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General : Tarotscope week of 08/04/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 8/5/2008 7:58 PM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

The word for today is 'oops'! You may miss some calls or visitors, experience delays or make little mistakes. Minor annoyances are likely to colour your day, but don't let them get to you. If you just grin you'll find you can sail through anything and even enjoy the trip. Don't jump to conclusions today as they are likely to be wrong..

You are probably lacking your usual energy, so don't even try to get an overflow of work done today - it will just be too frustrating. Lower the bar a bit today and be kind to yourself. It won't be the end of the world if you don't get everything done. Today, pause and just BE. Tomorrow's another day..

Things are not what they seem today. Unusual for you to be so moody - you may laugh and cry several times today. Pay attention to your dreams, intuitions and insights. If you look below the surface you may gain hidden knowledge. Your mother or a water sign woman will be in the picture and affect your emotional balance..

It's a great day for planning or taking a trip. A project may be coming to completion and everything's looking great. You may get news from overseas. The world will be a very pleasant place today, and a new cycle is on the horizon for you..

You've been very hard on yourself lately and alienating or distancing yourself from others has perhaps become a pattern. This needs to stop. Accept yourself for the miracle that you are - others like you just the way you are. Spend more time with a Leo - you'll roar with him!.

You may experience a little trouble with spoiled or frivolous youngsters today so try to take it in stride. You are likely feeling a bit frustrated and are chafing at the bit - a creative outlet would do you a world of good! Don't feel selfish if you do something just for your self. You deserve some pampering too..

An Earth sign person may enhance your day today, with assistance, advice, or just simply 'being there' for you. Money and business matters are looking good - take advantage of being on a roll. Key words for today are 'down to earth' and 'rock solid'..

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

The comfort that is found in Rocky Road ice cream probably doesn't address the real issues. If you are feeling battered and bruised emotionally, you need to go beyond Band-Aid solutions. You need some quiet time to sort out your feelings so don't be hard on yourself for wanting some alone time today..

It's a good idea to search for the truth. A person with a strong element of Libra is going to be a good sounding board for your concerns. Things that you find out aren't necessarily bad -- it will open up dialogue that has needed to happen for a long time..

You've seen the situation to the end; it's time to put it behind you. While you still have feelings about this, you won't be able to create new opportunities for yourself unless you let it go. Have a good cry (or laugh) over it, whatever works, or create a personal releasing ceremony, and you'll feel much lighter afterwards..

The fickle finger of fate may spin your wheel of fortune today. Examine all situations carefully, and if it's time to get off the ferris wheel for a while - just yell "stop". Pay attention to any car repairs needing to be addressed. It's not the best day to tempt fate or gamble either, so use caution and use your head..

It's not the best day to tackle those projects that you've been putting off. If your heart isn't in it, you'll just find it a chore, so wait until you can really focus and do a good job. Remember, half-hearted efforts are a total waste of time. It's better not to start something if you're not going to finish it. Give yourself a breather instead..

Tidy up business and financial affairs, especially any old accounts still hanging around. Make sure they are closed and get documentation saying so. Hang on to any paperwork you have regarding this -- you might need it later when you go for that major purchase. Today, think 'clean sweep'..

Others will want to get you out of your cubicle or your house. Even though you may not want to go, it would be good for you to get out and meet new people. Make an effort to be part of the crowd -- you don't need to isolate yourself in a corner (unless you are finding some special fun things to do there)!.

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

The waiting game may be coning to an end. Today's energies bring the opportunity to gain money or prestige. Financial and material matters will be in order and financial gains are possible. Keep your feet on the ground and all will be well. A brown-haired earth sign woman will be in the picture..

A wise woman will figure in your life today. Your dreams and intuitions are powerful and bang on, so listen to your inner voice. Relationships with women in general will be positive and gratifying..

It may seem today that you are being blocked or restrained in some way - but rest assured that the situation is temporary. You may be feeling a bit claustrophobic so look at ways to expand your horizons, either by getting out of doors for a bit or planning personal strategies for the future. If you're lucky, someone will 'rescue' you from something today - but if you get tired of waiting, do what needs to be done yourself..

An old idea is coming back in better form. You have the resources and energy to put this into action so get working on it! It will finally come together for you -- don't let anything stop you from seeing this vision through!.

You'll be seeing rainbows or fairy sparklies everywhere you look today - so start counting! It's a perfect day to celebrate a joyous event - or just make one up if you feel like it. Good friends will share a toast to good times - so join the group and lift your glass up high! If you're alone, a leisurely bubble bath might be just the ticket! You might even want to take a glass of wine or champagne in with you..

You may start the day feeling a sense of loss, sadness or depression. Your back may be bothering you. Something will end today. Remember, though, it is ALWAYS darkest before the dawn. Let go and move on - tomorrow's a much better day. Just to make you feel better - look for the number seven as your lucky number this week..

You're too far into your own thoughts to see what you should do. If you let the situation go, you'll be able to see your decision clearly. Release the agonizing you've been putting yourself through and you'll be able to see the answer is right in front of you..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Didn't listen to your instincts yesterday? A friendship or a romantic relationship may be a bit of a downer right now, especially if you've been overly impulsive in your actions. Are you giving more than you're getting? If so, perhaps it's time to let a relationship go. If you're suffering from a hangover today (too much of ANYthing) get some rest and take some vitamins. You'll soon feel better..

You feel like your significant other doesn't understand you. It's time to become comfortable with what you're sharing with this person. Be playful -- don't be so serious! Lighten up and others will see the light in you..

Don't be tempted to tell all your secrets to a new friend. This person can be quite a busybody and gossip and you'll find your business being blabbed. Do some more observations of this person before you put all your trust in them. All in all, it's a good day to keep private matters to yourself..

Your flair for positive communication will come in handy with an aggressive person. You'll say just the right thing to alleviate their fears. Make sure to follow through on your promises -- it will enhance your reputation. You can be the ultimate diplomat today - and get the way cleared to really get things done..

Thank goodness the weekend is here bringing a chance to rest! You've worked very hard all week and it's time to unwind. Let yourself go and relax! As long as your responsibilities are up to date, enjoy the glory of just being and deal with Monday when it arrives..

A Water sign woman is unhappy today, and may cause you difficulties. You may be feeling emotionally let down, yet others tend not to acknowledge your despair or difficulties, focusing on their own emotions instead. Your air of detachment doesn't allow others to comprehend the full depths of your emotions. You have two choices - open up and express yourself, or turn your attention to those who needing it right now. Better yet, do both..

"He ain't heavy, he's my brother" ... You've been expressing your wonderful humanitarian spirit and lending a helping hand wherever you can, but you can't take care of the whole world all by yourself. Take a rest - you can't help everyone if you don't look after yourself. Don't let your well run dry..

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 8/7/2008 2:42 PM
Thanks Ren