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General : Tarotscope week of 09/29/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 9/30/2008 7:24 AM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

You may be feeling you can no longer go on with a situation the way it is. You need to confront your fears and problems with a significant other so things can change for the better. If you don't identify your issues and confront this, you won't get the closeness you are longing for..

Negotiations, purchases and sales may be disappointing and difficult today so leave them for another day. It's not the best day for shopping - you may get the short end of the stick - or for signing agreements of any kind. This influence carries forward a few days, so wait until things change in a day or two - you will feel the difference..

You're feeling exhausted lately and that's because you are running yourself ragged with things that may not really need such an investment from you. Ask yourself if all this is worth it. The frantic pace and long to-do lists are probably not fulfilling your life, so it's best to stop your crazy schedule and give yourself some breathing room..

Carry on 'carrying on' today - you can do it. The end of the road is in sight for one of your projects or concerns - so even if you're getting a wee bit tired, you're going to cross that finish line. If you're having any problems in your arms, neck and shoulders, it would be wise to have it tended to..

A young person will delight you with charm and creativity. Perhaps it's time to let your own creative spirit soar a little - fresh viewpoints may emerge that will give you a new take on a situation. Listen to some music, or paint a picture, or plant a flower - enjoy creativity in all its aspects..

You've been trying hard to keep your guard up but you can't do it anymore. Stop trying to protect yourself with walls -- you're not fooling anyone. Finding your spiritual centre will be all the protection you need. Put down those heavy shields and rest those tired arms..

The trumpets are blaring in your skies today - be ready for good news, new loves, welcome messages and quick movement. Enjoy the celestial music. Speaking of music, make sure you turn your radio on today - you may hear something heartwarming and inspirational!.

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Opportunities abound, but wishful thinking will get you nowhere. Of course, if it makes you happy to have your head in the clouds a little bit, go for it - just keep in mind that you'll eventually have to choose a course and get moving..

Tonight would be great to socialize with people you haven't seen in a while, or at least pick up the phone to get in touch with some neglected friends. If you go out, you should get home at a decent time though, because you still have to get up refreshed tomorrow. You don't want to sleep through your alarm!.

You feel like a juggler - balancing responsibilities or juggling finances today. No problem though - you'll manage just fine. You may be 'settling' financial matters with someone, and all will turn out well. Today is a good day to 'sail away'. Changes are in the air - your life may turn around. Go with the flow..

Some situations which seemed burdensome or even impossible to surmount won't look quite so difficult today. You can do some chin-ups and see the magnificent sunrise on the horizon! It's a good day to try to break a bad habit. You may pay off a bill or loan which has been causing you stress. Key words: cutting the ties that bind..

Before you write someone or something out of your life, look at your motivations. If it's a friend being difficult, maybe they have a hidden reason to be. Instead of running away, ask if you can help. A situation can be turned around with modifications too, instead of total backlash..

You feel like your significant other doesn't understand you. It's time to become comfortable with what you're sharing with this person. Be playful -- don't be so serious! Lighten up and others will see the light in you..

Don't waste a precious day brooding, even though you are tempted to. You may be inclined to be a bit lazy and apathetic and maybe, you'll be overly dreamy and sensitive. Young people also may cause some worry, especially if you're inclined to brood on things, so instead, do some physical activity or simply get out and about. Satisfaction will follow..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

It's easy to sit back and relax because things seem to be flowing easily right now. However, if you you become too complacent, you'll never grow. You have to get out of your comfort zone in order to experience more in your life. Listen to those who offer new experiences -- you can benefit from them..

You're coming into a peaceful and harmonious cycle in your life. Is there someone you need to repair a relationship with? This would be a good time to do so. Take the first step and wave the white flag. It doesn't matter who was wrong or right..

You're a great problem solver today - you can weigh both sides of any situation and come out on top. Are you debating taking a trip, or are you seeing someone off? Someone's trying to save up for a cruise or trip - it might take some extra effort but it will be worth it..

If you've been sitting on the fence, you'll have to make your move today. Any decision is better than no decision at all. Make a statement - even a small one, and other things should start to fall into place..

There are too many cooks in the kitchen. Your ideas are being disregarded and this could leave you feeling frustrated or sad. Try not to be resentful of all the input from others. Integrate suggestions, ideas, and thoughts into a new proposal or a new package. You'll see you've learned a lot..

Hold your hat on - today will be busy and fun - good thing you're full of energy! You're raring to go and full of creativity, so go for it! A strong, helping hand may be offered, so take it..

Someone helps you out of the goodness of their heart today. You in turn are in a generous mood - it's a great day to spread love and happiness. Money will change hands today - loans or gifts will be made in a helpful environment..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

It's just one of those days. You'll be wondering if the angels are playing jokes on you because you can't seem to find your keys or you can't wear the outfit your originally planned. Roll with whatever punches come your way and keep your sense of humor -you'll see that you can enjoy the ride, maybe even more than if it was calm and smooth..

Trust your intuition today. The more you listen to and honour your inner voice, the more will be revealed to you. You don't need to wait for a booming voice from the heavens to tell you what you should do next!.

Your group of colleagues and associates, or personal contacts will finally get on the same page as you. You've been feeling isolated or a bit of a misfit lately. However, people will finally see the wisdom in your ideas and atitudes, and balance will finally be brought back into your life..

A decision comes down that disappoints you today. Handle it with grace. This is actually going to benefit you in the long run but you are going to have to stay where you are for a just a little while. Don't be bitter - bide your time knowing that you're going to come out of this in a better place once the wheel has turned completely..

You may be dealing with news from far-away family or friends today - perhaps it's time you arranged for a long-overdue visit. A change of scenery is probably a good idea in any event - so plan a trip or an outing, if not for today, then for the near future..

It's time to take the bull by the horns - or rather, just assume your most authoritative posture. Your grand presence will cause the world around you to stop and take notice. Your intellect and sense of command will be tempered by serenity and benevolence. Give and take advice freely today, especially in professional areas..

Get all your work done before you start socializing. You're going to get called on it if you are doing too much goofing off. It's better not to have any projects you've procrastinated on hanging over your head anyway -- get it done and off your plate. Then you can really enjoy some time out!.

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