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General : Tarotscope week of 08/18/2008
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Recommend  Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 8/19/2008 11:14 PM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

You may not want to leave the proverbial party today, even though the band has packed up and called it a night. You'll just get depressed though if you sit in an empty room by yourself, so why not go home, process things, get some rest and come back another day?.

Financial and business matters are solidified today. An earth sign man will be in the picture and the relationship will be pleasant and beneficial. It's a good day to ask a boss or businessman for something you want. All feels right with the world - you will be happily grounded and centered..

Even if things are outwardly alright, you are tempted to indulge in a little gloominess today. If circumstances, however, do warrant reflection or sorrow, all is still not lost and there is a bright side within the situation that you can choose to focus on. Remember that each moment is a gift in which you can get going on starting a new reality..

An earth sign person may enhance your day today, with assistance, advice, or just simply 'being there' for you. Money and business matters are looking good - take advantage of being on a roll. Key words for today are 'down to earth' and 'rock solid'..

Your consistent generosity and kindly nature may cause someone to think they can take advantage of you. This is not necessarily deliberate, but could be a thoughtless miscalculation on someone's part. Be honest and firm when you draw the line..

Do not procrastinate on a project. You'll get a surprise request to have to come up with some material before your actual deadline so make sure you have something to show. Being on top of your game could even put a whole new spin on the project - to your benefit. On the personal front, you'll also be happy if you stick to your schedule..

More work needs to be done on an old situation that you tried to get out of without tying up all the loose ends. You have to cut the ties and let it go. While this may be difficult for you, it needs to be done so you can move forward. Be true to who you are today and don't let yourself be typecast in an old role..

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

You may receive an unexpected gift today. Watch for a message from 'a little bird'. A good day to enjoy the universe's gifts of flora and fauna, and a good day to enjoy your own company as well..

While it's always nice to make yourself feel better, don't go overboard. If you do that, you're going to create a bigger problem for yourself. Something unexpected will come up and you won't have the resources to take care of it if you do. Balance your immediate desires with your longer term goals..

It's likely that you're driving yourself crazy trying to make a decision, or there is one on a back burner that is draining your energy. You can't keep analyzing the situation over and over. Get out of your head and choose! Stop listening to 'shoulds' and follow your heart..

A new idea is presented to you. You can form it into two possibilities available to you. However, you need to decide whether you want to go down this road in the first place. Don't make a decision too quickly -- ask for some time to decide..

If you haven't been watching your diet, you may find yourself feeling rather uncomfortable today. And if you're feeling a bit used and abused - draw some new boundaries. Something you've really been wanting is a little slow in coming - but it's on the way if you keep to your side of the bargain..

Hold a loved one's hand today - and feel the beauty of the songs your souls sing together. The two part harmony will delight you - and all those around you too. The world can be your earthly garden on delight today - so make sure you go for a stroll and breathe deeply of the moment. Love reigns supreme..

It may not be easy today - especially since you're going to have to go head to head with someone. This woman doesn't understand you nor does she really want to so make sure you have all your information with you and ready to go. The angels are supporting you in this so take a deep breath and present your case..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

The events of the past few days culminate in a powerful way, and your world turns around in response. A kind and intelligent woman may be in the picture, and a major change will take place. You will accept life with tolerance and a generous spirit. A cycle is ending and a new one is beginning..

Your ship may be taking its own sweet time in coming in, but there's probably no forcing the issue. You may have been taking on a little too much in your daily life, and your juggling game isn't going so well. Maybe it's time to put one of the balls down if your hands are too full. Easing back a little will improve flow..

It's a great day to cooperate with others, whether in business, in material matters, or personal matters. Share your goals, dreams and visions - two heads are better than one - and you'll get further ahead than by going it alone..

Today brings renewed hope. Yes, that is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's time to let go of past disappointments, and see that the cup is half full, not half empty. Misunderstandings will be cleared up and old friends or loved ones may re-enter your life, bringing you joy. Embrace the wonders in your world..

You may be transferring departments or offices, which is going to give you a new opportunity so don't complain within earshot of anyone who can have influence over your career. Alternatively, do some shifting of your own in your surroundings - some fresh energy flow will be most helpful..

Good things come to those who keep their eyes open, so look around you. Are there any overlooked opportunities that need to be addressed? Three out of four ain't bad, but four out of four is better..

All the pieces have finally come together to make your business plan a solid one. Though you may be scared to ask for help, find the courage to make your request. Roll up your sleeves, you're going to be elbow deep in work soon! With someone's assistance, it will be a very pleasant and positive endeavour..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

You're going to learn something new today that you will truly enjoy. Let your inner child dance in delight and allow yourself to be transported. Someone close will catch your energy and you'll probably be giggling all day. Let your heart chakra swell in joy..

You're likely to be overdoing things or pursuing some obsessive pursuits - or alternatively, trying to break a cycle that has a hold on you. Either way, the important thing to remember, is that we create our own reality and we make or break our own earthly attachments and confines..

It may be feeling like the old 'one step forward, one step back' routine today. You know what? Maybe it would be a good idea to forget your material worries and practical cares today, and just do something you like to do. Don't you deserve that once in a while? Besides, if you put some music on, that one step forward and back can turn out to be a fun dance!.

Your boat may be tossed about a bit by the forces of nature today. If you stay calm and centered, focus on your perfect destination, and put a little muscle power into it, you can row your boat to more pleasant shores. Aye, Cap'n!.

Is your watch working? Better make sure -- there is an important meeting you don't want to be late for. A Leo is running the show so get to your appointment early. A good impression will take you a long way. Timing is important today..

Take some quiet personal time today to work on self-esteem issues. Outside negativities may end if they've been troubling you, but you still may need to do some spiritual work on remembering and honouring your true spirit. Truly loving your 'self' enables you to love others..

Satisfaction and peace should fill and surround you, especially on the home front. Contact your mother or a mentor - she'd love to hear from you, as would others who have nurtured you. Do some gardening or clean-up - it's a good day to spend some time in touch with your surroundings..

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Recommend  Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 8/20/2008 10:12 PM
Thanks Ren

Recommend  Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: Ren�?/A>Sent: 8/21/2008 5:57 AM
awww   reminds me of HAWK!!! <3    Thanks ~SO~

Recommend  Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 8/22/2008 9:30 PM
We dont have hummers in England Ren but every time I see a picture of one
i hear Hawk saying 'the hummers are back ' she used to be so happy when they returned.

Recommend  Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: jellybeanSent: 8/24/2008 8:39 PM
the humming bird is the only bird who can fly backwards. Have a great weekend!

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