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General : Tarotscope week of 07/28/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 7/29/2008 7:03 AM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Listen to your heart, but listen to your soul as well. The angels will communicate not from the outside, but from your inner self. Share your intuition and wisdom. If there are lot of voices chattering to you, listen to the one speaking with love and compassion - that would be the true YOU!.

Take the time to make sure your files are backed up today. Your computer is going to be acting funny and you don't want to lose any data. Tie up loose ends in all that you've been doing - you'll feel great when you know everything that matters to you is safely put away..

It may be time to pull back a bit from from professional or social responsibilities and spend a bit more time focusing on hearth and home. A loved one is especially missing your attention. If your physical needs haven't been satisfied lately, it's time to correct the problem. No-one has ever spoken with their last breath, "Geez - I wish I had worked more!".

That brass ring is just beyond your reach today, although it's well in sight. If someone or something is blocking your way, don't stop moving forward - go around the obstacles and get back on the road where you can. You may even find that a detour brings fresh focus and energy..

It's best not to resist change by digging your heels in. You will only have a longer and harder time implementing and adapting to the changes you need to make if you do. You'll have an easier time if you go with the flow and figure out your best scenario once the current has stopped moving you along. Whatever develops, remember it is in your power to make the best of it..

It's time to take action to create some balance in your life and career. You are probably feeling overwhelmed in certain areas so take a fresh look at what you can eliminate or delegate to others. Make a 'want to do' and 'need to do' checklist and see how things stack up..

You're facing some challenges making your position clear to an associate, no matter how hard you try. It's not that you're not communicating clearly -- they just don't want to hear what you have to say. Don't worry about this -- you'll have your chance later to get your point across. In the meantime - breathe!.

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Even though some of your friends might say you're acting foolish, keep walking your path. Leave your past behind. There are those who will try to discourage you but don't listen. They may be just a little jealous because you know who you are so just lead by example..

You'll be more than happy when it's Friday and the end of the week - you may be making plans already! An outing into the country this weekend would make a great getaway after what may be developing into a frantic week, that is if you don't have to travel on business. A great day for business partnerships, negotiations and new projects..

You're going to have to stand up for yourself today so find all the courage inside you and do it. By finally saying what you believe, you're going to receive something of great value and importance..

There may be some fairly important decisions made today which will affect your future - and fortunately, everything is resolved in your favour. Pay attention to balance and justice in all areas - and be ready to consider all points of view today..

Your home is your castle - even if it's your home away from home or just a waystation. Put some pretty planters on your front porch, string a garland over a doorway, or add any meaningful personal touch to your environment that expresses joy and good times. You will attract even more of these gifts and qualities..

Others may stand in awe of your intuition and inner wisdom today. Look within, and then listen carefully to the messages you receive. You may particularly enjoy the company of women today, even if you just spend time in quiet companionship..

Even though you may feel like backing down or giving up on something today, a little extra effort and courage could win the day for you. Think carefully about the situation you're facing and don't chicken out if you feel it's worth fighting. Otherwise, if you're sure you're in a losing battle, cut your losses and let it go..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

A chapter in your life is coming to completion. This would be a good time to reflect on what lessons you can integrate in the future. Your new knowledge will be put to the test soon. Don't worry -- you'll pass with flying colors..

Any recent attacks on your emotions, real or imagined, will be cleared up today, even if they were self-inflicted. Past hurts will heal and are ready to be released. Looking on the 'bright side' will bring incredible illumination into your spirit..

You're in conflict right now with your worst enemy -- yourself. You're feeling unbalanced because of a painful situation. Ask your guides for some help bringing you clarity and try to stop being so hard on yourself -- it's not going to solve anything. Send love to your inner self instead and to the situation - and watch the problems dissolve into the light..

You may need to use cleverness and cunning to stay on top today. It may be wise to take what you can get, even if it's not everything you're hoping for. A quick change of scenery is possible - are you thinking of playing hooky? Take off if you feel like it. Just watch for someone who may want to sabotage or deceive you - or some sort of rip-off. There is a potential for deception if you don't stay alert..

You're on the move today - literally as well as spiritually and your spirit guides are right beside you every step of the way. If you feel like doing a little happy skip as you walk down the sidewalk or corridor, you'll probably make someone grin at your positive energy..

After some recent winds of change, you may be a little unsure of yourself, or feeling at fortune's mercy. Remember, what goes around comes around. Change doesn't necessarily mean loss. Be compassionate to those less fortunate than you - and there are many. Keep your seat belt on and go with the flow..

A situation which has caused you a headache - literally or symbolically - could end today. The key phrase is 'how do you spell relief'? An obstacle which has been blocking you may be revealed and resolved. Today's energies will help you deal with things swiftly and efficiently. Go get 'em!.

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

If there's a goal you've been trying to reach, it's time to jump high and grab the prize. And don't forget to let yourself enjoy the many admiring glances that will come your way when the trophy goes to you..

If a loved one hurts your feelings today, it is unintentional. However, you can't hold this inside and you need to communicate your feelings. While you don't want to make the situation worse, you need to calmly let your feelings be known so you don't harbor any resentment..

Do some research on a subject you have been wanting to learn for a while now. You'll find all the information you need if you ask for it. Today, a talkative but flighty appearing person will surprise you by showing their wealth of knowledge..

You may feel yourself emerging from hard times, emotionally and financially. Perhaps you will no longer need the assistance of someone who has been helping you in the past, and others around you also become more self-reliant today. Just remember to thank those who have done you a kindness..

A project that you have been planning or working on may abruptly come to an end. While you have had great ideas, more pressing things have come to the forefront. Try to salvage as much as you can as you may have to recreate or resurrect your efforts at a later date..

Your significant other is not in the same place as you in all matters spiritual. This might concern you. This would be a good time to share some of your spiritual insights or activities with those closest to you, in a gentle and non-demanding way. Don't get frustrated if they don't respond to you right away -- you're planting the seed for future growth. Teach through example..

Expect others to ask you for guidance and advice today. Even though you may not feel it, others see you as serene and wise. Don't disappoint them - give them the best that you've got! Let others enrich themselves through your example..

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 7/29/2008 8:32 PM
Thanks Ren
your  Hawks