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General : Tarotscope week of 08/11/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 8/12/2008 10:29 PM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Sudden cosmic forces may make their marks on your life today - it is a time to be aware of the cycles and phases that come and go with the passing of time. Graceful acceptance of change makes beginnings and endings effortless, and spiritual transformation is highlighted..

Your defences may be down today, physically and emotionally, so avoid situations which may be more than you can deal with. It may seem today like there's no rest in sight - it's go, go, go, and you need to be constantly watchful. It's not a good day to be too complacent. Someone or something could really catch you off guard if you don't pay attention..

Are you feeling neglected by someone special in your life? Have some understanding -- they are working hard and have your welfare at heart. Stop comparing your relationship to others. Take another look and you may find that you've got everything you need right at home..

Today is a great travel day for you. Don't make this trip alone -- bring along a fun and comedic friend or an upbeat personality to take the trip with you. While you thought this was going to be a long journey, time just flies! Little things like singing in the car on a long drive will uplift you and your world..

Your day could start with something to celebrate, especially if you approach it with an air of happy anticipation. Relationships and family bring happiness, and a smile-making get-together may be in the works. Your hopes and dreams bring you joy..

You need some time out, but when? There's just no time to relax. If you're seriously burning the candle at both ends, at least make sure you're getting your vitamins. You can't run on empty you know. Make a point of taking time to refuel and recharge..

It's possible that others may try to restrict you, and have some quite plausible patter to go along with their actions. The good news is - you don't have to listen. Even if you do go along with the show for a while, just to avoid arguments, you'll find your way clear very soon..

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Today is a great day to spend time with your significant other. If you haven't met that special someone yet, the timing is perfect to send out welcoming vibes! You're being very outgoing and romantic so enjoy this energy and share it with others. Get ready for a playful and exciting day!.

This would be a great day just to experience a wonderful calmness. Have you gone into nature lately? This would be a good idea to get your thoughts together. Bring two friends so you can enjoy some company while you walk your path..

Today would be a great day to surprise someone you love with a visit. Even though you don't know it, they have been hoping to see you for a while. Make sure not to go empty handed -- everyone loves a gift, but if this isn't possible, even a phone call or email from you would be appreciated..

Music will help bring your mood to a happier level. It's as easy as turning on the radio. You might want to even start dancing a bit -- don't worry about who sees you. Give the neighbors a smile!.

Feeling different today? You are going through a transformation that you never dreamed possible but it is happening. Don't be afraid of the new road you are walking on -- you'll have guides to make sure it's okay. Listen to your angels -- they'll be with you..

It's time to wrap up that project. Procrastinating is going to get you nowhere. Put down the remote or computer mouse and tackle what you need to do. No one is going to finish the job for you -- no matter how much you wish it was so. You'll feel great as soon as your tasks are done!.

A person from your past is going to come back into your life. While you might be wary of this person's motives, he/she may just want to put some closure on a problem you never resolved. Take it for what it's worth and don't feel you have to try to rekindle a previous footing for the relationship - nurture the relationships that truly matter to your heart right now..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Pay close attention to detail. You may find a mistake that has been costing you money. It may not be too much money but at least it won't be leaving your bank account every month -- it adds up! It's a good day to have a close look at 'drains' and 'leaks' in general..

This would be another good day to tidy up finances and pay off some niggling bills. Get rid of old debt so you don't have to worry about it anymore. You can start consolidating funds to get you in line with attaining something your heart desires. Identify a dream today and then draw yourself a map..

You'll get put on the spot by someone who wants to take a few pot shots at you today. Take a deep breath and firmly state your position. You'll be able to survive this inquisition beautifully -- you clearly know your stuff. Whatever curveballs come your way today, step up to the plate and bat 'em straight out of the park..

Ah - it hasn't been easy lately, has it? Try not to dwell on past hurts and disappointments. Happiness comes from within, not from without, so try to nourish your own soul and don't rely on others to fill in any emotional holes - it ain't going to happen..

Partnerships may be difficult today. Your ideas don't seem to be communicated clearly and there is a lot of confusion about your position. You may not win the battle but you've laid the groundwork for the war. Being prepared is half the battle, so get your thoughts and aims in order..

A get together with friends is what you need to unwind. Let loose and relax! Make sure to head home early, though. You have things to take care of tomorrow so get adequate rest or you'll be feeling too sluggish to accomplish much..

It's not a good idea to drown your sorrows or anxieties in escapist behavior today, or to throw caution to the winds. Watch for people who want to take advantage of your good nature. A long-standing dream is tantalizingly close, so stay optimistic to keep the path clear..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Hey there, daydream believer! Fantasizing may be pleasant but will not get you where you want to go. You can't have everything you want (darn it!) so focus on something and make it happen. Other events will fall into place. Pay attention to dreams and visions today - you may get an important message. Significant number today is 7..

Don't give too much of yourself to people who don't deserve it. Are you ignoring your inner voice? Don't forget, it's there to help you - so take a quiet moment and listen - then honour it. Someone you know may be trying to manipulate you - trust your intuition..

You are in for a pretty powerful stretch - so be ready to deal with a wide range of events and emotions. Today the world is yours to shape as you like - you should be able to create something wonderful for yourself by sheer force of will. A great meal is also highlighted. Pull a rabbit out of a hat - you'll delight those around you..

Are you listening to your intuition? Your spirit guides are trying to communicate with you. You will be hearing some new information that will bring a situation to the light. It will become clear that you've been right all along. Noone will be able to keep a secret today so keep that in mind whether you are sharing or holding special information..

If it's time to move on today, you may find yourself contemplating sawing through the bars on the windows. But turn around - the door you thought was closed behind you is wide open for you to walk through. You don't need to take anything with you but the clothes on your back. The line between forward and backward may be a total illusion..

The past is holding you back from being who you can be. Isn't this burden getting really heavy for you? Release yourself from this -- it's over and there is nothing you can do about it. Ask Spirit for help so you can move on the greater things..

Lay a solid foundation to build on later by sorting out ideas and thoughts. Today is a better day for planning and for reflection than for implementation. Put off starting anything new or making any decisions -- these may not last. Review old proposals and go through old planners, files and journals to pull your thoughts together..

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From: ~So~Sent: 8/15/2008 10:28 PM
Thanks Ren