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General : Tarotscope week of 08/25/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 8/28/2008 4:56 AM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

A period of indecision or immobility may be coming to an end today - but before you jump into anything, examine your perspective once again. Make sure that your goals and actions correspond with your own inner needs, and not just those of others. If you've been playing the martyr, it's time to call an end to the situation and to actively pursue what is best for you..

Your creativity and all-over energy should be on 'high' today, so bask in the self-confidence and use the day to let your talents shine. You have mastered something special, and this is the day to put it to use. The world will sit up and take notice. You are creating a fabulous stage for your future..

It's a day where you'll have to watch for thieves, crooks, schemes and rip-offs. Someone may try to take advantage of you so stay alert. On the other hand, it's a good day exercise your intellect. If you can't have it all, take what you can. You'll be the winner..

Right makes might - and you're leading the way into battle. You're on the right track - and it's the perfect time to make a point and follow through on your advantage. Others are waiting to fall in behind you. Full speed ahead!.

You get quite a blast from the past when a long lost friend calls you out of the blue. No reason to be suspicious or feel awkward -- they have only good intentions and good energies to share. You'll be surprised that even though time has passed, nothing has really changed. The past and the present may mystically blur today..

Delays, frustrations, cancellations - things just don't want to work today. Arguments are possible, and plans may have to be changed. Haste makes waste, so slow down and try to do it right the first time. People around you may be pushy and aggravating - so lie low. Have a laugh or giggle at the quirks of fate and go with the flow..

Small disappointments may make you way more upset or depressed today than the situation actually warrants, so don't make an unnecessary scene or rash gestures today. Any minor cloudbursts will leave a rainbow behind them as a gift, so just look for the magic - it is there if you really want to see it..

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

You're feeling like you're not sure what's going to happen next. You want to hide and see what develops. You are going to be an integral part of the process though so you can't hide for long. Reach out to others to provide a light in the darkness..

Trusting someone you have had problems with in the past might actually be to your advantage today. This person could have a good point or two in his assessment of a business or work situation, in spite of other strange or conflicting points of view. There's always something to be learned from listening to other people's opinons, whether or not you see eye to eye on everything..

People are concerned with doing the right thing today. Single people may receive proposals. You will want to go to a church or a mystical grove or say a prayer today. You'll be searching for the meaning of life, but don't expect any off-beat revelations. Tried and true wisdom rules the day and you can expect to be giving advice from a place of serenity..

Stand on your own two feet today and rely on the most trustworthy person you know - yourself. Others may disappoint you or fail to keep promises, so don't put too much stock in smiling faces mouthing empty words. You'll be your own best company today..

Connections will be made today that will help you get moving in the future. Feel free to broadcast your talents -- you have a lot to offer! There is a lot of opportunity to work with if you ask the right questions and don't hold back with expressing yourself. Don't be shy about asking questions of an elder..

It's possible someone (or some situation) has been bullying you - you may be getting weary of the fight, but today is not the day to let your defences down. There are always those who are on the lookout for a chink in your armour - so stay alert and protect all that which is important to you. You are head and shoulders above your opposition..

If you've found the perfect present for that special person, it will delight your heart. Pick it up and make sure to wrap it quickly. You don't want to spoil the surprise for them. If you're still searching, you may get some special inspiration today. Just the thought of giving will make you warm and glowing inside..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Today, you'll be feeling quite wise and philosophical - and you may be focusing on spiritual matters. You will get some good advice from someone you respect. Tried and true is best for you today..

Onward and upward, troops! You'll be the focus of attention as you step into action, and your loyal followers (or groupies) fall into step behind you. It's a great day to take up a new cause or project - so start marching!.

Some long-awaited success may be yours today. You may receive some recognition or award, and if you do, revel in it! You will feel confident and masterful. Lucky number for today is 6. Your animal guide for today is the horse..

Make sure to write down appointments or commitments -- you have some important events coming up. With life seeming unusually busy lately, you need to make extra sure you remember to come through with your promises or you'll disappoint an important person in your life..

A fortunate day for money matters and financial progress. Hard work and careful planning will pay off. Slow but steady wins the race, so pay attention to detail and take things step by step. Thumb your nose at that cheeky rabbit racing by! An honourable and dependable young man may be in the picture..

A father figure in your life (or an authority figure like your boss) is going to be laying down some rules that others don't like. Don't get caught up in the gossip. Morale will actually be lifted in the long run because those who aren't ready for the heat are going to get out of the kitchen..

Something has you a bit off balance today. Take some time for yourself to re-evaluate the important things. You have a tendency to look before you leap today, so try to use your common sense. Take things one item at a time and you will make progress..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The time of feeling like you're fighting an uphill battle is over. A Water person you know is going to be working behind the scenes to help make sure you can take a well-deserved pause. Breathe a sigh of relief, strecth and shake that booty -- a new adventure is set to start unfolding before you know it!.

Today hope is renewed, and a self-imposed exile ends. Misunderstandings will be resolved, old friendships and old ties may be revisited. On the other hand, you may need to come to terms with a loss or an ending today. You can look at the glass as half empty or half full, and thus set the tone for your life lessons..

Money matters may look kind of bleak today. It seems you have to work so hard and need to go it alone - there's no assistance in sight. Delays in financial and business matters are temporary, so try not to worry too much. Some promised help may not materialize now, but the cosmos has plans being considered behind the scenes..

You may be feeling that there are things holding your back right now from feeling in perfect harmony. You have the power to get out of this by focusing on your spiritual center. Weather the stormy energies for a little while longer and you'll have the balanced happiness you've been looking for..

You're quite clear on what is black and what is white - but maybe you've forgotten that there are many lovely shades of grey in between. Remember, all roads lead to Rome, and if you don't like the one you're on - try another! You may be tempted to chew up the pavement today, but you are better off at a steady pace and with both hands on the wheel..

You may be on top of the world, but don't let it make you difficult or arrogant. Someone may want to cross swords with you today or engage in verbal battle. Don't worry too much about those who are mean-spirited - just avoid any sourpusses and you can stay above it all. Envision all anoyances covered by a pink fuzzy blanket of love..

It's possible you've been dwelling on the good old days - and indulging in a little melancholy. Yes, your past was important in that it made you what you are, but it is now part of your very fibre so there is no need to hold on to it so tightly. Today, youc can joyfully evolve! Becoming a NEW YOU can truly create a brand new world of opportunity..

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 8/28/2008 12:04 PM
Thanks Ren