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General : Tarotscope week of 07/14/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 7/15/2008 12:09 AM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Why are you hiding who you are? Stop holding back -- you won't get any satisfaction from not sharing who you are with the world. Today is a day for you to shine -- you'll be recognized for your beauty inside and out. Share your self with the world..

You may be in a rebellious mood today - someone or something has been coming on a little too strong with you and the restrictions are beginning to rankle. Use logic rather than emotion when dealing with the problem - temper tantrums won't do the trick. It's time to take well-considered charge of your life..

Daydreaming today will be a form of escapism - and not very productive. You may be feeling out of sorts emotionally - and people around you are no help at all today. Are you ignoring important flashes of intuition? Better to pay attention - your inner self loves you, you know, and has some pretty profound things to bring to your attention..

It's a good day for making something with your hands - crafts, carpentry, etc. - and a good day for work which needs attention to details, such as balancing your checkbook. Your work will be fulfilling and enjoyable. Hobbies and work projects may bring you some profit..

Your day is infused with a sense of victory and accomplishment. Someone will acknowledge you for your skills and talents. Hold your head high - you deserve the praise you get. It's a good day for travel, for buying a new car, or just going for a drive..

What seemed to be a 'black and white' situation looks somewhat murky today. You may feel you're on a wild and crazy ride - running headlong with no control over matters. Try to hang on - and keep a steady grip. Even bumpy rides can be lots of fun! Car or travel problems could be in the cards - give your vehicle the once-over before setting out on a trip..

Circumstances may seem to be rather frustrating for you today but there's no need to let any of it get your goat. The situation will get better, and since there is nothing you can do to change the moment, try to have fun with any cosmic jokes being played. Sharing your frustrations good-naturedly with others will lighten up the whole picture and the unvierse will smile back at you..

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

You have the power to create a brand new harmonious situation for you. Stop thinking about what could be and just do it. You'll find that you needed to get rid of some baggage so you could have more positive energy enter your life..

You may be asked to help someone out with a project or around the house today - no-one can do it better than you. Today's a great day for renovations and decorating, and projects of all kinds. Move some pictures or wall decorations around. A special inspiration for today: three out of five ain't bad..

Any walls or fences that you have erected around yourself are in danger of being a little battered today - is it perhaps time to just open the gate? Or do you need to shore up your defenses? Either way, get to it!.

You can expect some interference or disagreeability from an earth type person who might kindle some self-doubt in you. Remember that love and contentment start within, not without, and refuse to accept insecurity kindled by others. A good day to contemplate the true nature of 'abundance'..

Make sure to have your cell phone charged because you'll need to get in touch with someone while you're out on the run or on the town. It may be to rescue you or someone else from a weird situation. In general, make sure lines of communication are open today..

You may meet or be influenced by somebody you greatly admire today - or some other special dream may come true. A special guardian angel brings a beautiful sense of peace and optimism to your soul - pass it on to someone else..

Throw yourself a parade today - hold your head up and pat yourself on the back. You're cool, dude, and others will know it too. An important goal will be accomplished, or you will be acknowledged just for being you. Congrats!.

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Someone or something from your past could turn up today and light up your future. It is possible this person or situation will present an opportunity to clear up old misunderstandings or hurt feelings, so be ready to take advantage of this chance to release buried negativities..

If you've gotten a little carried away lately in the financial arena, today may be a somewhat unwelcome jolt back to reality. Put away those credit cards for a while until you're back on track. Don't be miserly however, as that will only attract negative energies. Just try to find a nice middle ground between 'in-come' and 'out-go'..

A female in your life can help you create the abundance you need if you open to her advice and example. However, you don't need to stick to the letter of this example. You are the master of your own destiny so listen to your inner voice also and turn the volume up if needed. You know exactly what is right for you, so pull it together and get moving..

Any decisions you need to make today will be 'bang on'. Pending matters will be decided in your favour, and positive new beginnings are in the works. It could be the end of an era or situation, or an important milestone in your life. It's a great time to move forward into a new cycle..

You've had your nose to the grindstone long enough - and you know the old saying about all work and no play. So turn off your computer, put away your files, put aside the tools of your trade, and RELAX for a change. Do you still remember how to go with the flow?.

Take out your old daytimer or address book and look up an old friend or loved one today. Or, send someone a flower or write them a little note to show you care. Children and colleagues will be a joy to be around..

You may be in a contemplative mood today. It's a good day to do some artistic endeavour, to listen to music, or to take up a course of some kind. Help a child with his/her homework - it will uplift you too. Then, pamper yourself with a bubble bath or a favourite TV show tonight. Youngsters will bring gentle happiness today..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

A new idea will be coming to light for you, though it needs some of the little details worked out. You'll have a female helping you to formulate a plan to make this idea a reality. Make sure to show your appreciation -- she's a good person to have on your side..

You may be feeling a bit used and abused today. Children or associates may demand too much, and disruptions are likely. Try to be understanding about personality conflicts. Look to your inner self if you're feeling a bit lonely or abandoned - you can be your own best friend. Creative and solitary pursuits are good bets to bring you joy today..

This is a great day for some reflection and meditation. Your inner truth comes through loud and clear. Honour your intuition and trust in your feelings and dreams. Someone may confide in you, or you may share your inner self with someone else - either way, some universal truths will be unlocked..

Financial matters don't look so rosy today - you may be looking behind the sofa cushions for loose change to tide you over. An apathetic attitude will get you nowhere - but don't worry too much - if you're feeling rather uninspired today, it will soon pass..

You find the right person to ask advice from on a personal matter. Pay attention to suggestions from this wise person. You'll have to make your own modifications to make the suggestions work for you but this small effort will actually be a huge step in your growing process..

You may be feeling a bit like the butterfly who is afraid to leave the cocoon today. What are you afraid of? If you have to deal with some unwelcome changes or disappointing cirumstances, take the bull by the horns and do what needs to be done to give your spirit free scope to start anew..

You've been working so hard to reach your goal; you haven't been enjoying the process. You will reach this goal but you may feel short changed in the end because you've been letting the fun of reaching it go by you. This is a lesson learned -- you need to enjoy the process as much as the final outcome..

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 7/15/2008 10:20 AM
Thanks Ren