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MORTISHA' S PATH OF SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT!Contains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Gemstone Healing Guide


Opens creativity, helps one to speak truth and communicate clearly


Calming stone, stress reliever.  Mental clarity, mood balancer, joy, humor, confidence.  Detoxification and protection from radiation.


Spiritual awareness, dreaming, dispels nightmares, protection, known as the “sobriety stone�? helps break bad habits.


Regenerates and rejuvenates ill or degenerative areas of the body, enhances creativity.  Excellent for spiritual guidance.


Highly psychic, good for communication, intellect.  Controls weight gain.


“Stone of Courage�? Intellectual acuteness, banishes fears, calms nerves, imparts strength and control.


Green;  Good luck, abundance, adventures in travel, healing heart and emotions.  Independence and career changes.

Black Onyx

Stress and grief reliever.  Enhances self-control and mental clarity.  Encourages happiness, good fortune and morality.

Black Tourmaline

Deflects negativity, calms. grounds, reduces anger, protection shield.


Childbirth, stops bleeding, inflammations, balances emotions, grounding, neutralizes and eliminates toxins.

Blue Lace Agate

Strengthens sight, diminishes thirst, promotes marital fidelity.  Good for treatment of arthritic conditions and strengthening skeletal structure.

Botswana Agate

Enhances creativity and abstract thinking, stimulates and energizes crown charka and auric body.


Increases memory, concentration, spiritual and physical ability for students.


Reproduction, sexuality, menstrual cramps, lungs, asthma, arthritis, creative visualization, stimulates emotions.


Eases emotional heartache, balances emotions, stimulates creativity, PMS, menstrual cramps, asthma, digestion.


Balancing of Yin-Yang energies activates and opens heart charka, compassion, connection with the trinity.  Helps to heal a broken heart.  Fidelity in business and personal affairs.


Self-esteem, joy, clear thinking, activates solar plexus, “merchant’s stone�? brings more cash to cash drawer.


Relieves sorrow, “everything happens for a reason�? encourages original thinking.


Eliminates stubbornness, patience, stimulates verbalization of spiritual ideas.