of the cage. Walker then grinds Test's face off the cage but Test elbows Walker in the gut and then rams Walker's head off the cage. Test then goes over and grabs a guitar hanging and goes to hit Walker but Walker lowblows Test and Walker grabs the guitar and smashes it over Test's head knocking him out. Matt Walker then goes and starts to climb the rope ladder as Test is still out and finally starts to move as Walker reaches the top and is on the scaffling and reaches the briefcase with the contract. Walker grabs the contract as Test gets back up and is waiting for Walker to come back down as Matt Walker starts to climb down the rope ladder as Test is shaking it as Walker though holds tight to the briefcase while climbing down and hangs on to the ladder and starts to actually slide down part of it and is closer to the bottom and drops the brief case as Test goes and picks it up and tells the ref to open the door and does and goes to leave but Walker hits the bottom and hits Test from behind as the brief case flies out the door though. Both men start exchanging rights and lefts and Test knee's Walker in the gut. Test then delivers a sidewalk slam on Walker and Test gets back up and picks up Walker and goes for a pumphandle slam and hits it. Test then tells the ref to open the door again and he does as Test is about to exit but Jasmine comes running down to the ring and slams the door shut and locks it as Test is screaming at her for doing that and Matt Walker gets back up and grabs the steel chair and smashes it in the back of Test as he was in between the ropes. Matt Walker then gets handed two pairs of handcuffs from Jasmine and Walker handcuffs Test's left hand to the cage and then his right hand to the cage and Test finally realizes what just happened and is screaming and kicking as Matt Walker is about to leave but then stops. Matt Walker then grabs his steel chair again and proceds to hit Test in the head with it over and over and over busting Test wide open as Test is out cold and Walker procedes to hit Test in the head 10 times. Matt Walker then unhandcuffs Test as Test falls into the ropes and Walker brings Walker into the ring and Walker then procedes to deliver the Pittfall and Jasmine opens the door as Matt Walker exits the House of Horror's leaving a bloody battered Test in the ring for the win as paramedics rush to Test.
Winner: Matt Walker

Penser: Your winner, Matt Walker

Madden: Matt Walker picks up a great win here

Tenay: Matt Walker snapped

Tony: A very violent match that saw Jasmine cost Test the match by slamming the cage door in his face and Walker snapping

Madden: See this is the real Mtat Walker and the Matt Walker that wins World Title's

Tenay: I must admit Matt Walker once he snapped was unbeatable there and it looks like Test is hurt badly

Tony: Test took Ten Viscious Chair Shots to the head with no protection and then  got dropped right on his head in the Pittfall by Walker so obviously he will be missing some time

:Paramedics are taking Test out on a stretcher as the crowd cheers him:

Madden: Well speedy recovery to Test and thank god the real Matt Walker came back

:Video Preview Showing the History of the US Title Tournament is shown:

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:58 PM

Tony: Well we have three matches remaining and there all Title Matches

Tenay: This should get real interesting now

Madden: Which one of these great title matches is first?

Tony: The Final's of the WCW United States Championship Tournament

Tenay: Well the US Title became vacant after Sting was injured badly at the hands of Evolution X and a Eight Man Tournament Took Place with Chriistan not originally being apart of it but thanks to him injuring Val Venis, Christian was added in as a late replacement

Tony: Before we get to that match we want to show you in case you missed it the end of Curse of the Game

:Flashback to Curse of the Game:

:A Video appears on Nitrovision as the lights dim down:

:Flashback is shown from King of the Ring:

Triple H then sets up Sting for a Pedigree and delivers it on the concrete floor busting Sting wide open. Triple H then rolls Sting back into the ring as Hardy gets back into the ring and Evolution X heads for the back by order of Nick Patrick. Matt Hardy picks up a lifeless Sting and delivers a meaningless Twist of Fate and Hardy covers for the 1---2--3.

Penser: Your winner and The 2004 WCW King of the Ring, Matt Hardy Version 1.0!!!

Madden: Matt Hardy has done it!!!

