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MORTISHA' S PATH OF SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT!Contains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Recommend  Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 9/21/2008 11:10 AM


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Hello dear sweet cyber family, Carrie gave us another beauty, hope you will all  enjoy it as much as I did! Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings.

 & Uma

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Hold these two thoughts in your mind at once.  "I am perfect exactly as I am" and "I am evolving into the next version of myself even now."


Hold these two thoughts in your mind at once:  "I am deeply loved exactly as I am in this moment, no matter what I have done or left undone,"  and "I am surrounded by warm and supporting love and gently guided into my next evolutionary step."


Hold these thoughts in your mind at the same time:  "I am gently guided toward transformation into a higher, more lifted state" and "I am, right now, connected with the highest and wisest, the deepest and truest, one with all that is in its wonder and perfection."


For all of this is true.  You are a part of all that is and everything, as it is in this moment, is by definition, exactly as it should be, including you.  And yet, there is evolution, there is growth and becoming, there is an infinite lifting into higher forms of being.  And yet, at the very same time, you are already there.  You are already at the highest and widest, the greatest and truest, right now.


And with all paradox, the best path is simply to accept the true and apparently contradictory state, just as you are, just as it is. 


And in this state of both being and becoming, in this state of oneness and yet becoming one, you are utterly unique.  You are like the snowflake, part of the endless bank of snow that sparkles in the morning sunlight and yet, when viewed more closely, a completely unique pattern of your own.


You are also the butterfly, going through your stages of cocooning and becoming, as you transform over and over into the next level of being, and yet, through all of those stages, through the crawling, through the melting down and reforming, and through the emerging, soaring glory, you are still always yourself, that unique pattern that is you. 


Let all of this lie comfortably within you.  Be the bank of snow and the snowflake.  Be the crawling caterpillar, the quiet cocoon, the emerging butterfly, damp and struggling, and the beauty that soars.  Be this over and over, each version of yourself more wondrous than the next.


And through it all, be peaceful inside, knowing that you are deeply loved and treasured for being exactly who you are, in your essential self and your growing becoming self.  You are deeply loved and treasured right now, exactly as you are.  You are.

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~Assembled by ~Uma~

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 9/21/2008 9:58 PM
Thank you Uma