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MORTISHA' S PATH OF SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT!Contains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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General : Tarotscope week of 10/06/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 10/8/2008 4:00 AM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Today is going to be an intense day for you. You're going to have to lead the charge to fight for what's right. You'll be surprised at what strength you'll find inside and others will admire you for your courage in confronting the issue. Stand your ground - you have the support of more people than you know..

People are concerned with doing the right thing today. Single people may receive proposals. You will want to go to a church or a mystical grove or say a prayer today. You'll be searching for the meaning of life, but don't expect any off-beat revelations. Tried and true wisdom rules the day and you can expect to be giving advice from a place of serenity..

Oh, oh! You're feeling reckless today, and ready to fly in the face of convention! You'll probably surprise someone today with your unorthodox attitude - and you'll probably enjoy doing it! Alternative and New Age beliefs will interest you today. Someone will step off the beaten path..

If you haven't been watching your diet, you may find yourself feeling rather uncomfortable today. And if you're feeling a bit used and abused - draw some new boundaries. Something you've really been wanting is a little slow in coming - but it's on the way if you keep to your side of the bargain..

You're not going to want to be in a confined atmosphere today - home and family situations may be unsettling right now. If you can find a congenial place away from your problems, you may want to spend the evening out. Insecurity - financial and emotional - may be niggling at you, and family matters, especially parents and partners, may be burdensome. If possible, leave financial decisions for another day, and focus on enjoying what the moment has to offer..

Do not procrastinate on a project. You'll get a surprise request to have to come up with some material before your actual deadline so make sure you have something to show. Being on top of your game could even put a whole new spin on the project - to your benefit. On the personal front, you'll also be happy if you stick to your schedule..

Although practical matters may be looking great today, you may be feeling a bit emotionally bereft. You may have to be your own best friend today. That's okay - there's plenty of gratifying things you can do in private that you can't in a crowd:>).

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

You're likely to be feeling like the passenger and not the driver today - and it's not your cup of tea to be at the mercy of others' whims. If you want to 'ride' out the day harmoniously, try to sit back and relax - you can take back the steering wheel tomorrow, and by then, you'll know the road too..

A standoff or stalemate situation has you deadlocked. You feel like you're getting nowhere fast and perhaps it's another person standing in your way. Confront issues directly, because until you do, there's no moving on. Your eyes may be tired or strained today - if so, give them a rest. Take that cat nap or meditate for a few minutes and you'll see a whole new world..

Recent spiritual desires and dreamy fantasies become today's practical, earthy delights. You may feel like a king or queen gazing about you with satisfaction as you sit on your rightful throne. Fertility and creativity express themselves everywhere you look. Enjoy the abundance..

You may have an unexpected confrontation today. You didn't know how this person has been feeling and now he/she has blown up like a mini volcano. Make sure to listen to another's points and get to the bottom of any conflict, even when this person isn't necessarily communicating his/her feelings very well. You can shine as a diplomat..

You may be driving yourself crazy trying to make a decision. Analyzing the situation over and over is not bringing answers, so maybe it's time to get out of your head and just choose. Stop listening to that rational mind set that has you so bogged down and follow your heart..

Money matters may look kind of bleak today. It seems you have to work so hard and need to go it alone - there's no assistance in sight. Delays in financial and business matters are temporary, so try not to worry too much. Some promised help may not materialize now, but the cosmos has plans being considered behind the scenes..

You need to talk out your feelings with someone in your immediate circle. Keeping things bottled up inside will only cause problems in the long run. Clearing the air is going to change things for the better. Take the rubbish to the curb and wave it goodbye..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

An old love is going to tug at your heartstrings today. It's going to be up to you to decide if you want any kind of relationship - friendship or more - if you're available. If you're in a relationship, you'll have close the old chapter in this book once and for all if you want to move forward..

Obstacles and barriers that seemed rock solid will finally melt away today and the freedom that follows will be exhilarating. Breathe deeply of freedom, spread your arms wide, and allow your true desires to manifest in the way the universe intended all along. The view from the rear view mirror will be clear and in perfect focus as you check your bearings..

You may be on top of the world, but don't let it make you difficult or arrogant. Someone may want to cross swords with you today or engage in verbal battle. Don't worry too much about those who are mean-spirited - just avoid any sourpusses and you can stay above it all. Envision all anoyances covered by a pink fuzzy blanket of love..

After some recent winds of change, you may be a little unsure of yourself, or feeling at fortune's mercy. Remember, what goes around comes around. Change doesn't necessarily mean loss. Be compassionate to those less fortunate than you - and there are many. Keep your seat belt on and go with the flow..

Make sure to double check to verify that any correspondence you send out or have sent recently is received properly. Do not assume just because you saw the fax go through, left a recording, or clicked 'send' on your email, that the message actually arrives. If there's any room for doubt today, play it safe and touch base with the other party. A follow up phone call will add a touch of magic..

You or someone close is worried about financial matters today. Poor choices come back to haunt them. If asked, advise against wasteful spending as it will not bring long term satisfaction. Lessons learned from mistakes are great gifts for the future. A woman may be holding back. Your pets will need special attention today..

Storms are in the air - whether it's in the sky outside, or in your emotional well-being. Clashes are likely, and situations which you thought were rock-solid may be assaulted by sudden forces. Never mind - sometimes a good storm is needed to clear away unnecessary debris. If the time comes to jump ship, though, be ready. You'll regain terra firma cleansed and refreshed..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Someone will be bossy and controlling today, or you will be difficult and cranky. Expect difficulties with authority figures. If you are a parent, your children will tell you you're being too strict. Lighten up a little. Call your father or a father figure and make sure he's ok. You'll put a smile in his heart..

Take a moment today to just sit quietly, breathe deeply, and find a quiet place within you. Even a five minute break will do wonders. Honour the life force within you and let that little voice say its piece. You may gain some surprising and wonderful new perspective on life..

You should spend some quiet time with a good friend today. You might want to keep your feelings to yourself but in fact, it's an ideal time to say how you feel. Get those emotions out in the open and discuss the possibilities..

A loving and helpful Aquarian person or a special loved one on the other side may be on your mind today. It's a great day to nurture and to receive. Your angels are close to you and supportive of all your humanitarian efforts. There is a positive light shining on you - so soak up the glow, and reflect it back to the universe..

If you're tempted to cut corners today, think again. Something worth doing is worth doing well. Second rate efforts will leave a mark, and may come back to haunt you. If you don't really feel like cleaning out those cupboards today, just leave it for another day when you can do it with zeal..

It is likely that you are clinging to something or someone which is no longer useful or beneficial in your life. Too much baggage will slow your progress, so check through what you are carrying with you and discard as much as you can. Don't be afraid - the universe is abundant and has its own rhythms and reasons..

It's time to take action to create some balance in your life and career. You are probably feeling overwhelmed in certain areas so take a fresh look at what you can eliminate or delegate to others. Make a 'want to do' and 'need to do' checklist and see how things stack up..

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 10/8/2008 8:40 PM
Thanks Ren