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MORTISHA' S PATH OF SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT!Contains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Meditation Techniques


There are many forms of meditation, such as chakra, yantra, and mantra meditation. While the forms of meditation vary, they all use concentration techniques, which help us to stop our thoughts. When the mind is calm, like a lake without any ripples, we experience total peace and empowerment 
Crystal meditation
Quartz crystals are an aid in meditation, as they have the ability to cut through  confusion and help you tune into your Higher Self.
Take a cleansed crystal and "charge" it by centering yourself; then hold the crystal to your third eye. Program it with the purpose you wish to achieve. You can charge your crystal by focusing your desires into the luminous perfection of the crystal. When energy passes through a quartz crystal it becomes harmonized, and the natural balance is preserved. In practical terms, if the energies of the crystal user are not in balance, there will be a natural tendency of the crystal to correct and rebalance any energies that a person transmits through the crystal.
The natural tendency of the mineral kingdom is to create perfect balance and harmony. This elemental energy is largely directed by our Higher Will. We need only to tune into that Higher Self to live in harmony with ourselves, others and the world.
Use your crystal to help you achieve an altered state of mind to access information which you otherwise wouldn't know. Use the crystal as a focusing device to reach a quiet, meditative state. This altered state of awareness, sometimes called a trance state, allows you to delve deeply into the stored material of your subconscious to answer questions or to gain information. This trance state can also sensitize you to certain etheric vibrations so you can "see" the future or past. 

Steps of Relaxation Meditation

  1. Sit comfortably with your spine reasonably straight.

  2. Allow your eyes to rest comfortably downward, gazing softly, but not focussed on anything.

  3. Without closing your eyes completely, let your eyelids drop to a level that feels most comfortable.

  4. Continue gazing downward... the act of gazing is your primary focus (rather than the area at which you are gazing). You may notice your breathing becoming more rhythmic.

  5. It's ok to let your attention drift a bit. If your eyes become very heavy, it's ok to let them close. If you notice you've come out of your relaxed space, simply bring your attention back to your relaxed downward gaze.


This remarkably easy and relaxing meditation makes use of a little-known secret about the eyes. Allowing the eyes to rest in a soft downward gaze has an instant, automatic relaxing effect.


Benefits of this meditation:

  • Relaxation & stress reduction

  • Can be used for an effective 2 minute relax & recharge break

  • Increased alertness




Steps of Mindfulness Meditation

 Mindfulness is another form of meditation. It is meditation in action, and it is how we integrate meditation into all aspects of our daily lives until our whole life itself has become meditation. (Don't worry, this takes time to accomplish!). It is based on the Buddhist principle that whatever you focus on, you become. In Buddhism, it is not believed that the mind has a particular, solid shape. Instead, Buddhists believe that the mind is fluid. It takes whatever form you put it in. Whatever thought forms you hold in your mind will determine its shape. So if you focus on unhappy things, you will become unhappy, and conversely, if you focus on happy things, you will become happy!


Steps To Mindfulness Meditation

  1. Sit comfortably, with your eyes closed, your spine reasonably straight.

  2. Let your attention rest on your breathing.

  3. When thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, or external sounds arise, simply acknowledge and accept them, allowing them to pass through without judging or getting involved with them.

  4. When you notice your attention has gotten engaged in thoughts, emotions, or sensations, bring it back to your breathing and continue.

Benefits of this meditation:

  • Maintaining your calm inner awareness, balance & clarity in the midst of any situation.
  • A gradual shift to a higher level of consciousness... centered in the peace, joy & freedom of your Spirit.
  • Increased insight & clarity... seeing things truly, as they are.
  • Stress reduction.



What about Loving Kindness Meditation? How is that practised?
Once you are familiar with Mindfulness of Breathing and are practising it regularly you can start practising Loving Kindness Meditation. It should be done two or three times each week after you have done Mindfulness of Breathing. First, you turn your attention to yourself and say to yourself words like "May I be well and happy. May I be peaceful and calm. May I be protected from dangers. May my mind be free from hatred. May my heart be filled with love. May I be well and happy." Then one by one you think of a loved person, a neutral person, that is , someone you neither like nor dislike, and finally a disliked person, wishing each of them well as you do so.


What is the benefit of doing this type of meditation?

If you do Loving Kindness Meditation regularly and with the right attitude, you will find very positive changes taking place within yourself. You will find that you are able to be more accepting and forgiving towards yourself. You will find that the feelings you have towards your loved ones will increase. You will find yourself making friends with people you used to be indifferent and uncaring towards, and you will find the ill-will or resentment you have towards some people will lessen and eventually be dissolved. Sometimes if you know of someone who is sick, unhappy or encountering difficulties you can include them in your meditation and very often you will find their situation improving.
