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General : Tarotscope week of 05/26/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 5/27/2008 2:46 AM
EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

You are the first to remember that money can't buy happiness, but a little security can help you along the way to finding your own peace. Whether your riches are financial, emotional or spiritual - enjoy them, and stand tall and smiling in your world..

Nature's shake-ups and downpours have nourished the earth and your own world so that strong new seeds of possibilities and material advancement can begin to sprout. Expect some good news or good vibes today..

You'll be put into a social situation today where you will have a chance to wow some important people. Just be yourself and you will shine. While you may think you have to strive to impress, you are mistaken. People like and admire you for who you really are..

Profound changes are in store for you today. You may have to release something or someone in order to progress on your life path. Do so as gracefully as you can, and watch for the new window that opens in your life. To everything, there is a season......

You are radiating from deep inside and people are drawn to you. It's a good thing your calendar is clear because you are likely going to be spending some time with someone who has been admiring you from afar. Be yourself. You are perfect in your uniqueness, and besides, everyone else is already taken!.

The sun is shining on you and you're finally getting credit for what you've done. People are noticing your dedication to making sure the project is perfect. Accept compliments with grace - you deserve them! Call your family to tell them the happy news - they've been pulling for you all along..

Be careful how you handle an associate. He or she is feeling rather sensitive due to not getting a lot of cooperation from others. You might offer to give a helping hand, even though your plate is very full already. You'll find taking care of even a small detail for someone else will make everybody's path so much more pleasant..

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

You'll meet someone today who you will click with instantly. It's like you're old friends, even though you just met. Take this person's personal or management advice seriously -- it will turn out to be a great lesson for you..

Disagreements or difficulties may result from rash actions, hasty decisions and poorly chosen words today. Try not to react hastily, whether you are on the giving or receiving end of this influence. Meditate on 'patience' today - it's your lesson through with you can further your personal growth..

You pretty much have your hands full with moody, confused, or overly emotional people. Perhaps you've been nursing someone who is ill. Check on them again today. This day should bring some positive changes - something hidden may be revealed - and a weird or uncertain period will come to an end..

It might be a good idea to get out and about for a breather today. See if you can take a walk so you can get rid of some stress and reenergize your whole system with some fresh air and fresh vistas. Buy a little treat for yourself today, maybe an item that is a symbol of something important to you. It doesn't have to be anything expensive, but it will brighten your day..

A selfish or self-destructive woman in your environment may cause difficulties today. Stay detached, but be on the alert for manipulators. You haven't been listening to your inner wisdom - and therefore may be feeling emotionally unbalanced. Your instincts will not steer you wrong. Do not make decisions until you have all the facts - hidden knowledge comes to light today..

Up and at'em, cowboy! And cowgirl! Recent difficulties will melt away when you go back at the problem. Betrayals and disappointments no longer have the power to hurt you. Physically, if you've been ailing, you'll feel much better today. You're ready to start a new cycle..

Today's travel plans will likely be postponed, or your train will be late, or commuting diverted - it's just NOT a great day for transportation. There could well be some mechanical problems that are keeping you home. Is there a tool box handy? On the positive side, it's a good day for solutions and to let your fix-it skills shine..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Putting your ideas into motion with focus and determination will make the road to your goals a lot shorter! Waiting around for others to fall into step is a waste of time today. When others see your focus and the results it brings, they'll be taking your example too! A nice surprise or reward for your efforts could come your way today. Also, take note of any flashes of inspiration - the next step in your vision for the future may make itself clear!.

You're surrounded by fun and loving people today - and you enjoy their kind words and friendly gestures. Some of them may just be passing through, though, so don't count on them being there forever. Enjoy the moment instead..

It seems there isn't a light at the end of the tunnel but maybe you haven't been looking very hard. Stop feeling sorry for yourself -- there are more wonderful opportunities coming your way. Pay attention or you're going to miss them! Look to a Libra-type person for encouragement..

If you've let something lapse that needed to be taken care of a long time ago, it's now time to start repairing any damage done. At least you know now that you're strong enough to deal with this. It's a good signpost for you to take stock of your spiritual growth and make a mental note of your wonderful progress..

You're feeling a bit absent minded today but be careful. An important document could get lost today so make sure to back up or copy whatever you have. Take extra care with work -- make sure to check for mistakes more than once..

Ready to take on new responsibility? Good - because you're going to find a new project or be presented with a new goal to work on and it's very important. Make sure not to get overwhelmed, though. Ask others for help -- they are more happy to pitch in..

You may be a teensy bit cranky today - because there's an overflow of water in your environment. Either a water sign person could cause you some difficulties, or you may feel a sense of your 'self' being dampened from another source. Never mind, your world will remain stable and your flame will continue to burn brightly within..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

You may be tempted to walk on the wild side today - or even get a little creepy and tiptoe around in the dark side. Watch you don't go too far because the return trip can be a hassle. 'The devil made me do it' may get you a few indulgent giggles, but it won't totally get you off the hook..

You'll have to do some quick thinking and fancy footwork today to stay on top of things. The atmosphere is ripe for all kinds of minor upsets and reversals, and people may be argumentative today, so try to stay calm and reasonable in order to show others the way. Everything will come out just fine in the wash..

Hang in there - your hard work will be rewarded soon. You may have a lot of responsibilities on your roster but it's only because you are so competent and ambitious. But today is a day to be creative and release some of the stress that's been building up. All work and no play makes you very cranky - why not go dancing tonight and let off some steam?.

Today may find you asking yourself, "Has all the world gone crazy? - or is it me?" A phase or long-standing situation will end, or is on the road to ending - and it's not the way you would have wanted it. Put off important decisions until another day. You may see that the developments start to show their up-side!.

You'll have to mediate a sticky situation at work or in a business matter. You'll need to follow through on this and be firm. If you don't, you may find things getting out of hand and involving more people than anticipated. Take care of situations right away and then let them go!.

You'll receive an unexpected gift or kind word that will make your day. Be grateful for such a wonderful thought from a good friend -- they really care for you. Maybe treating someone a nice dinner would be in order - or find a way to pass aliong your blessings by paying it forward..

Take any free time today as quiet time just for you. Do only what you want to do -- don't let others dictate your schedule. This is a day for your emotional refueling so take care of yourself. Accept gifts graciously..

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