Tenay: This was not fair

Tony: It took Evolution X's help and most importantly a Pedigree on the exposed concrete floor for Matt Hardy to beat Sting and become King of the Ring

Madden: Evolution X is not done

:After The Match all the members of Evolution X get into the ring and take there shots at Sting as Vince McMahon pulls out some handcuffs as Randy Orton delivers an RKO onto Sting and then Sting gets picked up as the Love Machine delivers the Pepsi Plunge to him. Stevie picks up Sting and delivers a Stevie T and Angle then picks him up again and Angle delivers an Angle Slam on Sting. Vince then handcuffs Sting to the top ropes as Sting is lifeless leaning against the ropes and Victoria comes out and hands Triple H a tazor as Triple H then zaps Sting several times in the ribs as security and several wrestlers come out to the ring but Scott Hill gets the microphone and warns that if anyone steps foot in the ring they will be fired or sued on the spot. Kurt Angle tells Triple H that Sting has had enough and takes the Tazor but Victoria goes out to the floor and grabs a Sledgehammer and Victoria has a sick look on her face much like HHH gets when he has a Sledgehammer and Victoria delivers several shots to the ribs of the handcuffed and lifeless Sting. Evolution X then unhandcuffs Sting as Stephanie McMahon pushes a coffin out to the ring and Stevie Richards & Ric Flair roll Sting into the coffin as Triple H tells Evolution X to pick it up and carry it over to the dirt but Kurt Angle refuses saying Sting has had enough and Matt Hardy, Randy Orton, The Love Machine grab it and Triple H orders Stevie Richards to get the other end against his will as they carry it to the gravesite. Evolution X then sets it down next to the hole as Triple H grabs the sledgehammer from Victoria and Triple H starts nailing away at it denting it up horribly and Matt Hardy, TLM, & Orton knock the destroyed coffin into the hole as Vince, Stevie, & Angle start to bury the coffin and finally succeed as "Bodies" hits as Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Victoria stand over the gravesite:

:Flash Back Ends:

:Camera then apperas at a Graveyard and appears a tombstone with Sting's name on it and zooms out to reveal a smashed up coffin laying in it but it now open with scorpions crawling all through it and the camera zooms over to the next tombstone which is an empty grave and Matt Hardy V1 is written on the tombstone and the next one next to that has Kurt Angle then Kelli Helmsley, Randy Orton, The Love Machine, Stephanie McMahon, Vince McMahon, Stevie Richards, Victoria, and the last one has Hunter Hearst Helmsley and crows start flying in front of the camera as the feed ends:

Tenay: Oh you don't think Sting is coming back

Madden: This can't be real

:Evolution X is in total shock after seeing the Nitrovision:

Tony: We are out of time and we hope you enjoyed Curse of the Game and hopefully we can figure more of this out soon

:Curse of the Game goes off the air:

:Flashback Ends:

Tenay: That right there marked the return of Sting who so far tonight has made Evolution X's Night a living hell

Madden: He better not even think about interfering in this match

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW United States Championship(Mattitude Countdown starts into Live for the Moment, Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, From Cameron, North Carolina weighing in at 225 Pounds, Being accumpied by the Queen of the Ring, Kelli Helmsley, Representing Evolution X, The King of The Ring, Matt Hardy Version 1.0!!!

Mattfact: Matt Hardy will become a 3x US Champion tonight

Mattfact: Matt Hardy thinks Canada is a pathetic country

Madden: Here comes the Sensei of Mattitude

Tenay: The 2004 King of the Ring has a chance to add more gold to his resume

Tony: Next Month at Starrcade Matt Hardy will square off against whoever the WCW World Heavyweight Champion is as a result of winning The King of The Ring

Penser:(Peep Show hits, Crowd Goes Nuts) His opponent, Being accumpied by his "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko, From Right here in Toronto weighing in at 215 Pounds, Christian

