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General : Tarotscope week of 09/01/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 9/3/2008 1:42 AM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Don't turn down the opportunity to go to lunch or have a nice chat with a co-worker or friend, even though you have a lot of work to do. They know more than they are letting on to you and something very interesting may be revealed. You've been the topic of some exciting discussion so keep an open mind..

You really get moving today - applying yourself to whatever tasks are at hand. A great day for redecorating or renovating, for cleaning out closets, for getting jobs done. You'll be happy to help someone out if they ask you - your expertise will be needed and welcomed..

Okay, so it seems like a crazy thing to do. Or is it? You are going to find that far-fetched idea is really not so wacky or unrealistic. The only thing that is holding you back is yourself. Stop doubting your talent and vision and take a chance on you..

Abundance can come your way if you have the room to receive it. Stop focusing on what you don't have and thank Spirit for what you do have. You'll see that you're not lacking, but actually, you have more than you ever dreamed was possible at one time..

You have a big decision to make today and you are confused about which way to go. Don't worry about it. You need to go with the flow and choose what you think is best for you. Whether or not you know it, you have divine guidance..

Money may be causing you a lot of stress. It doesn't need to be. Just because you're short on funds doesn't mean that you can't accomplish what you want to. Think about a creative way to get to your goal -- it's there, you just haven't been seeing it. Remember, money is just another form of energy for you to work with..

Be very careful of those who are proclaiming they are on your side a little too loudly. They have their own motives and may not be in your corner if push comes to shove. Keep your guard up today and watch for the person hiding behind the mask. Use your intuition along with focused reasoning..

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

A group outing will prove to be an adventure, to say the least. However, it's going to give you the opportunity to move around. It could be something as simple as going to the mall. A customer service situation will be to your benefit..

You've stepped forward with a new attitude or decision. Expect some minor arguments and difficulties as people around you adjust to the new vibes. Don't get too upset - any difficulties will be a tempest in a teacup. Your theme song is 'I Gotta Be Me...'..

Finances and security issues may be worrisome, but sometimes we need to stop focusing on the material realm and start nurturing the inner self. The material world is an illusion - but our true nature and spirit are ours forever. Share your SELF today..

It may turn out that not everyone is happy for your triumphs and accomplishments - so, who cares? Don't let anyone's nose being out of joint detract from your glory. Only you know the ground you have traveled. If career and finances aren't flowing as smoothly today as they could be - put those matters aside for a little while and focus on something else..

If you've been following your emotional urges this week to leave the past behind, you may feel like your world has turned upside down. If you haven't let go of the unnecessary and unhealthy, however, you will be frustrated with yourself and the world around you. Don't let a fear of change allow you to keep from moving forward. Trips may be delayed or cancelled but it might actually be for the best. You may get 'stuck' today, so take precautions..

Staying on an even keel in spite of the new and exciting events and possibilities around you may be difficult but you can do it. Steady progress is favoured by responsible and prudent attitude and actions. Good financial news is on the way..

You may find people overly sensitive and even moody today, so if you want to avoid unpleasantness, you may have to go out of your way to be extra understanding and forgiving. Chances are the other person is being unreasonable, but you'll have to be the bigger person today..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Make sure to have all your facts straight before you accuse someone of handling a situation incorrectly. Do some detective work to solidify your argument. Even if your suspicions are correct, you need the facts to back you up..

Chin up and soldier on today. You may find you need to defend yourself today to hold your ground. Backing away from a confrontation is not in your best interests. Go forward and get what you want - you can do it!.

Impatience or delayed gratification may be keywords today. Delays are probably temporary and should be taken in stride - a beacon will shine for you VERY soon. You may have to turn your house upside down (literally or metaphorically) today..

Hark, the herald angels sing.... there's all kinds of news, action, adventure and excitement, and it all seems heaven sent. You're humming those holiday songs regardless of the season - good for you. We've all heard of 'Christmas in July' and any time you chose can be a time of joy and goodwill. Be ready for unexpected visitors or phone calls today..

The more you hold on to the past, the more you'll stay there. Take the time today to clear up an old situation with a family member. Once it is done, keep it in the past. You'll see you're going to have more opportunities coming your way..

You're coming into a peaceful and harmonious cycle in your life. Is there someone you need to repair a relationship with? This would be a good time to do so. Take the first step and wave the white flag. It doesn't matter who was wrong or right..

If you're feeling stuck and unable to move on, it may be time to get some outside advice. Try to spend some time outdoors - there's a danger of a headache or migraine coming on if you don't relax or get some fresh air. A great day to spend some time by the water - you may gain a new viewpoint if you allow your mind to clear. Even a bubble bath will help! If you're feeling blocked today, relax - tomorrow will shed some light on your situation..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

A social event with a friend may have to be postponed due to logistical or transportation problems. Don't get upset -- it's just not meant to be today. And, besides, don't you need a little extra time to get some important chores done instead? There's no such thing as wasted time unless you deliberately throw it away..

Are you misusing or not taking full advantage of your talents and skills? Just because others appear strong and masterful doesn't mean they have any more gifts and abilities than you do. Stay alert and put your gifts to work for you. Don't be afraid to strut your stuff too..

You can expect some difficulties or issues with family members to day as well as family finances but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Don't panic - but put some thought into solidifying assets and relationships. Also watch for intruders and don't be surprised if a family skeleton comes out of the closet and says "Boo!".

It is likely that you are clinging to something or someone which is no longer useful or beneficial in your life. Too much baggage will slow your progress, so check through what you are carrying with you and discard as much as you can. Don't be afraid - the universe is abundant and has its own rhythms and reasons..

Have you been shopping for new clothes lately? Consider giving your closet a good reassessment. You're going to need to upgrade and update your wardrobe because you'll soon be in a position where you'll have to dress up more often. Besides, closet cleaning is great Feng Shui practice and a wardrobe update will bring some innrer sparkle out..

A dream you've been trying to make into reality is going to take a teeny bit more time than anticipated. Don't let this postponement discourage you. Your Spirit Guide has more work for you before the package is wrapped up. In the meantime, the stage is being set to be just perfect for the end result..

Even though a water sign person in your life seems rather cranky, you're going to take the plunge and trust him on his opinion. This is going to bring about a brand new opportunity if you can trust the advice he has for you. Two heads are often better than one..

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 9/5/2008 9:08 AM
Thanks Ren