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General : Tarotscope week of 07/07/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 7/8/2008 5:25 PM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

If you've recently jumped into something without thinking, you may have to draw back a little today and start again. You probably haven't tested the waters before going for it. You may be dealing these days with some instability and extremes of thought and action - someone around you may be somewhat unbalanced. Take things one step at a time..

Let everyone hear you sing your song today. You have the right words to say to others so don't hold back your opinion. Your angels or spirit guides will present you with a challenging counseling session with a friend but you'll handle it with compassion and grace..

Good energy and good news is developing on the financial and business front. Use these expansive energies to get things moving. If you plan carefully and keep at it, your efforts will pay off. You've got a good forward momentum going - ride it!.

A message or letter from someone unexpected will bring you good news. This could be someone you never expected to offer you help, or even be in a position to help, but the universe is working in mysterious ways so accept their reaching out and any invitations or opportunities with grace and gusto..

You're struggling with something new these days and have a vague unease that it's not coming naturally to you. Give yourself time to learn the ropes -- it will come together soon. Enjoy the process of putting a new procedure, plan or vision together or you'll miss half the fun..

A childlike person makes you laugh and brings you a lot of joy. Even though this takes some time out of your day, you should stop and enjoy your time with this person. Have some faith -- the universe will delegate your work while you enjoy some rejuvenating energies..

A good day to rely on your self. You have what it takes, so never mind if the whole world doesn't agree with you. You have to please yourself before you can please others. Look into the mirror and tell yourself "I love you!'..

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

You may experience conflicting emotions today, trying to decide whether you should stay in an unsatisfying situation, or if by leaving it behind, you are abandoning a good thing. Clarity will come to you if you are honest with yourself. Pretend you are an onlooker giving advice if you get stuck..

Life may deal you a shock, trauma or surprise today that will likely throw you for a loop. Whether this is on the physical or the emotional plane, remember that those sudden jolts in our lives are an inescapable part of living - and the readjustment process will be full of new blessings..

You're inspired by the beauty around you -- music, arts, poetry and other creative forces. Your creativity shoots up to unbelievable heights. Get ready to produce and present a wild new concept. There will be such beauty in its energy..

Well, the time for dreaminess is over and it's time to get back into action. You may find some unwelcome demands on your time or attention today - but you'll manage just fine. It's up and at 'em all the way today - it's doubtful you'll find a quiet corner for even a few minutes..

Something you put into motion yesterday may draw some opposition today, but not enough to make you necessarily back down. If you believe in 'it' then fight for it - a healthy challenge is just the very thing to hone your skills and clarify your objectives..

Although there's lots happening as the weekend gets into swing, you'll be dealing with mundane matters, and not huge, forceful events. You'll likely be busier than you would wish, but you will be fine if you pace yourself. Monday spells relief this week as you complete your obligations and get back into a calmer, steadier routine..

Have you hugged a tree today? Get out your walking shoes; you'll benefit greatly from spending time outside. Take in the beauty around you and make sure to stop and smell the roses. Really. Take a moment to really feel the stillness, and know that your angels and guides are going to work with you but it will be easier if you are balanced and your mind is clear..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

It's time to take the bull by the horns - or rather, just assume your most authoritative posture. Your grand presence will cause the world around you to stop and take notice. Your intellect and sense of command will be tempered by serenity and benevolence. Give and take advice freely today, especially in professional areas..

Your defences may be down today and you may find yourself caught a little off guard - by circumstances or a bug that's going around. Stay alert, get your rest, and watch out for any holes in the fences you rely on..

You are blossoming in your craft and you should be proud of your hard work. You are shining so brightly that others notice you. Don't be distracted by harsh words or cold shoulders - people are jealous of your happiness. Include others in your successes and joys where you can..

Events which were in the air yesterday materialize today. Expect to be thinking on your feet today, and using your intellect to full capacity. Where necessary, seek professional advice. Be ready to move quickly, because circumstances may change faster than the pace you were planning on moving along at..

You may have an upcoming social engagement you are invited to, and although you may be feeling some dread or even simply disinterest about it, you don't have much choice in attending this one. While you would rather be elsewhere, make the most of this opportunity and talk to some new people. Strangers won't be strangers for long..

You're likely to be feeling that while everyone else is using their energies to shirk responsibility, you are left holding the bag as usual. Do what you feel you should to help but don't be a doormat - you'll only be disappointed in yourself. Express what is on your mind and set boundaries where needed..

Laughter really is the best medicine. Your friend needs your spunky sense of humor to bring them out of a funk. No one can spread giggles like you can! You'll be an angel on earth if you time it just right -- make sure to answer your phone if it rings..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The past pays you a visit today. This is going to be a great time for healing old wounds or reframing past experiences, so be open to people, places and things and the messages they bring. Listen without judgement and process the information at your leisure..

You'll feel the 'earth move under your feet' today, but don't worry - you will keep your balance. A shift in energies and your basic reality is probable - so the advice is to try to get your 'sea legs' and ride out the shift. Minor problems with physical structures such as your home (leaks, cracks, etc.) are possible. It's okay - just be prepared..

You may be stuck holding the bag today, or alternatively, you may be passing the buck. Either way, you may be feeling overly burdened, and carrying more than your fair share. Share your load with others who have offered their help, but don't take advantage..

Today is going to be an intense day for you. You're going to have to lead the charge to fight for what's right. You'll be surprised at what strength you'll find inside and others will admire you for your courage in confronting the issue. Stand your ground - you have the support of more people than you know..

Today is going to be an intense day for you. You're going to have to lead the charge to fight for what's right. You'll be surprised at what strength you'll find inside and others will admire you for your courage in confronting issues. Stand your ground - you have the support of those around you..

Ups and downs are part of life - it's a never-ending cycle that we have to accept. If you're on top - be assured that there is a 'down' and if you're at the bottom, your only way is up again. It is up to you to make the best out of every turn of the wheel..

If it's 'one for the money, and two for the show' then today is three to get ready and it's go, go, go! Never mind where you've been - look toward where you're going. New vistas beckon and it's a great day to start walkin'!.

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 7/12/2008 12:37 PM
Thanks Ren