Tony: Christian has the hometown fans behind him here

WCW United States Championship: Matt Hardy V1 W/Kelli Helmsley vs Christian W/Tyson Tomko
Matt Hardy tells Christian he is V Oneahhhhhhh and Christian just smirks and both men lock up with Christian going behind Hardy but Hardy drops down into a drop toe hold taking down Christian and Hardy gets back to his feet as does Christian. Both men lock up again with Christian locking in a head lock on Hardy but Hardy delivers a few right hands to Christian's gut and sends him off the ropes and Hardy then locks in a sleeper hold on Christian as Christian is trying to fight out but Hardy keeps it in and Christian starts to go down and falls to one knee as Referee Jimmy Korderaus checks on Christian and raises his arm up and down one time and then a second time. The Referee is about to do it again but Christian keeps his arm up and and fights back up to his feet and then goes backwards ramming Hardy into the ropes breaking the hold. Christian then turns around and goes to hit Hardy but Hardy backdrops Christian over the top to the floor. Matt Hardy then taunts the Canadian fans as they are booing. Tyson Tomko goes over and checks on Christian who is not happy and goes over and throws the steel steps off before getting back into the ring. Christian tells Hardy he just disrespected the King of Canada and Hardy tells Christian he is the King of the World. Christian is not happy and goes to hit Hardy who blocks and Hardy opens up on Christian with right hands knocking Christian back into the corner where Hardy puts Christian on the top turnbuckle and climbs up and Hardy then superplexes Christian off. Hardy hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.5-shoulder up. Matt Hardy then picks up Christian again and Hardy delivers a powerbomb on Christian. Hardy then drops Christian over near the ropes and Matt Hardy goes up top and Hardy goes for a Swanton Bomb but Christian rolls out of the way. Christian then is able to take advantage and stomps away at Hardy. Christian then waits for Hardy to get up and Christian connects with a German Suplex into another German Suplex and Christian holds on for a 3rd German Suplex. Christian then covers for a 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. Christian can't believe it now and picks up Hardy and goes for the UnPrettier but Hardy pushes Christian into the corner and Hardy hits a Side Effect as Christian comes out. Hardy then covers again for a 1---2--2.9-Christian gets his foot on the bottom rope. Matt Hardy can't believe it now and picks up Christian and goes for a Twist of Fate but Christian knocks Hardy over the top rope while going for it. Christian then destracts the referee as Tyson Tomko then goes over and hits a bike kick on Hardy as he got back up. Tyson then picks up Hardy and drops him throat first on the barracade. Kelli Helmsley then starts signaling as Charlie Haas makes his way to the ring with a Steel Chair backing Tyson away from Hardy and Charlie and Kelli check on Hardy as Jimmy Korderas starts a 10 count. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-Matt Hardy gets back into the ring and Christian goes to attack him but Hardy delivers a right hand knocking down Christian. Hardy then waits for Christian to get up and Hardy opens up on Christian and goes to whip him in the corner but Christian reverses sending Hardy in the corner. Christian then puts Hardy on the top turnbuckle and climbs up but hardy knocks Christian down and Hardy then hits the Mattitude Leg Drop on Christian and covers for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Matt Hardy shakes his head in disbelief and Hardy picks up Christian and sends him out to the floor as Hardy then has words with Tyson Tomko causing Jimmy Kordereas to get in between the two men but during this. Charlie Haas goes over near Christian and picks him up and rams him into the guard rail and slams him on the floor and then rolls him back into the ring. Jimmy Korderas then makes a judgement call and orders Tyson Tomko and Charlie Haas to the back as both men are livid but Kelli is allowed to remain since she has an official manager's license. Hardy picks up Christian and delivers a devistating DDT and covers him for the 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. Matt Hardy then starts jawing with the referee about a slow count. Matt Hardy then picks up Christian grabs Hardy into a small package for a 1--2--2.5-kick out. Both men get up and Hardy goes for a clothesline on Christian but Christian ducks and Christian then kicks Hardy in the gut and delivers a snap suplex on him. Christian then goes for a Texas Cloverleaf but Hardy gets Christian with a small package for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Both men once again get back to there feet and stare at each other before going for a lock up but Hardy kicks Christian in the gut and catches him with a Twist of Fate. Hardy covers Chrsitian for a 1--2--2.9-Lights Go out as "Sting's Theme" hits and the lights then start to flicker on and off as Sting appears standing on the top of the No Mercy Logo pointing his bat at Matt Hardy who is telling Sting to bring it as Charlie Haas & Stevie Richards come out on the entry way and both start to climb up after Sting but the Lights Go out and when they come back on Sting is nowhere to be found leaving Haas, Stevie, Kelli, & Hardy confused but while that was going on Christian recovers and then rolls up Hardy and holds the ropes for a 1---2--3.
Winner: Christian (WCW US)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW United States Champion, Christian

