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General : Tarotscope week of 09/22/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 9/23/2008 4:18 AM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

A long-awaited goal will come to fruition today, or at least you will feel a phase or life cycle has been completed. It will be an 'all's well that ends well' kind of day, so make the most of it! Just make sure to enjoy the moments as much as the milestones..

You may find yourself lying awake at night worrying about things. Your hands are tied at the moment, so try to let those worries go. Worrying only weakens you, and there's not much point fearing a future that hasn't happened. Drink a warm cup of herbal relaxing tea before you go to bed tonight, and let your stresses dissipate into the hands of the universe..

Thank goodness you don't have to get too dressed up today because you might be having some problems with the alarm clock and schedules in general. You'll make it to where you need to go on time but it may be quite an adventure getting there. Enjoy the journey..

You may have been feeling like you've been playing a waiting game, but that will end today as the proverbial ball gets rolling. If you take advantage of today's energies, you can see things with a whole new perspective. New viewpoints and strategies will bolster you for a powerful cycle ahead..

You'll see a ray of light today in any financial or legal matters that have been hanging over your head. If someone has been leaning on you for support, they may discover the strength to stand on their own today - a gentle nudge from you may help..

Make an effort today to find some peaceful, pleasant surroundings where you can nurture your spirit. Time spent out of doors will clear your mind. You may find new inspiration or motivation for contemplation or meditation today. Let yourself follow where your spirit leads..

Everything and everyone you come in contact with today is in harmony. It's a day of effortless communication and smooth sailing. Since you are feeling so happy and loving today, why don't you make a phone call and spread the joy?.

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

There could be some signs of improvement in problematic financial or legal issues which have been hanging over your head. In the best case scenario you will clear up some of these matters today, or at least you will be doing something about them so improvement is just down the road. A positive attitude and faith in a satisfying outcome will get you through anything..

Financial and business matters seem well in hand today - did you balance your checkbook yesterday? A new job or promotion may be in the works today. Your boss or business partner, or an important associate admires you..

Abracadabra! The world is what you make of it today. Just wave that magic wand of yours and people will sit up and take notice - especially when the rabbit jumps out of the hat. Whatever your passion is, express it today - cook a fine meal, do some crystal ball gazing, or indulge in your favourite crafts - you'll be surprised at what you can come up with..

Someone or something is rocking the boat - you'll have to hold fast and stand firm. Don't worry - if the foundations are strong enough and worthy, you'll find your footing. Anything that is superfluous in your life though, may be washed away with the waves..

Today is a good day to tidy up things and catch up on those errands and chores that have been nagging you. No one likes to see laundry piling up in the corner, and straightening up your work area is good Feng Shui. Make sure to mail and pay all your bills today -- you don't want to get hit with late fees!.

Don't take no for an answer today. There are others who will tell you that you have to wait but that's not necessarily true. Take control and you can create what you want. Don't look for the most obvious answer -- if you have to lay a lot of groundwork to make your vision happen, grab your shovel..

It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it. If an impasse has been reached, it's time to pick up the pieces and get on with things. The key word for today is clean-up, so you might as well get on with it, whether it's symbolic or literal. You'll feel much better once it is dealt with..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

You're surrounded by fun and loving people today - and you enjoy their kind words and friendly gestures. Some of them may just be passing through, though, so don't count on them being there forever. Enjoy the moment instead..

You've got the choice between manifesting one or the other of two ideas into reality. This is a tough decision so make sure to research thoroughly before doing anything. Talk to a loved one, from your heart, about this process -- you will likely get some great ideas to help you choose your best course of action..

Today would be a good day to focus in on a new exercise plan or self-improvement regimen. You have the energy to put your vision into motion. Gather all the information you need to make a decision and get moving! By doing this, you'll find you're going to get rid of some stress, and 'stuff' which has been holding you back..

There may be a small fly in the ointment today after some good energy flow you've been experiencing recently. Watch for rash, impulsive decisions - yours, and those of people around you. Don't overspend and think before you speak, just to make sure you maintain your ground..

It may be better to give than to receive today, so don't hesitate to help out when you can. What goes around comes around, so be generous. You may receive a loan today, or you may donate to a worthy charity - either way, the karma is good..

Today would not be a good day to let yourself get out of control. Watch your temper and your words. Someone is having a bad day and they are taking it out on you. However, you can make it worse for yourself if you react. You will receive thanks for your calmness later..

A friend may need you but you need to decide if getting involved is the best thing for you to do. Consider how your friend got into the situation in the first place. Is helping them actually hurting them in the long run? Lend support, but be ready to push little birds out of the nest when it's time!.

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

If you have to visit someone in the hospital or send a message to someone who's not feeling too well, your comforting words or presence will go a long way towards helping that person's spirits lift. Your words will be meaningful and important to someone today..

You're riding so high on the Ferris Wheel of life today that you could laugh out loud for the sheer exhilaration of it. Keep your eyes open and seize those wonderful opportunities you can nab on your way up..

You're trying to make a decision and you're at a loss. Ask for some guidance not only from a wise Fire Sign person, perhaps an Aries - but look for some divine guidance. You need to make a decision soon, however -- others are getting impatient and so is your inner guide. Any decision is better than none at all..

Have you finally clicked in about a soul mate or soul friend? Someone special may have been playing a cosmic hide and seek game with you for quite some time. You can make the transition to embrace this person in your life but you have to make a clean break from anything that's holding you back..

Make sure to proof your work today. If you don't, you may end up being emarrassed by some mistakes or oversights. Take a few extra minutes to make sure the work you do is to the best of your abilities - haphazardness or inattention will be noticed, while attention to detail will earn kudos..

Serenity, even if you can only find it in snatches, will bring intuition and deep wisdom today. Trust your inner voices - they are your higher self speaking to you - telling you what you already know but need to bring to the forefront of your consciousness. You will be happy among the colours blue, indigo and violet today - the colours of the three higher chakras..

You're intrigued by an Earth person with a very kind nature. While you don't know this person very well, you will hit it off and build a great rapport quickly. This new friend can work behind the scenes for you so be careful what you wish for -- he can manifest it for you..

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 9/28/2008 9:52 PM
Thanks Ren