Tenay: Christian is the new US Champion after Sting's destraction

Madden: Damn that Sting

:After the match Christian is celebrating his win as Hardy is livid and Kelli is trying to console him when Sara comes out of the crowd and into the ring and spears down Kelli and then goes to hit Matt but security quickly is in the ring and pulls Sara out of the ring kicking and screaming wanting at Matt and Kelli as Kelli is now pissed and is telling Sara to bring it:

Tony: Sara is back!!!

Tenay: We have not seen Sara for some time but she is back!!!

:Ad for Starrcade is shown:

Tony: Well I am still in shock that Sara is back tonight

Tenay: That must have been what Marrisa Bischoff was talkign about earlier

Madden: I thought it was Jasmine who we saw return as well costing Test his match against Matt Walker but now Sara is back. Things keep getting hotter and hotter in WCW

Tenay: We are about to have a WCW Women's Championship Match though

Madden: Lacy Alexander is very deserving of this shot since she never lost the Title and had to forfit it due to her move to SCWE RAW a while back

Tony: This should be a slobber knocker though and it will be Trish Stratus's first Title Defense since winning the Title at Curse of the Game in the hellacious Elimination Chamber Match

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Women's Championship(Crowd Cheers)

Madden: My money is on Lacy

Tenay: I think Trish Stratus will pull it out

Penser:(Freak on a leash hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Baltimore, Maryland, Being accumpied by The #2 Freak, Shayn Flair, The #1 Freak, Lacy Alexander

Tenay: Lacy Alexander is no stranger to championship gold and is a former SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, WCW Hardcore, WCW Tag Team, SCWE Women's and is a former 2x WCW Women's Champion.

Madden: Soon to be three time

Penser:(Time To Rock N Roll hits, Crowd Cheers) Her opponent being accumpied by The "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko, From Right Here in Toronto, Representing the  Stratusfying Canadians, The WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus!!

Tony: The Stratusfying Canadians have been on a major roll here tonight and with the exception of Test losing, The Group has been undefeated with Edge and Christian winning gold and Lance Storm retaining

Tenay: Can Trish Stratus retain her title though?

Madden: I hate to say this but The Stratusfying Canadians are looking alot like Evolution X with all there members holding gold

WCW Women's Championship: No DQ: Trish Stratus(C) W/Tyson Tomko vs Lacy Alexander W/Shayn Flair
Lacy and Trish pace around the ring. The two divas lock up, Trish pulls Lacy into a headlock but Lacy reverses it into an arm bar getting behind Trish. Lacy whispers something to Trish and Trish loses her concentration and Lacy pushes Trish into the turnbuckle and quickly pulls Trish down with a schoolgirl. The referee drops down and begins the count 1.......2.........; the referee gets up and points out Trish's leg is on the rope but Lacy tries to fight it. Trish goes for the roll-up hoping to get a surprise win from Lacy. The referee goes down and counts 1......2..... and Lacy kicks out with authority. Lacy picks up Trish by her hair and pushes her to the mat. Lacy stands over Trish and gives her a hard slap across the face. She mounts Trish and begins an exotic dance, standing over Trish's shoulders. Trish uses her free legs to pull Lacy into a pin. The referee goes for the count 1.....2..... Lacy reveres using her leg strength to throw Trish backwards and rising up for the pin. The referee goes for the count 1.....2....... Trish reverses back to her original pin. The referee goes for the count 1.....2...... Lacy kicks out but this time sending Trish stumbling backwards. Both divas get to their feet, Lacy goes over to clothesline Trish but Trish does a backbend to dodge the attack. Trish kicks up with her feet, wrapping it around Lacy's neck sending her flying across the ring. Trish grabs Lacy to pick her up but Lacy does a drop toe hold sending Trish to land on the bottom rope. Lacy picks up Trish and backs her into the corner. Lacy seizes the opportunity and taunts Trish with provocative gestures. Lacy backs Trish back into the turnbuckle with her butt. Lacy sexually begins moving it against Trish, then bending down to imply a sexual situation but Trish kicks Lacy unexpectedly forward. Trish jumps to the top of the ropes and nails a crossbody on Lacy. Trish goes for the pin and the referee goes for the count 1....2.... and Lacy kicks out. Trish picks up Lacy and Irish whips her but instead Lacy sends Trish to the ropes. Lacy expects to go for the spinebuster but Trish does the Lou Prezz Press. Trish gives Lacy hard rights and lefts but Lacy rolls over and gives Trish a few of her own and the two divas roll around the ring exchanging blows. The referee checks on the divas but in doing so gets pulled under the scuffle. Trish gets the upper hand mounting Lacy and finally getting pulled off by the ref. Lacy backs up into the corner, Trish runs over but Lacy drives her shoulder into Trish's gut. Lacy stands and pulls Trish into her crotch area. Lacy screams "Oh you like that? you'll like this even more!" Lacy picks up Trish for the powerbomb but doesn't send her crashing to the ground...looks like Lacy is enjoying it. Trish tries to wiggles her way out of but ends up making Lacy lose balance. Trish lands on Lacy's upper abdominal area for the pin but Shayn reaches in and grabs Lacy by the arms and pulls her out of the ring. Trish steps outside the ring as Tyson jumps up on the apron to try to avenge Shayn's save. Shayn grabs Trish's foot from underneath her causing her to hit head first on the apron. Lacy and Shayn wait for Trish to get up so they can double clothesline her down but Trish sees the two divas and ducks dodging their attack and gives them a double clothesline of her own. Trish picks up Lacy and rolls her into the ring. Trish goes for the pin but the referee is distracted by Tyson. Trish breaks the pin and goes to share a few words with the ref. When she turns around Lacy nails her with a freakliner and completes it with her version of the Steiner Recliner. Trish withers in pain as Lacy screams out at Trish. Lacy nails Trish with a huge forearm.  Lacy quickly goes for the pin 1.......2.........Trish refuses to go down and kicks out. Trish gets up but Lacy hits her with a big boot to the face and it causes her to lose balance for a few. Lacy grabs Trish and locks lips with her. Trish in shock tries to escape but Lacy counters into a belly to belly suplex. The referee checks on Trish. Tyson grabs Lacy from behind but Shayn rolls into the ring and nails Tyson in between the eyes with a steel pipe. Tyson stumbles around and knocks over the referee before leaving the ring to recover. Shayn starts hitting Trish repeatedly in the head with the steel pipe. As the referee regains consciousness Shayn rolls out of the ring. Lacy looks at the knocked out Trish. Lacy stands over Trish face to face her legs standing over Trish's shoulders. Lacy squats down and kisses Trish. The referee sees Trish's shoulders down and goes for the count 1......2......3. Lacy breaks the kiss.
Winner: Lacy Alexander (WCW Women's)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Women's Champion, Lacy Alexander

Madden: What a great match

Tenay: This was a very interesting match to say the least

Tony: Well with Lacy winning here. That is the Sixth Title Change in Seven Matches

Madden: Well we got the Main Event coming up next!!!

:Video Preview for Triple H vs Scott Steiner vs Shane Douglas:

"Pour Some Sugar On Me" hits as Marrisa Bischoff walks out to the entry way

Marrisa Bischoff: I just wanted to come out here right now because I have an announcement concerning the Main Event. I am making it a No DQ Match and all valet's or manager's must remain in the back so no Evolution X, No Freaks, No Stroke members. This will be a straight up Triple Threat match. Thank You

"Pour Some Sugar On Me" hits as Marrisa heads to the back

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:58 PM

Tony: Well Marrisa's announcement changes the direction of this match

Tenay: No Lacy or Shayn for Steiner. No Victoria or any other Evolution X member for Triple H and no Walker, panCAKEman, or Jasmine for Shane Douglas

Madden: This is not fair to Triple H

Tenay: This is going to make this a straight up match

Tony: The No DQ stipulation has to be in the favor of Scott Steiner more then anyone

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

Tenay: All three men have a weapon of choice that is now legal. Steiner has a lead pipe, Triple H with his sledgehammer and Shane Douglas with his biker chain

Penser:(Holla If Ya Hear Me hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, From Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 255 Pounds, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

Tony: Scott Steiner is very capable of winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship here tonight

Penser:(Perfect Strangers hits, Crowd Cheers) The Second Challenger, From Pittsburgh, Pennyslvania weighing in at 240 Pounds, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

Tenay: Shane Douglas is also a former World Champion and like Steiner has never held the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Penser:(The Game hits, Crowd Rises to there feet and boo's) Finally, From Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 260 Pounds, The Leader of Evolution X, The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H!!!

Madden: Here comes the Game

Tony: Triple H has been World Heavyweight Champion for Five Monthes and Ten Days

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: No DQ: Triple H(C) vs Scott Steiner vs Shane Douglas
All three men are glaring at each other as Nick Patrick shows off the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and calls for the bell. Triple H quickly tries to make a deal with Scott Steiner to double team Shane Douglas and Steiner agree's and Douglas then delivers a right hand to Steiner but Triple H attacks Douglas but Douglas knocks down the Game with a right hand but Steiner delivers a clothesline to the back of Douglas's head knocking him down. Steiner then picks up Douglas and holds him place as Triple H opens up on Douglas with right hands. Triple H and Steiner then whip Douglas off the ropes but Douglas takes down both men with a clothesline. Douglas then opens up on Triple H with right and lefts and knocks Triple H back into the corner where Douglas is going to work on him but Steiner comes charging but Douglas moves and Steiner delivers a big hit on Triple H as Douglas catches Steiner with a kick to the gut and Douglas delivers the Franchiser on Steiner. Douglas covers for a 1---2--2.6-Triple H goes to kick Douglas but he moves and Triple H hits Steiner. Douglas then knocks Triple H back into the corner and Douglas picks up Triple H and puts him up top and Douglas is about to go for a super plex but Scott Steiner comes and picks up Douglas between his legs and has him on his shoulders but Douglas holds on Triple H and delivers a super sized Super plex as all three men end up going down. All three men are down and hurting as the crowd is chanting holy shit. Triple H is riving in pain and rolls out to the floor as Shane Douglas and Steiner both start to get up and Steiner is up first and delivers a stiff boot to the ribs of Douglas. Steiner then picks up Douglas and whips him into the corner and delivers several chops to him and Steiner then hip tosses Douglas down. Steiner then hits a Steinerline on Douglas as he gets up and Steiner then drops an elbow on Douglas into his pushups and Steiner then covers Douglas for a 1---2--2.3-Triple H pulls Steiner out to the floor and Triple H delivers a right hand knocking down Steiner and Triple H gets back in the ring and but Steiner grabs his foot destracting Triple H allowing Shane Douglas to hit Triple H from behind. Douglas then whips Triple H off the ropes and Douglas backdrops Triple H but gets greeted with another Steinerline from Scott Steiner. Steiner then picks up Douglas and bench presses him and slams him down. Triple H goes to hit Steiner but Steiner catches him with a belly 2 belly suplex causing Triple H to roll out to the floor again. Steiner then kicks Douglas in the gut as he got up and Steiner delivers a T-Bone Suplex and Steiner pounds away on Douglas as he was getting up in the ropes. Steiner then whips Douglas off the ropes and hits a big powerslam on him. Steiner hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.7-Triple H breaks up the pin again. Triple H picks up Steiner but Steiner blocks and then catches Triple H with a T-Bone Suplex. Steiner then delivers a big Steinerline on Triple H and then another on Douglas. Steiner then waits for Triple H to get up and goes for a Freakliner but Triple H holds on to the top rope and shoves Steiner down. Triple H then kicks Steiner below the belt and Triple H then locks in an Indian Death Lock on Steiner but Shane Douglas quickly breaks it up. Shane Douglas then throws Triple H out to the floor and follows him out to the floor. Douglas then picks up Triple H but the Game lowblows him again. Triple H then delivers a DDT on the floor to Douglas. Scott Steiner then hits Triple H from behind and grabs the camera cord and starts to choke Triple H with it until Nick Patrick threatens to eject STeiner from the match and Steiner then gets in Nick Patrick's face but Shane Douglas grabs a steel chair and bashes Steiner in the head as he turned around with it. Douglas then is about to do the same to Triple H but Triple H ducks and Douglas hits the side of the ring and Triple H lowblows Douglas again. Triple H then rams Douglas into the side of the announce table. Triple H then removes the monitor's from the announce table and chases away the announcers and sets Shane Douglas on the table and gets on it but Douglas starts to fight back and goes for a Piledriver but Triple H drops down as Douglas tries to pick up Triple H, The Game lowblows Douglas once again and Triple H then gets back up and sets Douglas up and connects with a Pedigree through the announce table to Shane Douglas. Scott Steiner though does not let Triple H take advantage and grabs the Game and throws him into the ring as Nick Patrick calls for paramedics to tend to a broken Shane Douglas. in the ring Triple H is begging off Scott Steiner who grabs Triple H and throws him in the corner where Steiner procedes to chop away at The Game's chest. Steiner whips Triple H off the ropes and delivers a big powerslam on him. Steiner then says thats it and flips Triple H over and locks in the Steiner Recliner but Randy Orton, Charlie Haas, & Victoria Helmsley hit the ring and Steiner takes down Orton with a right hand then a right hand on Haas and Lacy Alexander & Shayn Flair come running down to the ring and Lacy attacks Victoria as both ladies are going at it and Kelli comes down and gets into it with Shayn but Matt Hardy comes down and goes to hit Steiner but Steiner catches Hardy with a clothesline. Haas & Orton are back up and then go to attack Steiner again but the Dudley Boys come down to the ring and drag Orton & Haas to the floor and the Dudley's start to brawl with them leaving Triple H and Matt Hardy to deal with Steiner. The Game is still hurting as Hardy goes after Steiner and starts to pound away on Steiner but Steiner shoves Hardy down but Triple H hits a lowblow on Steiner and then catches him with a Pedigree and covers for the 1---2--2.9-Lights go out as "Sting's Theme" hits over the PA. Lights return and Sting is once again standing on top of the entry way pointing his bat at The ring and Triple H tells Hardy to go get him and Hardy shakes his head no but Stevie Richards comes running out from the back and attacks Sting. Richards then picks up Sting and removes a mask Sting was wearing to reveal Eric Bischoff!! The Crowd then starts going crazy as Sting lowers from the ceiling and is in the ring behind Matt Hardy & Triple H who are unaware of it but both men turn around and Sting delivers a bat shot to the gut of Hardy and then a right hand knocking Hardy to the floor. Triple H starts to beg off Sting and tries to escape the ring but Scott Steiner is back up and Triple H backs right into Steiner as Triple H turns around and gets met with a right hand by Steiner knocking Triple H into Sting who hits Triple H in the gut with a baseball bat shot and Sting then drops The Game with the Scorpion Death Drop as the Lights flicker again as Sting rises back to the ceiling as Scott Steiner covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Scott Steiner (WCW World)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Steiner

Madden: NO

Tony: Scott Steiner is the new World Heavyweight Champion thanks to Sting

Tenay: Shane Douglas got injured half way through after a Pedigree through the announce table and all hell broke loose but in the end it was Sting's interference that cost Triple H the WCW World Heavyweight Champion and the Freakzilla Era is now upon us

Tony: We hope you all enjoyed No Mercy and do not miss Nitro tomarrow night for the fall out. Good Night

:No Mercy Goes off the Air:

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